1. Based on the discussion in item 2 above, the percentage of change of work scope value of the initial contract value which is technically acceptable and financial has not fulfilled the limits of the authorities requiring the approval of SKK Migas, which is cumulatively not Exceed 10% (ten percent) of the initial contract value in accordance with the provisions of PTK 007 Rev 4, chapter III, article 2.2.4.<br>2. Accordingly, in accordance with the provisions of PTK 007 Rev 4 related to change of work scope and authority of KKKS in the exploitation phase, the application of change of scope of work does not require the approval of SKK oil and the application will be returned to KKKS According to its authority limit.<br>3. The Minutes of this meeting will be used as the basis for closing the contract and AFE Close Out AFE 11-0017R FEED for FLNG.