Kenaikan suku bunga acuan sejak semester II-2013 lalu mengerek bunga deposito. Ini tentu berpengaruh pada cost of fund kami. Namun kami optimistis, dengan modal kinerja yang sehat, dan dengan dukungan SMBC sebagai pemegang saham mayoritas, ke depan BTPN akan mampu bertumbuh bahkan lebih baik lagi," kata Direktur Utama BTPN, Jerry Ng, mengutip laporannya di keterbukaan informasi Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), Selasa (3/3/2015).
The increase in interest rates of reference since the semester II-2013 then mengerek deposit rates. This would certainly affect the cost of our fund. But we are optimistic, with a healthy performance of capital, and with the support of SMBC as majority shareholder, the forward SHORT BTPN would be able to grow even better again, "said Director of SHORT BTPN, Jerry Ng, quoting its report on information disclosure Indonesia stock exchange (idx), Tuesday (3/3/2015).

The increase in benchmark interest rates since the second half of 2013 and then hoist the deposit. It certainly affect our cost of funds. But we are optimistic that, with a healthy capital performance, and with the support of SMBC as the majority shareholder, next to the Bank will be able to grow even better, "said Director of the Bank, Jerry Ng, citing a report on disclosure Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) , Tuesday (03/03/2015).