, JAKARTA--Emiten pelayaran PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Lines Tb翻訳 -, JAKARTA--Emiten pelayaran PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Lines Tb英語言う方法, JAKARTA--Emiten pelayar, JAKARTA--Emiten pelayaran PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Lines Tbk. (APOL) memastikan restrukturisasi utang
perseroan terganjal lantaran kreditor bukan hanya sektor swasta, tetapi juga badan usaha milik negara (BUMN).
Ferdy Suwandi, Sekretaris Perusahaan Arpeni Pratama Ocean, mengatakan skema restrukturisasi telah disampaikan ke
dalam rapat kreditor pada 25 November 2015. Restrukturisasi dijadwalkan bakal dilakukan tahun ini.
"Dikrenakan kreditor perseroan bukan hanya pihak swasta, namun juga pihak BUMN, maka tidak mudah untuk kreditor
swasta dan BUMN satu suara dengan seluruh rencana skema restrukturisasi yang telah disampaikan perseroan," ungkapnya
dalam keterbukaan informasi di PT Bursa Efek Indonesia, Senin (25/1/2016).
Menurutnya, jika skema restrukturisasi tidak sesuai rencana, perseroan berjanji akan mencari solusi terbaik bagi semua
kreditor, pemegang obligasi, serta pemegang saham.
Saat ini, skema restrukturisasi masih dalam tahap proses penghitungan kembali oleh konsultan keuangan Deloitte
Indonesia. Bila telah rampung, perseroan akan menyampaikan kepada kreditor.
Hingga 31 Maret 2015, anak usaha APOL, yakni Arpeni Marine Co. Pte. Ltd. (ARS), masih bernegosiasi dengan UOB Limited
Singapura untuk merestrukturisasi utangnya. Di samping itu, ARS dan Mount Lawu LLC telah menerima pemberitahuan
gagal bayar dari DVB Group Merchant Bank (Asia), Ltd., Singapura sebesar US$728.446 dan US$1,34 juta.
Sampai 30 April 2015, anak usaha itu dan entitas induk sebagai penjamin belum menyelesaikan pinjaman tersebut.
Per 30 September 2015, liabilitas APOL mencapai Rp6,77 triliun, lebih tinggi dari akhir tahun sebelumnya Rp6,02 triliun.
Defisiensi modal mencapai Rp1,79 triliun dari sebelumnya Rp1,85 triliun.
Pinjaman bank jangka pendek mencapai Rp1,9 triliun dari tahun lalu Rp600,5 miliar dengan utang obligasi Rp2,41 triliun dari
Rp167,78 miliar.
Adapun, utang bank jangka panjang mencapai Rp95,9 miliar dari tahun sebelumnya Rp1,5 triliun. Utang obligasi tercatat nol
dari sebelumnya Rp1,95 triliun.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
コピーしました!, JAKARTA--PT Arpeni Pratama cruise Issuers Ocean Lines Tbk. (APOL) ensure debt restructuringthe company is terganjal because the creditor is not just the private sector, but also the State-owned enterprises (SOEs).Ferdy Suwandi, Arpeni Pratama Ocean's Company Secretary, said the restructuring scheme has been submitted to thein a meeting of creditors on November 25, 2015. The scheduled restructuring would be done this year."Dikrenakan of the company's creditors is not just a private party, but the party also STATE-OWNED, it is not easy for creditorsprivate and STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES one voice with the entire plan of the restructuring scheme was submitted by the company, "he saidin the information disclosure of PT Indonesia stock exchange Monday (25/1/2016).According to him, if the scheme of restructuring not according to plan, the company promised to find the best solution for allcreditors, bond holders, as well as shareholders.At present, the scheme is still in the stage of the restructuring process of counting back by financial consultants DeloitteIndonesian. When it is completed, the company will deliver to the creditor.Until 31 March 2015, the subsidiary APOL, i.e. Arpeni Marine Co. Pte. Ltd. (ARS), is still negotiating with UOB LimitedSingapore to restructure debts. In addition, ARS and Mount Lawu, LLC has received notificationnonpayment of the DVB Group Merchant Bank (Asia), Ltd., Singapore amounting to US $ 728.446 and US $ 1.34 million.Until 30 April 2015, the son of the business and the parent entity as the guarantor of the loan have not been completed.Per 30 September 2015, reaching Rp6,77 trillion liability APOL, higher than previous year end Rp6,02 trillion.Deficiency of capital reached Rp1,79 trillion from Rp1,85 trillion previously.Short-term bank loans reached Rp1,9 trillion from last year's Rp600,5 billion with debt Rp2,41 trillion of bondsRp167,78 billion.As for the bank's long-term debt, reaching Rp95,9 billion from the previous year of Rp1,5 trillion. Debt obligation recorded as zerofrom the previous Rp1,95 trillion.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
コピーしました!, JAKARTA - Issuer cruise PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Lines Tbk. (APOL) ensure the debt restructuring
the company hampered because the creditor is not just the private sector, but also state-owned enterprises (SOEs).
Ferdy Suwandi, Corporate Secretary Arpeni Pratama Ocean, said the restructuring scheme has been submitted to
a meeting of creditors on November 25, 2015. Restructuring scheduled will be done this year.
"Dikrenakan creditors the company is not just the private sector, but also the state-owned companies, it is not easy for creditors
of private and state-owned one voice by the whole plan restructuring scheme which has delivered the company," he said
in a disclosure to the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Monday (01/25/2016).
According to him, if the scheme is not appropriate restructuring plan, the company promised to find the best solution for all
creditors, bondholders, and shareholders.
Currently, the restructuring scheme is still in the stage of the counting process back by financial consultants Deloitte
Indonesia. When completed, the company will deliver to creditors.
As of March 31, 2015, a subsidiary of APOL, namely Arpeni Marine Co. Pte. Ltd. (ARS), are still negotiating with UOB Limited
Singapore to restructure its debt. In addition, ARS and Mount Lawu LLC has received a notice
of default from DVB Group Merchant Bank (Asia) Ltd., Singapore amounting to US $ 728,446 and US $ 1.34 million.
As of 30 April 2015, the subsidiary and the parent entity as guarantor has not completed the loan.
As of September 30 2015, liabilities APOL reached Rp6,77 trillion, higher than the previous year-end Rp6,02 trillion.
Deficiency of capital reached Rp1.79 trillion from Rp1.85 trillion.
Borrowing short-term bank reached Rp1, 9 trillion from last year Rp600,5 billion in bond debt Rp2,41 trillion of
Rp167,78 billion.
Meanwhile, long-term bank debt reached Rp95,9 billion from the previous year to Rp1.5 trillion. Recorded zero bond debt
from previous Rp1.95 trillion.
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