Semut Hitam boleh dibilang adalah salah satu album ROCK Indonesia yang翻訳 - Semut Hitam boleh dibilang adalah salah satu album ROCK Indonesia yang英語言う方法

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Semut Hitam boleh dibilang adalah salah satu album ROCK Indonesia yang terlaris sepanjang masa. Album ini juga merupakan tonggak kebangkitan Rock Indonesia. Band-band yang tadinya rajin membawakan lagu-lagu asing dalam setiap show mereka, mulai berani menggelar repertoar karya sendiri, pasca munculnya album ini.
Walau demikian, Semut Hitam tidak lahir begitu saja. Butuh proses berliku dalam pembuatannya. Semua diawali dari kepulangan Donny Fattah ke Indonesia. Melalui kumpul-kumpul dengan rekan-rekannya di God Bless (Achmad Albar dan Ian Antono), muncul gagasan untuk kembali menghidupkan band ini. Maka diajaklah Yockie suryo Prayogo dan Teddy Sujaya yang saat itu sedang naik daun bersama band solonya, TAG (Teddy, Arthur, Gideon). Melalui promotor Log Zhelebour, pada tahun 1986 God Bless menjalani tur keliling dengan repertoar berupa lagu-lagu Deep Purple plus beberapa lagu dari album pertama mereka dan album CERMIN. Selesai menjalani tur, Log menggelontorkan ide untuk merilis album. Maka muncullah “Semut Hitam” yang legendaris ini.
Dari sisi musikal, Semut Hitam sangat berbeda dengan kedua album sebelumnya. Dalam “Huma Di Atas Bukit” (1976) dan “Cermin” (1980), warna progresifnya masih sangat kental. Namun saat Semut Hitam digarap, era progresif rock sudah memudar dan digantikan dengan era glam metal yang lebih mengutamakan beat. Maka muncullah lagu-lagu seperti Kehidupan, Semut Hitam, Badut-badut Jakarta, Trauma dan Bla Bla Bla.
“Waktu itu jaman progresif memang sudah lewat,” tutur Teddy Sujaya, drummer God Bless di album ini. “Dulu kan kita nengoknya ke band-band seperti Deep Purple, Kansas, Genesis. Masuk pertengahan 80-an, yang laku itu musik-musik rock yang nge-beat seperti Van Halen, Europe.”
Donny Fattah, salah satu motor dalam penggarapan album Semut Hitam ikut angkat bicara, “Sebelum Semut Hitam, setiap manggung, God Bless sebagian besar membawakan lagu barat. Setelah album ini, kami fokus membawakan karya-karya sendiri di panggung. Awalnya orang memang bengong, tapi lambat laun mereka terbiasa bahkan ikut menghapal lagu-lagu kami.”
“Sekitar tahun 1986 saya diajak gabung kembali oleh teman-teman,” ucap Yockie Suryo Prayogo. “Saya jawab, ‘OK’, tapi syaratnya harus membawakan karya sendiri, jangan lagi memainkan lagu-lagu orang.”
Tahun 2007, Semut Hitam dirilis kembali dalam format kaset dan CD, memberikan kesempatan pada generasi muda untuk ikut mencicipi awal mula kejayaan Rock Indonesia.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Black ants are arguably is one of the Indonesia's best-selling ROCK album of all time. This album is also a milestone in the revival of Rock Indonesia. Bands that had been diligent in bringing foreign songs in each show they dare start deploying the Repertoire, his own works, the emergence of this album.Nevertheless, Black Ants are not born with it. It took a winding process to make. All the beginning of the return of Donny Fattah to Indonesia. Through the get-togethers with colleagues at God Bless (Achmad Albar and Ian Antono), arose the idea to return enlivening this band. Yockie suryo diajaklah then Prayogo and Teddy Sujaya, who was then rising popularity with his solo, TAG (Teddy, Arthur, Gideon). Through the Log Zhelebour, promoters in 1986 God Bless live tour with the Repertoire form Deep Purple songs plus some songs from their first album and the album the mirror. Completed live tour, Log menggelontorkan the idea for the album release. Then came the "Black Ant" are legendary.From the musical side, Black Ants are very different from the two previous albums. In the "over the Hill" Huma (1976) and "the mirror" (1980), color progresifnya is still very strong. However, when the black Ants, progressive rock era has already faded away and was replaced with the era of glam metal band who prefer the beat. Then came songs like Black Ants, Life, Clown-clown Jakarta, Trauma and blah blah blah."The progressive era that time has passed," said Teddy Sujaya, the drummer on the album God Bless. "It used to be right we nengoknya to bands such as Deep Purple, Kansas, Genesis. Sign in the mid-80s, which sold it the rock music nge-beat such as Van Halen, Europe. "Donny Fattah, one motor in designing the album Black Ants come into foster talk, "Before the black Ants, every gig, God Bless most of the rendition of the West. After this album, we focus the own works performed on stage. Initially people are indeed dumbfounded, but gradually they are accustomed to even join the recite our songs. ""Around the year 1986 merge I'm asked by friends," said Yockie Suryo Prayogo. "I answered, ' OK ', but you'll have to bring his own works, not to mention play songs people."In 2007, Black Ants re-released on cassette and CD, allows the younger generation to join the early heyday of tasting Rock Indonesia.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Black Ant is arguably one of the best-selling album ROCK Indonesia all time. This album is also a milestone in the revival Rock Indonesia. Bands that had been diligently bringing foreign songs in every show them, began to dare hold a repertoire of his own works, after the advent of this album.
However, Black Ants did not come about easily. Need winding process in its manufacture. All starting from Donny Fattah return to Indonesia. Through-togethers with colleagues at God Bless (Achmad Albar and Ian Antono), the idea emerged to revive the band. Then they invite Yockie suryo Sujaya Prayogo and Teddy, who was rising along with his solo band, TAG (Teddy, Arthur, Gideon). Through promoter Log Zhelebour, in 1986 God Bless undergo toured with repertoire form Deep Purple songs plus a few songs from their first album and album MIRROR. Over the course of the tour, Log poured idea to release an album. Then came "Black Ant" are legendary.
From the musical, Black Ants are very different from the two previous albums. In "Huma Above Hill" (1976) and "Mirror" (1980), progressive color is still very strong. But when Black Ants tilled, progressive rock era has faded and was replaced with the glam metal era who prefer the beat. Then came songs like Life, Black Ants, Clown-clown Jakarta, Trauma and Bla Bla Bla.
"It was indeed a progressive era is over," said Teddy Sujaya, God Bless drummer on the album. "In the past we nengoknya right to bands like Deep Purple, Kansas, Genesis. Sign mid-80s, the behavior of the music rock the beat like Van Halen, Europe.
"Donny Fattah, one of the motors in the cultivation album Black Ants come to speak," Before Black Ants, every gig, God Bless partially great rendition of the west. After this album, we focus on bringing the works of his own on stage. Initially people are dumbfounded, but gradually they got used even participate memorize our songs.
"" Around 1986 I was invited to join back by friends, "said Suryo Yockie Prayogo. "I said, 'OK', but on condition that brought the work itself, no longer play the songs people."
In 2007, Black Ants was released back in the format tapes and CDs, providing the opportunity for young people to partake in the beginning of the heyday of Rock Indonesia ,
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