Server up and please download new launcher
Halo Diamonders,
Kami informasikan untuk server akan kami hidupkan pada hari ini Senin Tanggal 8 Desember 2014 jam 12:00 WIB
Di himbau diamonders segera download launcher baru kita yg sudah tersedia di web bagian download.
Replace / timpa hasil Download New launcher (Diamond_Launcher.exe) ke folder seal kalian dan jalankan launchernya, tunggu sampai proses packing file selesai ( proses akan selesai dalam beberapa menit )
Hormat kami,
SealDiamond Online
Hello Diamonders,
We inform to our server will turn on this day, Monday On December 8, 2014 at 12:00 pm
Are called upon diamonders immediately download our new launcher that is already available on the web from the downloads section.
Replace / overwrite results Download New launcher (Diamond_Launcher.exe) to seal folder and run the launcher, wait until the process is complete file packing (the process will be completed in a few minutes)
SealDiamond Online
Server up and please download new launcher
Halo Diamonders,
Kami informasikan untuk server akan kami hidupkan pada hari ini Senin Tanggal 8 Desember 2014 jam 12:00 WIB
Di himbau diamonders segera download launcher baru kita yg sudah tersedia di web bagian download.
Replace / timpa hasil Download New launcher (Diamond_Launcher.exe) ke folder seal kalian dan jalankan launchernya, tunggu sampai proses packing file selesai ( proses akan selesai dalam beberapa menit )
Hormat kami,
SealDiamond Online
Hello Diamonders,
We inform to our server will turn on this day, Monday On December 8, 2014 at 12:00 pm
Are called upon diamonders immediately download our new launcher that is already available on the web from the downloads section.
Replace / overwrite results Download New launcher (Diamond_Launcher.exe) to seal folder and run the launcher, wait until the process is complete file packing (the process will be completed in a few minutes)
SealDiamond Online