Per 31 Desember 2014, Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) BTPN mencapai Rp 53,3 triliun, tumbuh 2% dari periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya Rp 52,2 triliun.
Sementara itu, pendanaan yang bersumber dari pinjaman bilateral dan obligasi Rp 8,2 triliun, meningkat 29% dari periode tahun sebelumnya Rp 6,36 triliun. Jadi, total funding BTPN di 2014 tumbuh 5% (yoy). Diversifikasi sumber pendanaan dilakukan, untuk meringankan biaya dana (cosf of fund).
Rasio kredit terhadap simpanan (loan to deposit ratio/LDR) BPTPN mencapai 97%. Namun, apabila memperhitungkan pendanaan dari obligasi dan pinjaman bilateral, rasio likuiditas BTPN berada di level 84%.
As of December 31, 2014, a third-party Funds (DPK) SHORT BTPN reached Rp 53,3 billion, grew 2% from the same period of the previous year of Rp 52.2 billion. Meanwhile, the funding deriving from bilateral loans and bonds of Rp 8.2 trillion, an increase of 29% from the previous year's period to Rp 6,36 trillion. So, let us SHORT BTPN total in 2014 growing 5% (yoy). Diversification of funding sources is done, to ease the cost of funds (cosf of fund).The ratio of loans to deposits (loan to deposit ratio LDR/) BPTPN reach 97%. However, when taking into account funding from bilateral loans, bonds and liquidity ratio of SHORT BTPN in the level of 84%.

As of December 31, 2014, Third Party Fund (TPF), the Bank reached USD 53.3 billion, up 2% from the same period the previous year to Rp 52.2 trillion. Meanwhile, funding sourced from bilateral loans and bonds of Rp 8.2 trillion , an increase of 29% from the previous year to Rp 6.36 trillion. Thus, the Bank's total funding in 2014 grew 5% (yoy). Diversification of funding sources is done, to offset the cost of funds (cosf of funds). Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR / LDR) BPTPN reached 97%. However, when taking into account funding from bonds and bilateral loans, the Bank's liquidity ratio was at 84%.