Ada kalanya elo merasa terlalu jenuh mendengarkan Genre Musik yang sek翻訳 - Ada kalanya elo merasa terlalu jenuh mendengarkan Genre Musik yang sek英語言う方法

Ada kalanya elo merasa terlalu jenu

Ada kalanya elo merasa terlalu jenuh mendengarkan Genre Musik yang sekarang ini lagi " In " ato " Booming ", namun beberapa genre lain tetap Bertahan Melawan Arus Booming ini, well sebuah Pilihan baru untuk elo buat demi menghilangkan Kesan Boring dengan segala Stereotype Yang ada. dan Untuk kali pertamanya Label Metal Paling Produktif di Indonesia, No Label Records mencoba Mengangkat kembali Genre Black Metal ke Permukaan lagi, sebuah langkah yang bagus untuk memberi suasana dan warna lagi dalam perkembangan scene metal di Indonesia khususnya, sebuah band dengan genre Black Metal asal Kota Gudeg jogja pun Memanas lagi setelah Hilang dari tahun 2008 saat Black Metal menjadi Genre Musik Yang Booming, memang sebelumnya Rilisan ini dilepas secara Independen oleh band asli Jogja ini dan Bukan Nosferatu dari Jakarta loh hehehehe, memang banyak sekali Nosferatu di Scene Metal Internasional, sebut aja Nosferatu Brazil, Kanada, Colombia, Jerman, Belanda, Rusia, Swedia dan Perancis. Well Memang Nosferatu sebuah Kata yang Sarat Kental dengan Pemahaman dari Bahasa Latin yang memiliki arti: kaum yang tidak pernah mati atau disebut juga “vampire”, dan Vampire itu sendiri adalah Vampir adalah tokoh dalam mitologi dan legenda yang hidup dengan memakan intisari kehidupan (biasanya dalam bentuk darah) dari makhluk hidup lain. Meskipun kepercayaan terhadap setan penghisap darah terdapat dalam berbagai budaya dan telah ada sejak zaman kuno, istilah vampir sendiri baru populer pada awal abad ke-18 setelah masuknya legenda vampir ke Eropa Barat dari daerah Balkan dan Eropa Timur. Di daerah-daerah tersebut juga terdapat legenda mengenai makhluk-makhluk seperti vampir, misalnya vrykolakas di Yunani dan strigoi di Rumania yang juga ikut meningkatkan kepercayaan vampir di Eropa dan Kata vampire dalam bahasa Inggris pertama kali muncul pada tahun 1734 dalam sebuah cerita berjudul Travels of Three English Gentlemen yang diterbitkan dalam Harleian Miscellany pada tahun 1745. Setelah Austria menguasai daerah utara Serbia dan Oltenia pada 1718, pejabat setempat menyadari adanya masyarakat lokal yang melakukan praktik penggalian jenazah dan "pembunuhan vampir" hehehehe Koq gw malah Jadi Bercerita? tapi ga papa buat nambah sedikit pemahaman aja tentang apa itu Vampir dan elo ga bakal salah kaprah lagi dari Informasi yang salah hehehehe, Ok Gw sekarang cerita tentang Band Yogyakarta Dark Clan yang lahir pada 9 maret 2006, berawal dari sebuah perkawanan yang memiliki kesamaan kecintaan terhadap musik metal yang ingin menyuguhkan suatu suasana tersendiri dari karya-karya yang dilahirkan. Selain ingin meramaikan atmosfer belantika musik Indonesia dengan musik yang mereka lahirkan, Band ini juga ingin mengajak berfantasi melalui lirik-lirik di setiap lagunya yang sebenarnya merupakan refleksi nyata atas apa yang terjadi disekitar kita namun kita menuangkannya dalam sebuah sudut pandang yang berbeda, sebuah sudut pandang metafora vampiris. Track awal dimulai dengan " Vampire Prelude " adalah sebuah Speak Poem Intro Cewek yang Cukup Mencekam dengan Statementnya tentang " Kegelapan ", menjadi sebuah Mantra Wajib bagi mungkin kebanyakan band2 Black Metal di setiap Opening Act-nya dan langsung diserang dengan " Invitation " gw langsung mencium aroma Etnis Jawa banget dalam Struktur Harmonisasi Riff-nya, ya masih begitu gw teringat dengan sengatan mematikan Javanesse Black Metal yang sebelumnya di usung oleh Pendahulu band ini, sebut saja Mystis ! mungkin Black Metal memang banyak memasukkan beberapa Tradisi dan Harmoni Bernuansa Etnis yang kuat, Indonesia Black Metal juga tidak mau ketinggalan dengan menggali beberapa Tradisi Kontemporer dalam beberapa partisi lagu yang diciptakan dengan Nuansa yang lebih Gelap Mencekam, Track ini memang mengajak Gw ke suasana dimana Genre Black Metal menjadi Tumbuh subur di " Masa "-nya yang lengkap pada setiap penampilannya dengan Corpse Paint ! konsep rekord album ini juga tidak banyak menambahkan nuansa Digital, kita benar2 merasakan permainan band ini seperti band ini main diatas panggung, dan semoga cara seperti ini masih dipertahankan oleh band2 yang lebih percaya diri dengan segala kemampuannya dan tidak diperbudak oleh Digitalisasi. Harmonisasi Riff yang kental terasa nuansa Etnis Javanesse memang menjadi Kekuatan nyata di Band ini. " Dark Blood Majesty " lebih tampil menggerinda dengan Blasting Part, kita sedikit teringat dengan Kekejaman The Abyss juga Dark Funeral awal yang dipadukan lagi dengan irama Javanesse yang Intens semakin mengajak Blackers untuk Headbang !! sayatan Gitaris dan Vokalis Eitaz Nayrez memang menjadi Spirit Utama dibalik semua Komposisi Band ini. " Deburan Cahaya Kelam (Dim Black Splashing) " dimulai dengan gaya Power Metal Riff sebelum gempuran Blasting Snare Drum mulai Menghajar, kali ini Backing Female Vokal terus mengiringi Raungan tinggi sang Vokalis dan Gw Merasa agak Heran, memasuki Track ini Sound Band sudah terasa Berbeda dengan sebelumnya, hmmm mungkin ini memang di rekam
