The second formation was formed in January 1991 by Irfan composition Sembiring (guitar / vocals), Nano (guitar), Krishna J. Sadrach (bass) and Alfredo (drums). 1992 is the time Sucker Head start making songs themselves to try to make an album , It turns out more and more songs collected, increasingly felt that Irfan has different idealism that can not be accepted by the other members. Irfan eventually resign and form a rotor. Irfan position was replaced by Lucky, a lady thrash guitarist from Cimahi, Bandung. Formation Krisna J. Sadrach third joint (bass / vocals), Nano (guitar), Lucky (guitar) and Alfredo (drums). Beginning in 1994 Sucker Head start again to continue making track to complete the first album material, but again hampered by Alfredo who was still studying in high school. A quick decision was taken by disabling Alfredo and recruited new drummer Robin Hutagaol who was still playing in Grausig.