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Kita ini semua sama
Satu akar dari satu dasar
Semua benar semua salah
Tergantung darimana kaumelihatnya

Ouw Ouw O Ow Ouwh

Manusia adalah manusia
Ingin selalu terlihat mulia
Bicara seakan utusandewa
Silat lidah silap kata

Tuhanku tuhanmu
Tuhanmu tuhanku

Hanya dia segala maha
Kita hanya makhluk jelata
Agamaku agamamu
Agamamu agamaku
Aku sama dengan dirimu
Sebuah am yang perlu kau tau

Ouw Ouw O Owoo Ouwh owh

Apa kau? Apa kau lebih baik?
Lebih dari yang ada disini?
Apakau? Apa kau lebih baik?
Lebih suci dari kami?

Kita berbeda warna beda budaya juga ajaran
Kita beda pendapat, paradigm dalam berdoa
Beda budaya, berbicara, juga cara berpikir, bergulir, mengalir….

Silat lidah, silap kata untuk terlihat mulia
Lebih baik lebih suci dari kita
Tuhanmu juga tuhanku
Tuhanmu tuhanku
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
We are all the sameOne root of the basic oneAll right all wrongDepending on the origin of kaumelihatnyaOuw Ouw O Ow OuwhA human being is a human beingWant to always look gloriousTalk as if utusandewaSilat tongue words correctMy God your LordThe Lord my GodOnly he is all mostWe are just ordinary beingsMy religion your religionMy religion your religionI'm the same with youA PM you need to knowOuw Ouw O Ouwh owh OwooWhat are you? What are you better?Over here?Apakau? What are you better?Holier than us?We also cultures of different colors of different teachingOur difference of opinion, paradigm in prayingDifferent cultures, speak, also a way of thinking, rolling, flowing ....Silat tongue, erroneously said to look nobleBetter more sacred than ourYour God is also my GodThe Lord my God
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
We are all the same
One root of the basic
All right all wrong
Depending where kaumelihatnya Ouw Ouw O Ow Ouwh Man is man always looks noble Want to Talk if utusandewa Silat tongue mistaken word god Lord your God my god almighty only him all ordinary beings we only religion My religion Your religion my religion I am equal to you A am that needs you know Ouw Ouw O Owoo Ouwh owh What are you? Are you better? Over there here? Apakau? Are you better? More sacred than us? We're different colors are also different cultural teachings We are differences of opinion, the paradigm in praying Different cultures, speak, also a way of thinking, rolling, flowing .... Silat tongue, mistaken word to look noble Better holier of us are also my lord thy Lord your God my lord

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