Tradisi ini dilakukan biasanya untuk meminta pertolongan kepada kukun (arwah leluhur di alam baka), agar memperoleh ketentraman, kedamaian, dan kesehatan yang baik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Bila ada anggota keluarga yang sakit, maka hal itu adalah merupakan murka para leluhur yang tidak senang dengan perbuatan mereka, dan untuk memulihkan kembali kesehatannya dilakukan upacara ritual tunu dengan maksud untuk menyampaikan permohonan maaf atas kelalaiannya. Demikian juga jika tidak memperoleh hasil panen yang baik dan musibah seperti banjir, gempa bumi, dan kekeringan yang berkepanjangan.
This tradition was usually to ask for help to Kukun (ancestral spirits in the afterlife), in order to obtain peace, peace, and good health in everyday life. when a family member is sick, then it is an angry ancestors are not happy with their actions,and to restore health tunu ritual ceremony with the intention to convey an apology for negligence. as well if not obtaining good harvests and disasters such as floods, earthquakes and drought.

This tradition is done usually to ask for help to kukun (deceased ancestors in the afterlife), in order to obtain harmony, peace, and good health in everyday life. When there are family members who are ill, then it is the wrath of the ancestors who are not happy with their deeds, and to regain his health was conducted ceremonies with the intent to convey the tunu apology over his indifference. Likewise if it does gain a good harvest and natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and a prolonged drought.