ソース言語: インドネシア語
ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
There are times when the band felt was too saturated to listen to a musical Genre that now this again "In" ato "Boom", but some other genres remain against the current Boom is, well a new option for the sake of dispelling the impression created by the band Boring with all the existing Stereotype. and for the first time most productive Metal Labels in Indonesia, No Label Records tried to lift the Black Metal Genre back to the surface again, a great step to give atmosphere and colors in the development of the metal scene in Indonesia in particular, a band with original Black Metal genre Gudeg city Yogyakarta pun heat up again after missing from the year 2008 while subdivided Black Metal Genre of Music Booming prior to this Release, released independently by the band original Jogja and not Nosferatu from Jakarta loh hehehehe, indeed an awful lot of Nosferatu in the international Metal Scene, call aja Nosferatu Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Germany, the Netherlands, Russia, Sweden and France. Well Indeed Nosferatu a word laden with Understanding from the Latin meaning: people who never die or also called "vampire", and Vampire itself is a vampire is a character in Greek mythology and legends that live by eating the essence of life (usually in the form of blood) of living creatures. Although confidence in the Devil's blood is found in many cultures and has existed since ancient times, the term vampire himself recently popular in the early 18th century, after an influx of vampire legend to Western Europe from the Balkans and Eastern Europe. In these areas there are also legends about the creatures such as vampires, for example the vrykolakas in Greece and strigoi in Romania that also enhance the belief in vampires in Europe and the word vampire in English United Kingdom first appeared in the year 1734 in a story titled the Travels of Three English Gentlemen published in the Harleian Miscellany in 1745. After Austria gained control of northern Serbia and Oltenia in 1718, local officials are aware of the existence of local communities who practise the excavation of the bodies and "killing vampires" hehehehe Koq gw even So tell you? but papa ga buat aja adds little understanding about what is a vampires and elo ga would mistaken mention of misinformation hehehehe, Ok Gw now stories about a Band of Yogyakarta Dark Clan who was born on March 9, 2006, starting from a perkawanan who have in common a love of metal music that wants to offer an atmosphere of works was born. In addition wish to enliven the atmosphere belantika music Indonesia with music they engender, the Band also wanted to invite fantasize through the lyrics in every song that is actually a real reflection over what happens around the us and yet we poured it into a different viewpoint, a viewpoint the metaphor vampiris. The initial track starts with "Vampire Prelude" is a Poem Speak a fairly Gripping Chick Intro with Statementnya about the "darkness", became a Mantra may be compulsory for most Black Metal band2 at every Opening Act and directly attacked with "Invitation" gw kissed aroma really ethnic Javanese in the structure of harmonization of its Riffs, ya still so I thought with a lethal sting of Javanese Black Metal that were previously in critical limits stretcher by the predecessor of the band , call it Mystis! Black Metal may indeed include some traditions and a strong Ethnic a nuanced Harmonies, Indonesia Black Metal also does not want to miss by digging some Contemporary Traditions in some partitions created songs with shades of darker Gripped, this Track is indeed referring to Gw atmosphere where Black Metal Genre became thrives on "time" his complete on each appearance with Corpse Paint! the concept of this album also did not record much adding Digital nuances, we feel this band game benar2 like band playing onstage, and hopefully this way is still maintained by band2 more confident with all his ability and not enslaved by Digitization. Harmonization of the viscous Riff feels Ethnic Javanese nuance does indeed become a real Force in the Band. "Dark Blood Majesty" more featured menggerinda by Blasting Part, we little thought with Cruelty The Abyss also Dark Funeral early combined again with the rhythm of the Javanese are intense increasingly invites Blackers to Headbang!! the incision Guitarist and vocalist Eitaz Nayrez indeed became the main Spirit behind all of the Band's Compositions. "Edge of the Dark Light (Dim Black Splashing)" begins with the style of Power Metal Riffs before fierce Blasting Snare Drums begins to beat up, this time Backing Female Vocals continued to accompany the vocalist and high Roar I feel somewhat Surprised this Sound Track, entered the Band already feels different to previous, hmmm maybe it does on record
