Inpex Bantah Isu Hengkang dari Blok MaselaInpex Corporation menepis is翻訳 - Inpex Bantah Isu Hengkang dari Blok MaselaInpex Corporation menepis is英語言う方法

Inpex Bantah Isu Hengkang dari Blok

Inpex Bantah Isu Hengkang dari Blok Masela

Inpex Corporation menepis isu yang mengatakan bahwa perusahaan asal Jepang itu akan melepas hak partisipasinya untuk menggarap blok Masela. Perusahaan mengatakan tetap berkomitmen untuk membangun fasilitas pengolahan Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) dengan skema darat (onshore) sesuai keinginan pemerintah.

Senior Manager Communication and Relation Inpex Usman Slamet menyebut, perusahaan justru tengah menunggu kepastian pemerintah terkait beberapa permintaan yang bisa meningkatkan keekonomian proyek Masela.

Sebelumnya, demi mencapai angka tingkat pengembalian internal (Internal Rate of Return/IRR) yang diinginkan, Inpex meminta tiga syarat yaitu penambahan kapasitas kilang LNG dari 7,5 MTPA ke angka 9,5 MTPA, pengembalian biaya penyusunan rencana pengembangan (Plan of Development/PoD) kilang LNG skema offshore yang dikategorikan sebagai sunk cost sebesar US$1,2 miliar, dan pergantian masa kontrak bagi hasil produksi (Production Sharing Contract/PSC) yang hilang selama 10 tahun.

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) sendiri telah mengirimkan balasan terkait permintaan tersebut. Sayangnya, di dalam surat bertanggal 13 Oktober 2016 tersebut, pemerintah masih menggantung permintaan Inpex.

"Kami tidak pergi dari blok Masela dan kami tetap berkomitmen untuk melanjutkan proyek ini. Kami juga terus berkoordinasi dengan pemerintah agar ada hasil yang positif," ujar Usman, Rabu (23/11)

Sementara itu, mitra Inpex di blok Masela, Shell Upstream Overseas Services Ltd juga berkomitmen untuk terus menggarap Wilayah Kerja (WK) di Indonesia Timur tersebut.

General Manager External Relations Shell Indonesia Haviez Gautama mengatakan, perusahaannya bersama Inpex masih berupaya agar keekonomian blok Masela bisa lebih baik.

"Shell tetap berkomitmen bekerjasama dengan pemerintah Indonesia, dalam hal memastikan investible project bagi lapangan gas Abadi. Komunikasi dengan pemerintah juga berjalan secara intens," lanjut Haviez.

Sebelumnya, beredar kabar bahwa Inpex dan Shell tidak akan meneruskan proyek Masela karena pemerintah tak kunjung mengabulkan permintaan Inpex demi mencapai angka IRR sebesar 15 persen.

Inpex sendiri mulai mengelola blok Masela sejak tahun 1998 sejak ditandatangani kontrak bagi hasil produksi (Production Sharing Contract/PSC) dengan jangka waktu 30 tahun. Setelah itu, rencana pengembangan (Plan of Development/PoD) pertama blok Masela ditandatangani Pemerintah pada tahun 2010. Diketahui, Inpex memiliki hak partisipasi sebesar 65 persen sedangkan sisanya dikempit oleh Shell.

Kemudian di tahun 2014, Inpex bersama Shell merevisi PoD setelah ditemukannya cadangan baru gas di Lapangan Abadi, Masela dari 6,97 TCF ke angka 10,73 TCF. Di dalam revisi tersebut, kedua investor sepakat akan meningkatkan kapasitas fasilitas LNG dari 2,5 MTPA menjadi 7,5 MTPA. Jika rampung, pembangunan ini digadang akan menjadi proyek fasilitas LNG terbesar di dunia.

