Meski pertumbuhan kredit perbankan kini melambat, namun hal itu tak me翻訳 - Meski pertumbuhan kredit perbankan kini melambat, namun hal itu tak me英語言う方法

Meski pertumbuhan kredit perbankan

Meski pertumbuhan kredit perbankan kini melambat, namun hal itu tak menyurutkan minat investor asing. Sejumlah perusahaan telah memastikan penambahan jumlah kepemilikan sahamnya di bank Indonesia.

Nelson Tampubolon, Kepala Eksekutif Pengawasan Perbankan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), menegaskan, Shinhan Bank telah masuk tahapan final akuisisi Bank Metro. Sayang, dia mengaku tidak tahu nilai transaksinya.

Tapi, Shinhan Bank baru bisa menguasai kepemilikan Bank Metro lebih dari 40% bila ada proses merger dengan bank lain. "Mengenai bank kedua yang akan diambil Shinhan, biar mereka berproses dulu di Metro sampai final," kata Nelson pada KONTAN akhir pekan lalu.

Menurut Nelson, Shinhan Bank bersedia membawa dana ke Indonesia untuk mendukung fungsi intermediasi Bank Metro yang lebih baik. Ini tentu berefek positif bagi perekonomian nasional.

ANZ lepas saham

Selain Shinhan Bank, J Trust juga akan menambah kepemilikan di Bank J Trust Indonesia. Eks Bank Mutiara itu memang akan mengajukan suntikan modal kepada sang induk, dengan skema penerbitan saham baru tanpa Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih Dahulu (HMETD) atau biasa disebut private placement.

Dalam aksi ini, Bank J Trust Indonesia melepas 40 triliun saham baru atau 3,69% dari jumlah modal disetor per 30 Juni 2015, dengan harga pelaksanaan Rp 0,01 per saham.

Berdasarkan keterbukaan informasi yang dipublikasikan pekan lalu, bank dengan sandi saham BCIC itu mengincar dana segar Rp 400 miliar dari pemegang saham pengendali.

Pasca aksi ini, kepemilikan J Trust naik menjadi 99,041%, dari sebelumnya 98,997%. Sementara porsi J Trust Investments turun menjadi 0,958% dan publik tetap 0,003%.

Dana hasil aksi itu akan digunakan memperkuat struktur permodalan Bank J Trust dan akan dibahas dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa, 29 September nanti.

Sementara Australia and New Zealand Banking (ANZ) Ltd justru melepas 38% kepemilikan saham di Bank Panin. Mengutip Reuters, ANZ akan memulai proses penjualan saham pada pekan ini dengan nilai US$ 720 juta. ANZ menggandeng Goldman Sachs untuk menggaet investor asal China, Taiwan, serta Jepang.

Wakil Presiden Direktur Bank Panin Roosniati Salihin bilang, hanya pemegang saham pendiri yang terlibat dalam negosasi itu. "Yang bisa menyetujui adalah pemegang saham pengendali, dengan persetujuan otoritas," ujar Roosniati kemarin (23/8).

Deputi Komisioner Bidang Pengawasan Perbankan OJK Irwan Lubis bilang, lembaganya masih menunggu realisasi ANZ menjual Bank Panin.