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
There are times when ell feel too saturated listen to the music genre that now again the "In" ato "boom", but some other genres remain Surviving Against this Booming Flow, well a new option for elo for the sake of eliminating Boring impression with all Stereotype That there. and For the first time Metal Label Most Productive in Indonesia, No Label Records tried Lifted back Genre Black Metal to the surface again, a good step to provide the atmosphere and the color again in the development of the metal scene in Indonesia in particular, a band with the genre Black Metal from the City Gudeg jogja also heats up again after Missing from the year 2008 when Black Metal became Genre Musical Booming, indeed before release is released by the Independent by the original band Jogja and not Nosferatu from Jakarta tablets hehehehe, is a lot of Nosferatu in Scene Metal International, call aja Nosferatu Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Germany, Netherlands, Russia, Sweden and France. Well It Nosferatu a word Loaded Condensed with the understanding of the Latin that means: people who never dies or also called "vampire", and Vampire itself is a vampire is a character in the mythology and legends that live by eating the essence of life (usually in the form of blood) of other living creatures. Although confidence in the blood-sucking demons present in different cultures and has existed since ancient times, the term vampire had just popular in the early 18th century after an influx of vampire legend into Western Europe from the Balkans and Eastern Europe. In these areas there are also legends about creatures like vampires, for example vrykolakas in Greece and strigoi in Romania which also increases the belief in vampires in Europe and the word vampire in English first appeared in 1734 in a story titled Travels of Three English Gentlemen published in Harleian Miscellany in 1745. After Austria took control of northern Serbia and Oltenia in 1718, officials aware of the local people who practice the bodies and digging "vampire murders" hehehehe Koq gw instead So Storytelling? but ga papa do add a little understanding of just what it is about Vampires and elo ga would be mistaken again of Misinformation hehehehe, Ok Gw now the story of the band Yogyakarta Dark Clan, who was born on 9 March 2006, originated from a comradeship which have in common a love of metal music who wanted to deliver a distinctive atmosphere of the works were born. In addition to want to enliven the atmosphere of the Indonesian music scene with music that they had given birth, the band also wants to invite fantasize through the lyrics in each song is actually a real reflection of what is happening around us, but we put it in a different viewpoint, a viewpoint vampiris metaphor. Track beginning starts with "Vampire Prelude" is a Speak Poem Intro girl who Enough Smelled with his statement about "Darkness", became a mantra Mandatory for probably most band2 Black Metal in every Opening Act her and was immediately attacked by the "Invitation" I immediately kissed The Javanese aroma buildup in his Riff Harmonization structure, it is still so i remembered the deadly sting Javanesse Black Metal that were previously in the stretcher by the predecessor of the band, call it Mystis! maybe Black Metal indeed many include some traditions and harmony nuance Ethnic strong, Indonesia Black Metal also do not want to miss the dig several Tradition Contemporary multiple partitions songs created by Nuance more Dark Smelled, Track indeed invite Gw into the atmosphere where Genre Black Metal becomes Thrives in "Time" was complete in every appearance with Corpse Paint! records concept album is also not much to add nuance Digital, we feel the game benar2 this band as the band playing on the stage, and hopefully this way still maintained by band2 more confident with all the ability and not be enslaved by Digitalization. Harmonization riff that feels thick shades of Ethnic Javanesse indeed be a real strength in this band. "Dark Blood Majesty" is performing grinding with Part Blasting, we little thought of the cruelty of The Abyss also Dark Funeral initial combined again with the rhythm Javanesse Intense increasingly invites Blackers to headbang !! Guitarist and vocalist Eitaz incision Nayrez indeed a Main Spirit Band Composition behind all this. "Pounding Light Dark (Dim Black Splashing)" starts with style Power Metal riff before the onslaught Blasting Snare Drum began Beat, this time Backing Female Vocal continue to accompany the roar height of the vocalist and Gw Feeling rather Surprisingly, enter Track Sound Band has felt Unlike before, hmmm maybe this was recorded
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