Namun pada bulan Maret lalu, Presiden Joko Widodo memutuskan pengembangan Blok Masela dilakukan secara onshore karena dinilai memiliki dampak yang lebih besar bagi masyarakat.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Inpex: the issue of block Leave MaselaInpex Corporation dismissed the issue saying that the original company Japan it will take off rights of participation to manage the Masela block. The company said it remains committed to building a Liquefied Natural Gas processing facility (LNG) with the land (onshore) according to the wishes of the Government.Senior Manager Communication and Relation Inpex Usman Slamet mentions, the company thus Middle waiting for certainty related Government some requests can improve the keekonomian project Masela.Previously, in order to reach the internal rate of return (Internal Rate of Return/IRR) is desired, Inpex asked three conditions, namely the addition of a refinery capacity of 7.5 MTPA of LNG to 9.5 MTPA, refund the cost of the preparation of the development plan (Plan of Development/PoD) refineries LNG offshore schemes that are categorized as "sunk cost of US $1.2 billion, and the changing of the contract period for the results of production (Production Sharing Contract/PSC) is missing for 10 years.The Ministry of energy and Mineral resources (DEMR) itself has sent a reply to the associated request. Unfortunately, in a letter dated 13 October 1999, the Government pending request Inpex."We are not going from block Masela and we remain committed to continue this project. We also continue to coordinate with the Government so that there is a positive result, "said Usman, on Wednesday (23/11)Meanwhile, Inpex Masela block partners, Shell Upstream Overseas Services Ltd. is also committed to continue to develop this Area of work (WK) in Eastern Indonesia.General Manager External Relations Shell Indonesia Haviez Gautama says, his company along with Inpex still strive so that keekonomian can better Masela block."Shell remains committed, in cooperation with the Government of Indonesia, in terms of ensuring the investible project for the gas field. Communication with the Government also runs by intense, "continued Haviez.Earlier, circulated the news that Inpex and the Shell will not forward the Masela project because the Government never transgressed Inpex in order reach IRR of 15 percent.Inpex Masela block started managing themselves since 1998 has since signed a contract for the production of results (Production Sharing Contract/PSC) with a period of 30 years. After that, the development plan (Plan of Development/PoD) Masela block first signed the Government in 2010. Inpex is known, had the right of participation of 65 percent while the rest dikempit by Shell.Later in the year 2014, Inpex along Shell revised the PoD awaited the new gas reserves in the field are timeless, Masela of 6.97 TCF to 10.73 TCF. In the revision, the two investors agreed the LNG facility capacity will increase from 2.5 MTPA be 7.5 MTPA. If completed, this development project will become digadang LNG facilities in the world.But in March, the President of Joko Widodo Masela Block Development decided is done onshore because votes have more impact for the community.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Denies Issues Inpex Masela flee from

Inpex Corporation dismissed the issue saying that the Japanese company will release its participation right to work Masela block. The company said remains committed to building a processing facility Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) with a scheme of land (onshore) as desired by the government.

Senior Manager of Communication and Relations Inpex Usman Slamet said, the company actually waiting for the certainty of the government related to several requests that could improve the economics of the project Masela.

earlier, for the sake of reaching an internal rate of return (internal rate of Return / IRR) is desired, Inpex asked for three conditions, namely the addition of the LNG plant capacity from 7.5 MTPA to 9.5 MTPA, the return costs of preparing the development plan (plan of development / PoD) LNG plant offshore schemes are categorized as a sunk cost of US $ 1.2 billion, and switches between a production sharing contract (production Sharing contract / PSC) lost for 10 years.

the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) himself has sent replies related to the request. Unfortunately, in a letter dated October 13, 2016, the government still hang demand Inpex.

"We do not go from the Masela block and we remain committed to continue with this project. We also continue to coordinate with the government so that there is a positive result," said Usman, Wednesday (23/11)

Meanwhile, partner Inpex Masela block, Shell Upstream Overseas Services Ltd is also committed to continue to work on the Work Area (WK) in East Indonesia.

General Manager External Relations Shell Indonesia Haviez Gauthier said the company along with Inpex is still working to make economics Masela block could be better.

"Shell remains committed to cooperate with the Indonesian government, in terms of ensuring investible project for the gas field Abadi. Communication with the government also runs an intense," continued Haviez.

previously, it was rumored that Inpex and Shell will not forward the project Masela because the government never granted the request Inpex for the sake of reaching an IRR of 15 percent.

Inpex Masela block itself began managing since 1998 since it was signed production sharing contract (production Sharing contract / PSC) with a term of 30 years. Afterwards, the development plan (Plan of Development / PoD) first Masela block signed by the Government in 2010. It is known, Inpex has a participating interest of 65 percent while the rest dikempit by Shell.

Then, in 2014, alongside Inpex Shell revise PoD after the discovery of new reserves Abadi gas field, Masela of 6.97 TCF to 10.73 TCF figure. In the revision, the two investors have agreed to increase LNG facility capacity from 2.5 MTPA to 7.5 MTPA. When completed, this development project is predicted to be the largest LNG facility in the world.

But in March, the President Joko Widodo decided that development Masela done onshore as it is considered to have a greater impact for the community.
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