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Although the banking loan growth is now slowing down, however it is not shattered our foreign investor interest. A number of companies have confirmed the addition of a number of ownership shares in the bank Indonesia.Nelson Tampubolon, the Chief Executive of the Financial Services Authority Banking Supervision (OJK), affirmed, Shinhan Bank has entered the final stages of the Bank's acquisition of Metro. Alas, he claimed to not know the value of this transaction.But, Shinhan Bank recently could master the Metro Bank ownership over 40% when there is a merger with another bank. "Regarding the second bank to be taken Shinhan, let those processes used to be in the Metro until the final," said Nelson on CASH late last week.According to Nelson, Shinhan Bank was willing to bring funds to Indonesia to support the Bank's intermediation function better Metro. It's certainly a positive effect conferring to the national economy.ANZ shares offIn addition to Shinhan Bank, J Trust will also add to ownership in the Bank Indonesia Trust J. Ex Bank Pearl that will indeed ask injections of capital to the parent, with the issuance of new shares without the right Ordering Effects in advance (HMETD) or commonly called private placement.In this action, the Bank of Indonesia Trust J take off 40 trillion new shares or 3,69% of the total paid-in capital as of 30 June 2015, with an exercise price of Rp 0.01 per share.Based on information disclosure, published last week, the bank's shares with a password that the fresh funds vied for the BCIC Rp 400 billion from the controlling shareholder.Post this action, proprietary J Trust rose to 99,041%, 98,997% than before. While a portion of the Trust's Investments dropped to J 0,958% and the public remain 0.003%.The funds will be used for the action results strengthen the capital structure of Bank J Trust and will be discussed in the general meeting of shareholders extraordinary, 29 September later.While Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) Banking Ltd. precisely pulled off a 38% ownership stake in Bank Panin. Quoting Reuters, ANZ will begin the process of selling shares on this week with a value of US $ 720 million. ANZ is working with Goldman Sachs to hook the original investors of China, Taiwan, and Japan.Vice President Director of Bank Panin Roosniati Salihin said, only founding shareholders involved in the negosasi of it. "Who can approve is the controlling shareholder, with the approval of the authority," said Roosniati yesterday (11/8).Deputy Commissioner of Banking Supervisory Field OJK Irwan Lubis said, the institution is still waiting for the realization of the ANZ Panin Bank selling. Share On:FacebookTwitterGoogle +BRI micro credit seek via the terrace and BRILink agentMonday, 24-Aug-2015 14:12Semester II, general insurance premiums rose foretold by 13%Monday, 24-Aug-2015 14:06The Philippine stock exchange because of technical issues disuspenMonday, 24-Aug-2015 1:57 pmJuly 2015, capex TOTO already absorbed 50%Monday, 24-Aug-2015 1:44 pmThe rupiah was lackluster, TBIG hedging debt until 2022Monday, 24-Aug-2015 1:04 pmPerformance PT PP is still far from the targetMonday, 24-Aug-2015 1:01 pmThere are just 10 fat capitalization that BPRMonday, 24-Aug-2015 12:58 pmAll shares index LQ45 blushMonday, 24-Aug-2015 12:45 pmSold 12,000 units, Tata Motors recently woke up factoryMonday, 24-Aug-2015 12:39 pmNo teken amendments, contract terminatedMonday, 24-Aug-2015 12:37 pmPT Timah Tbk production capacity the people get readyMonday, 24-Aug-2015 12:34 pm251 law yet incorporated PT BPRMonday, 24-Aug-2015 12:32 pmOil & gas service companies rallied and oil pricesMonday, 24-Aug-2015 12:32 pmAP II open tender Soekarno-Hatta FoundationMonday, 24-Aug-2015 12:31 pmDOID contract production target this yearMonday, 24-Aug-2015 12:29 pmOther News Indexes Article InfovestaMeasured Optimism in 2014 Monday, 27-Jan-2014 End the year 2013, capital market investments in Indonesia seems to have not provided satisfactory performance in which achievement index stock market index via the composite stock price index (IHSG) ended up in the red zone-0.98% at the end of 2013. So also with the bond market, especially in State (SUN) through an index created by the Infovesta, i.e., Infovesta Government Bond Index (IGBI) also experienced heavy enough pressure with the performance-5,17% throughout the same period. Read More ... Still Does The Windows DressingSaturday, 18-Dec-2013The potential of active and passive mutual fundThursday, 16-Dec-2013The prospect of Investment Stock 2014Tuesday, 27-Nov-2013The Prospect Of Investing In Mutual FundsWednesday, 21-Oct-2013Other Articles Index Videoimage Play: Market Alerts image Play: Market Review See All VideosRadio PAS FM Jakartaplay Mute Max volume Copyright © 2006 PT Infovesta Utama Investment Information, Research & Technical Services TOTAL building floor 10 JL. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav 106A Jakarta Barat 11440 Phone Fax Email: : :021-5697 2929/30 021-5697
