Formasi kedua terbentuk di Januari 1991 dengan komposisi Irfan Sembiri翻訳 - Formasi kedua terbentuk di Januari 1991 dengan komposisi Irfan Sembiri英語言う方法

Formasi kedua terbentuk di Januari

Formasi kedua terbentuk di Januari 1991 dengan komposisi Irfan Sembiring (gitar/vokal), Nano (gitar), Krisna J. Sadrach (bas) dan Alfredo (drum).

Tahun 1992 adalah saatnya Sucker Head mulai membuat lagu-lagu sendiri untuk mencoba bikin album. Ternyata semakin banyak lagu terkumpul, semakin terasa bahwa Irfan mempunyai idealisme yang berbeda yang tidak bisa diterima oleh anggota lainnya. Akhirnya Irfan mengundurkan diri dan membentuk Rotor. Posisi Irfan digantikan oleh Untung, sorang gitaris thrash asal Cimahi, Bandung.

Formasi ketiga bersama Krisna J. Sadrach (bas/vokal), Nano (gitar), Untung (gitar) dan Alfredo (drum).

Awal 1994 Sucker Head mulai lagi meneruskan membuat lagu untuk melengkapi materi album pertama, namun kembali terhambat oleh Alfredo yang waktu itu masih belajar di SMA. Keputusan cepat pun diambil dengan menonaktifkan Alfredo dan merekrut drummer baru Robin Hutagaol yang waktu itu masih main di Grausig.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The second formation was formed in January 1991 with the composition of Irfan Sembiring (gitar/vokal), Nano (guitar), j. Sadrach Krisna (bass) and Alfredo (drums).1992 is the time Sucker Head Start creating their own songs to try to make the album. It turns out that more and more accumulated, the song feels that Irfan has different ideals that cannot be accepted by the other members. Finally Irfan resigned and formed the rotors. The position was replaced by Irfan Fortunately, an original thrash guitarist Cimahi, Bandung.Third formation along Krisna j. Sadrach (bas/vokal), Nano (guitar), fortunately (guitar) and Alfredo (drums).Early 1994 Sucker Head start again continued to make songs to complement his first album material, but again hampered by Alfredo who was still studying in high school. Any quick decision taken by disabling the Alfredo and recruiting new drummer Robin Hutagaol who was still playing at Grausig.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The second formation was formed in January 1991 by Irfan composition Sembiring (guitar / vocals), Nano (guitar), Krishna J. Sadrach (bass) and Alfredo (drums). 1992 is the time Sucker Head start making songs themselves to try to make an album , It turns out more and more songs collected, increasingly felt that Irfan has different idealism that can not be accepted by the other members. Irfan eventually resign and form a rotor. Irfan position was replaced by Lucky, a lady thrash guitarist from Cimahi, Bandung. Formation Krisna J. Sadrach third joint (bass / vocals), Nano (guitar), Lucky (guitar) and Alfredo (drums). Beginning in 1994 Sucker Head start again to continue making track to complete the first album material, but again hampered by Alfredo who was still studying in high school. A quick decision was taken by disabling Alfredo and recruited new drummer Robin Hutagaol who was still playing in Grausig.

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