Kabupaten Enrekang adalah salah satu Kabupaten di Provinsi Sulawesi Se翻訳 - Kabupaten Enrekang adalah salah satu Kabupaten di Provinsi Sulawesi Se英語言う方法

Kabupaten Enrekang adalah salah sat

Kabupaten Enrekang adalah salah satu Kabupaten di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan yang potensial sebagai Sumber Energy baru terbaharukan.

Bumi Massenrempulu akan menjadi Kabupaten surplus Sumber Energy Listrik dalam waktu 2-3 tahun mendatang dengan akan dibangunnya Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA) Buttu Batu di Desa Buttu Batu Kecamatan Enrekang dengan kapasitas 2 x 100 MW dari Investor Asing (Penanaman Modal Asing) melalui PT. Energy Sinar Berkat Jakarta.

Kegiatan dan Rencana Pembangunan PLTA Buttu Batu oleh PT. Energy Sinar Berkat Jakarta telah mendapat legalitas perzinan berupa Izin Prinsip dari Bupati Kabupaten Enrekang Nomor: 040.2/2878/Setda Tanggal 23 Desember 2013 serta Izin Lokasi No. 540/155/Setda Tanggal 21 Januari 2014.

Sebelumnya Pihak Investor telah melakukan survey awal untuk mengetahui potensi daerah tersebut sebagai Sumber Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air di lembah Sungai Saddang pada 4 desa yaitu Desa Temban, Desa Tungka, Desa Tallu Bamba dan Desa Buttu Batu Kecamatan Enrekang.

Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup No. 17 juga telah dilaksanakan Sosialisasi AMDAL pada Bulan Juni 2014 lalu dan dalam waktu dekat akan melakukan survey lanjutan dari Tim Teknis Investor.

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Enrekang Regency is a Regency in South Sulawesi province that potential as a source of new Energy terbaharukan.The Earth's Massenrempulu will be a Source of Electric Energy surplus County within the next 2-3 years and will build a power plant water (HYDROPOWER) Stone in the village of Buttu Buttu Enrekang District Stone with a capacity of 2 x 100 MW from foreign investors (Foreign Investment) through PT Energy Rays thanks to Jakarta. HYDROPOWER development plan activities and Buttu Stone by PT. Jakarta thanks to Beam Energy has got Permission form perzinan the principle of legality of Enrekang Regency Regent number: 040.2/2878/Setda December 23, 2013 as well as site license No. 540/155/Setda 21st January 2014.Before The Investor has made a preliminary survey to find out the area's potential as a source of Water power stations in the Valley of the river Saddang in the village of Temban village 4, Tungka Village, the village and the village of Bamba Tallu Buttu Enrekang District Stone.Based on the regulation of the Minister of State for the environment no. 17 has also been carried out Socialization AMDAL in June 2014 and in the near future will do a follow-up survey of the technical team of investors.Person In Charge,
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Enrekang is one of the districts in the province of South Sulawesi as a potential new source of renewable Energy. Earth Massenrempulu will become surplus District Electric Energy Sources within the next 2-3 years to be built Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP) Buttu Buttu Stone Village Stone Subdistrict Enrekang with a capacity of 2 x 100 MW of Foreign Investors (Foreign Direct Investment) through PT. Energy Light Thanks to Jakarta. The activities and Hydropower Development Plan Buttu Stone by PT. Energy Rays Thanks Jakarta has received in the form of license perzinan legality principle of Regents Enrekang Number: 040.2 / 2878 / Secretariat of December 23, 2013 Date and Location Permit No. 540/155 / Secretariat of January 21, 2014. Previous The Investor has conducted an initial survey to determine the potential of the region as a Source of Power Water in the river valley Saddang in 4 villages namely Temban, Tungka Village, Villages and Countryside Tallu Bamba Buttu Batu subdistrict Enrekang. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 17 also has conducted Socialization EIA in June 2014 last month and in the near future will do the follow-up survey of the Technical Team Investors. Responsible, Massenrempulu earth will become surplus District Electric Energy Sources within the next 2-3 years to be built Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP) Buttu Buttu Batu Batu Village District of Enrekang with a capacity of 2 x 100 MW of Foreign Investors (Foreign Direct Investment) through PT . Energy Light Thanks to Jakarta. The activities and Hydropower Development Plan Buttu Stone by PT. Energy Rays Thanks Jakarta has received in the form of license perzinan legality principle of Regents Enrekang Number: 040.2 / 2878 / Secretariat of December 23, 2013 Date and Location Permit No. 540/155 / Secretariat of January 21, 2014. Previous The Investor has conducted an initial survey to determine the potential of the region as a Source of Power Water in the river valley Saddang in 4 villages namely Temban, Tungka Village, Villages and Countryside Tallu Bamba Buttu Batu subdistrict Enrekang. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 17 also has conducted Socialization EIA in June 2014 last month and in the near future will do the follow-up survey of the Technical Team Investors. Responsible, Massenrempulu earth will become surplus District Electric Energy Sources within the next 2-3 years to be built Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP) Buttu Buttu Batu Batu Village District of Enrekang with a capacity of 2 x 100 MW of Foreign Investors (Foreign Direct Investment) through PT . Energy Light Thanks to Jakarta. The activities and Hydropower Development Plan Buttu Stone by PT. Energy Rays Thanks Jakarta has received in the form of license perzinan legality principle of Regents Enrekang Number: 040.2 / 2878 / Secretariat of December 23, 2013 Date and Location Permit No. 540/155 / Secretariat of January 21, 2014. Previous The Investor has conducted an initial survey to determine the potential of the region as a Source of Power Water in the river valley Saddang in 4 villages namely Temban, Tungka Village, Villages and Countryside Tallu Bamba Buttu Batu subdistrict Enrekang. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 17 also has conducted Socialization EIA in June 2014 last month and in the near future will do the follow-up survey of the Technical Team Investors. Responsible, Energy Rays Thanks Jakarta has received in the form of license perzinan legality principle of Regents Enrekang Number: 040.2 / 2878 / Secretariat of December 23, 2013 Date and Location Permit No. 540/155 / Secretariat of January 21, 2014. Previous The Investor has conducted an initial survey to determine the potential of the region as a Source of Power Water in the river valley Saddang in 4 villages namely Temban, Tungka Village, Villages and Countryside Tallu Bamba Buttu Batu subdistrict Enrekang. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 17 also has conducted Socialization EIA in June 2014 last month and in the near future will do the follow-up survey of the Technical Team Investors. Responsible, Energy Rays Thanks Jakarta has received in the form of license perzinan legality principle of Regents Enrekang Number: 040.2 / 2878 / Secretariat of December 23, 2013 Date and Location Permit No. 540/155 / Secretariat of January 21, 2014. Previous The Investor has conducted an initial survey to determine the potential of the region as a Source of Power Water in the river valley Saddang in 4 villages namely Temban, Tungka Village, Villages and Countryside Tallu Bamba Buttu Batu subdistrict Enrekang. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 17 also has conducted Socialization EIA in June 2014 last month and in the near future will do the follow-up survey of the Technical Team Investors. Responsible,

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