“Crime of The Century” yang dirilis pada bulan Juni 2014 oleh Brutal I翻訳 - “Crime of The Century” yang dirilis pada bulan Juni 2014 oleh Brutal I英語言う方法

“Crime of The Century” yang dirilis

“Crime of The Century” yang dirilis pada bulan Juni 2014 oleh Brutal Infection Records ini merupakan karya perdana Critical Defacement secara utuh dalam bentuk album semenjak dibentuk pada tahun 1996, walaupun pernah merilis mini album pada tahun 2000 dan 2010.

Critical Defacement yang mengarahkan kiblat bermusiknya pada Dying Fetus dan Napalm Death ini merupakan salah satu generasi pertama band pengusung death metal di kota Makassar.

Mengandung 9 lagu, “Crime of The Century” dihadirkan oleh Critical Defacement yang mengaduk segala rupa brutal technical death metal di dalamnya dengan vokalis, Idol Blasphemy yang menyalakkan vokalnya dengan teknik gultural, grunt dan piq squeals. Favorit saya ada pada “Bastard of Zionism” dan “Semua Pasti Mati”. Trust me, Their music will blast you through your head!
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
"Crime of The Century" which was released in June 2006 by Brutal Infection Records this is the work of the Prime Critical Defacement as a whole in the form of the album since it was formed in 1996, although never released a mini album in 2000 and 2010.Critical Defacement that points the direction music on Dying Fetus and Napalm Death is one of the first generation death metal band the Poles in the city of Makassar.It contains 9 tracks, "Crime of The Century" was presented by Critical Defacement which stirred all the appearances of a brutal technical death metal in it with vocals, the Blasphemy menyalakkan Idol vocal technique gultural, grunt and piq squeals. My favorite there is the "Bastard of Zionism" and "All Surely die". Trust me, Their music will blast you through your head!
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
"Crime of the Century" which was released in June 2014 by Brutal Records Infection This is the work of the prime Critical Defacement as a whole in the form of album since established in 1996, although never released a mini album in 2000 and 2010. Critical Defacement directing mecca of musical in Dying Fetus and Napalm Death is one of the first generation band bearers of death metal in the city of Makassar. Contains 9 songs, "Crime of the Century" presented by Critical Defacement that stirred all sorts of brutal technical death metal in it with a vocalist, Idol Blasphemy is menyalakkan gultural vocal technique, grunt and PIQ squeals. My favorites are on the "Bastard of Zionism" and "All Definitely Dead". Trust me, Their music will blast you through your head!

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