There are times when the band felt was too saturated to listen to a musical Genre that now this again "In" ato "Boom", but some other genres remain against the current Boom is, well a new option for the sake of dispelling the impression created by the band Boring with all the existing Stereotype. and for the first time most productive Metal Labels in Indonesia, No Label Records tried to lift the Black Metal Genre back to the surface again, a great step to give atmosphere and colors in the development of the metal scene in Indonesia in particular, a band with original Black Metal genre Gudeg city Yogyakarta pun heat up again after missing from the year 2008 while subdivided Black Metal Genre of Music Booming prior to this Release, released independently by the band original Jogja and not Nosferatu from Jakarta loh hehehehe, indeed an awful lot of Nosferatu in the international Metal Scene, call aja Nosferatu Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Germany, the Netherlands, Russia, Sweden and France. Well Indeed Nosferatu a word laden with Understanding from the Latin meaning: people who never die or also called "vampire", and Vampire itself is a vampire is a character in Greek mythology and legends that live by eating the essence of life (usually in the form of blood) of living creatures. Although confidence in the Devil's blood is found in many cultures and has existed since ancient times, the term vampire himself recently popular in the early 18th century, after an influx of vampire legend to Western Europe from the Balkans and Eastern Europe. In these areas there are also legends about the creatures such as vampires, for example the vrykolakas in Greece and strigoi in Romania that also enhance the belief in vampires in Europe and the word vampire in English United Kingdom first appeared in the year 1734 in a story titled the Travels of Three English Gentlemen published in the Harleian Miscellany in 1745. After Austria gained control of northern Serbia and Oltenia in 1718, local officials are aware of the existence of local communities who practise the excavation of the bodies and "killing vampires" hehehehe Koq gw even So tell you? but papa ga buat aja adds little understanding about what is a vampires and elo ga would mistaken mention of misinformation hehehehe, Ok Gw now stories about a Band of Yogyakarta Dark Clan who was born on March 9, 2006, starting from a perkawanan who have in common a love of metal music that wants to offer an atmosphere of works was born. In addition wish to enliven the atmosphere belantika music Indonesia with music they engender, the Band also wanted to invite fantasize through the lyrics in every song that is actually a real reflection over what happens around the us and yet we poured it into a different viewpoint, a viewpoint the metaphor vampiris. The initial track starts with "Vampire Prelude" is a Poem Speak a fairly Gripping Chick Intro with Statementnya about the "darkness", became a Mantra may be compulsory for most Black Metal band2 at every Opening Act and directly attacked with "Invitation" gw kissed aroma really ethnic Javanese in the structure of harmonization of its Riffs, ya still so I thought with a lethal sting of Javanese Black Metal that were previously in critical limits stretcher by the predecessor of the band , call it Mystis! Black Metal may indeed include some traditions and a strong Ethnic a nuanced Harmonies, Indonesia Black Metal also does not want to miss by digging some Contemporary Traditions in some partitions created songs with shades of darker Gripped, this Track is indeed referring to Gw atmosphere where Black Metal Genre became thrives on "time" his complete on each appearance with Corpse Paint! the concept of this album also did not record much adding Digital nuances, we feel this band game benar2 like band playing onstage, and hopefully this way is still maintained by band2 more confident with all his ability and not enslaved by Digitization. Harmonization of the viscous Riff feels Ethnic Javanese nuance does indeed become a real Force in the Band. "Dark Blood Majesty" more featured menggerinda by Blasting Part, we little thought with Cruelty The Abyss also Dark Funeral early combined again with the rhythm of the Javanese are intense increasingly invites Blackers to Headbang!! the incision Guitarist and vocalist Eitaz Nayrez indeed became the main Spirit behind all of the Band's Compositions. "Edge of the Dark Light (Dim Black Splashing)" begins with the style of Power Metal Riffs before fierce Blasting Snare Drums begins to beat up, this time Backing Female Vocals continued to accompany the vocalist and high Roar I feel somewhat Surprised this Sound Track, entered the Band already feels different to previous, hmmm maybe it does on record