, Jakarta: PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) secara resmi telah melunasi pembayaran bunga obligasi berkelanjutan II BTPN tahap I 2013 sebesar Rp15,93 miliar.
"Pada hari ini perseroan resmi membayar bunga obligasi berkelanjutan II BTPN tahap I 2013 sebesar Rp15,93 miliar," kata Direktur dan Corporate Secretary Bank BTPN Anika Faisal, seperti dikutip dari keterbukaan informasi di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), Senin (6/7/2015)., Jakarta: PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (SHORT BTPN) officially has been paying off interest payments on bonds II SHORT BTPN phase I sustainably 2013 amounting to Rp15,93 billion."On this day the company sustainable bonds pay interest official II SHORT BTPN phase I 2013 amounting to Rp15,93 billion," said Director and Corporate Secretary of the Bank SHORT BTPN Anika Faisal, as quoted from information disclosure on the Indonesia stock exchange (idx), Monday (6/7/2015).
翻訳されて、しばらくお待ちください.., Jakarta: PT National Pension Savings Bank Tbk (Bank) has officially settle the payment of interest on the bonds the Bank's ongoing second Phase I 2013 by Rp15,93 billion. "On this day the official company to pay interest on the bonds the Bank's ongoing second Phase I 2013 by Rp15,93 billion, "said Director and Corporate Secretary of the Bank Bank Anika Faisal, as quoted from disclosure to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI), Monday (07/06/2015).