Pernahkah Anda memperhatikan, saat bepergian ke suatu tempat, dimana ada seorang ibu pengemis menggendong bayinya yang sedang tertidur, kemudian Anda merasa kasihan? Hal yang sebenarnya dialami bayi tersebut, justru akan membuat kita miris.
Seperti dilansir dari, banyak pengemis di negara-negara Asia, Eropa seperti di Rumania dan Amerika Selatan, yang menggunakan bayi-bayi yang disewa, atau bahkan diculik dari keluarganya.
Have you noticed, while traveling to a place, where there is a mother cradling her baby beggars sleeping, then You feel sorry for? The truth experienced by the baby, it will make us sad.As reported by the, many of the beggars in countries of Asia, Europe as it is in Romania and South America, which uses leased babies, or even abducted from her family.

Have you ever noticed, when traveling to a place, where there is a beggar mother cradling her baby who was asleep, and then you feel sorry? It actually happened the baby, it will make us sad. As reported by the, many beggars in the countries of Asia, Europe such as in Romania and South America, which uses the babies are hired, or even kidnapped from her family.