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Although bank credit growth is slowing, but it did not dampen the interest of foreign investors. A number of companies have confirmed the addition of its share ownership in Indonesian banks. Nelson Tampubolon, Chief Executive Officer of Banking Supervision of the Financial Services Authority (FSA), affirmed, Shinhan Bank has entered the final stages of the acquisition of Metro Bank. Unfortunately, he did not know the value of the transaction. However, Shinhan Bank can master the new Metro Bank's ownership of more than 40% when there is a merger with another bank. "Regarding the second bank to be taken Shinhan, let them proceed first in Metro until the final," said Nelson in KONTAN last weekend. According to Nelson, Shinhan Bank is willing to bring funds into Indonesia to support Metro Bank intermediary function better. This is certainly a positive effect on the national economy. ANZ off stocks addition Shinhan Bank, J Trust will also increase its ownership in Bank Indonesia J Trust. Ex Bank Mutiara was indeed will propose a capital injection to the mother, with the issuance of new shares scheme without Preemptive Rights (ER) or so-called private placement. In this action, J Trust Bank Indonesia to sell 40 billion new shares, or 3.69 % of total paid-up capital as at 30 June 2015, with an exercise price of USD 0.01 per share. Based on the disclosure of the information published last week, the bank with the BCIC stock code targeting Rp 400 billion in fresh funds from the controlling shareholder. After this action, ownership A Trust rose to 99.041%, from the previous 98.997%. While the portion of J Trust Investments fell to 0.958% and the public fixed 0.003%. The proceeds from the action will be used strengthen the capital structure of Bank J Trust and will be discussed in the General Meeting of Shareholders Extraordinary, September 29 later. While Australia and New Zealand Banking (ANZ ) Ltd is precisely removing the 38% stake in Bank Panin. Citing Reuters, ANZ will begin the process of selling stock this week with a value of US $ 720 million. ANZ took Goldman Sachs to attract investors from China, Taiwan, and Japan. Vice President Director of Bank Panin Roosniati Salihin said, only the founding shareholders involved in the negosasi. "What can agree on is the controlling shareholder, with the approval of the authorities," said Roosniati yesterday (23/8). Deputy Commissioner Division of Banking Supervision FSA Irwan Lubis said, his office is still waiting for the realization of selling ANZ Panin Bank. Share On: Facebook Twitter Google+ BRI drill microcredit via terrace and agents BRILink Monday, 24-Aug-2015 14:12 Semester II, predicted the general insurance premiums rose 13% Monday, 24-Aug-2015 14:06 Exchange Philippines was suspended due to a technical issue Monday 24-Aug-2015 13:57 July 2015, TOTO capex already absorbed 50% Monday, 24-Aug-2015 13:44 Rupiah lackluster, TBIG hedging debt until 2022 Monday, 24-Aug-2015 13:04 performance of PT PP is still far from the target Monday 24-Aug-2015 13:01 There are only 10 RBs fat capital Monday, 24-Aug-2015 12:58 All shares LQ45 flushed Monday, 24-Aug-2015 12:45 Conduct of 12,000 units, Tata Motors' new build factories Monday , 24-Aug-2015 12:39 Not signed amendment, contract terminated Monday, 24-Aug-2015 12:37 PT Timah Tbk preparing the production capacity of the people Monday, 24-Aug-2015 12:34 251 RB has not been incorporated PT Monday 24-Aug-2015 12:32 Company services oil shock oil price Monday, 24-Aug-2015 12:32 AP II open tender Soekarno-Hatta Airport runway Monday, 24-Aug-2015 12:31 DOID targeting new contract later this Monday , 24-Aug-2015 12:29 News Index More Articles Infovesta Measuring Optimism in 2014 Monday, 27-Jan-2014 Ending in 2013, investment in Indonesia capital market seems to have not provided an encouraging performance in which the achievement index of stock market indices through index Price (JCI) ended in the red zone -0.98% at the end of 2013. So is the bond markets, especially sovereign bonds (SUN) through an index created by Infovesta, namely Infovesta Government Bond Index (IGBI) also came under pressure quite heavy with the performance of -5.17% during the period sama.Baca more ... Still there Windows Dressing Wednesday, 18-Dec-2013 Potential Mutual Active and Passive Monday, 16-Dec-2013 Investment Prospects 2014 Shares Wednesday, 27- Nov-2013 Prospect of Mutual Fund Investing Monday, 21-Oct-2013 Article Index Other Video image Play: Market Alert image Play: Market Review See All Video Radio FM PAS Jakarta play mute max volume Copyright © 2014 PT. Main Infovesta Investment Information, Research & Technical Services Building TOTAL Lt. 10 Jl. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav 106A West Jakarta 11440 Telephone Fax Email::: 021-5697 2929/30 021-5697 2933

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