Subhanallah, beberapa jam yang lalu relawan Misi Medis Suriah (MMS) me翻訳 - Subhanallah, beberapa jam yang lalu relawan Misi Medis Suriah (MMS) me英語言う方法

Subhanallah, beberapa jam yang lalu

Subhanallah, beberapa jam yang lalu relawan Misi Medis Suriah (MMS) melaporkan bahwa ratusan penduduk Lattakia-Suriah mengungsi dari kampung halaman mereka akibat hujan roket yang dilancarkan Rezim Assad, Jum'at (28/8/2015).

"Baru saja relawan Misi Medis Suriah (MMS) Indonesia di Suriah mengirimkan foto, pagi ini waktu Suriah (pukul 09.30 waktu Suriah / 13.30 waktu Indonesia), memperlihatkan rombongan ratusan pengungsi Suriah mengungsi melintasi depan kantor MMS. Mereka mengungsi akibat rumah-rumah mereka hancur ditembak roket Basyar," demikian lansir Coin4Syam.

Total jumlah pengungsi diperkirakan mencapai ribuan orang. Mereka berduyun-duyun berjalan kaki, membawa apa saja yang mampu dibawa, dalam bungkusan-bungkusan kasur, karung maupun kain sprai tempat tidur, yang diikat menjadi "ransel-ransel darurat". Bahkan tampak sebagian ummahat juga menggendong bayinya.

Sebagian dari mereka mengungsi ke Kamp Salahuddin tempat aktivis MMS Indonesia menyalurkan bantuan, dan sebagian lagi diperkirakan mengungsi ke wilayah Turki.

Atas insiden ini Coin4Syam mengajak Muslimin Indonesia membantu dengan harta seraya berdoa, "Hasbunallah wa ni'mal wakiil. Semoga Allah memudahkan mereka dan menjaga mereka, dan semoga kita mampu istiqomah memb
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Subhanallah, a few hours ago a volunteer Medical Mission to Syria (MMS) reported that hundreds of residents took refuge in Syria-Lattakia from their homelands due to rain rockets launched Friday, Assad's Regime (28/8/2015)."Just a volunteer Medical Mission to Syria (MMS) Indonesia in Syria sending photos, this morning the time Syria (Syria/time at 09.30 13.30 time Indonesia), saw groups of hundreds of refugees Syria took refuge across the front office of the MMS. They fled their homes due to destroyed a rocket shot, "Basyar lansir Coin4Syam.The total number of refugees is estimated to reach thousands of people. They flocked on foot, carrying what was able to be carried, in the bundle-bundle mattresses, sacks or cloth sprai bed, tied into a "Backpack-Backpack of emergency". Even seem most ummahat also cradling her baby.Most of them fled to the camp of Salahuddin place activists MMS Indonesia distributes aid, and partly to an estimated area of Turkey.Over this incident Coin4Syam invites Muslims to Indonesia help with treasure and pray, "Hasbunallah wa ni'mal wakiil. May Allah make it easy for them and maintain them, and hopefully we can afford istiqomah memb
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Subhanallah, a few hours ago volunteers Syrian Medical Mission (MMS) reported that hundreds of residents of Lattakia-Syrian displaced from their homes due to rain rockets launched by the Assad regime, Friday (28/08/2015).

"Just volunteers Medical Mission Syria (MMS) Indonesia in Syria send photos, this morning when Syria (09.30 time Syria / 13:30 Indonesia time), shows the group of hundreds of Syrian refugees to flee across the front of the MMS. they were displaced in their homes were destroyed shot rocket Bechar, "said Coin4Syam reports.

the total number of IDPs is estimated to reach thousands of people. They flocked on foot, carrying anything capable of being brought, in packs mattresses, sacks and cloth sprai bed, tied to "rucksacks emergency". Even looked partly ummahat also hold the baby.

Most of them fled to a camp Salahuddin MMS Indonesian activists distributing aid, and some are expected to flee to the Turkish area.

Upon this incident Coin4Syam invite Muslimin Indonesia helping with treasure praying, "Hasbunallah wa ni'mal wakiil. May Allah facilitate them and keep them, and hopefully we are able istiqomah memb
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