Jakarta-Today, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) visited the headquarters of the Directorate General of Taxation, Ministry of Finance, Jakarta. Jokowi is to report the arrival of Tax (SPT) Annual Tax 2014. Based on field pantauandetikFinancedi, Thursday (03/19/2015), Jokowi came at around 13.05 pm. Jokowi arrival is not accompanied by First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo. Visible only Secretary of State Pratikno coming together Jokowi. We will enter the head office of the Directorate General of Taxation, Jokowi greeted by Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro, Deputy Minister of Finance Mardiasmo, Director General of Taxation Sigit Priadi Pramudito, and a number of officials of the Directorate General of Taxation. Jokowi wearing a black suit combined with a red tie and then went to the Tax Corner near the entrance. There, aided Jokowi tax officer to fill reporting forms electronically (e-filing).