KOMPAS.com ---Busana dan aksesori nampaknya menjadi hal yang tak dapat dipisahkan. Seperti yang disajikan label busana May&June bersama label aksesori Darling Rock, yang menyuguhkan tampilan masa kini dalam acara Fashionastic, Mal Pondok Indah 2, Jakarta (1/4/205).
May&June yang merupakan label busana Indonesia, menampilkan koleksi Spring Summer 2015, bertemakan Somewhere Beyond The Sea. Sesuai dengan tema yang disuguhkan, koleksi ini memiliki unsur gaya nautical yang kuat, menarik dan tak lekang oleh waktu. Nuansa birunavy,fuschia, dan kuning yang segar memberi kesan lebih muda pada siapapun yang mengenakan. Model busana yang ditawarkan pun terbilang sederhana, sehingga tetap bisa dikenakan saat ingin bergayasmart casual. Anda bisa menemukan deretan gaun bersiluet A line, atasan longgar, hingga celana dengan ujung lebar.
Melengkapi busana May&June, kalung dan gelang akeseori dari label Darling Rock, tampil kian menawan. Banyaknya aksesori kalung dengan aksen kilau bebatuan hadir dalam variasi warna pilihan. Tentunya akan memberi sentuhan berbeda jika Anda sematkan. Aksesori berdetail batu yang menyerupai mutiara dan bahan metal keemasan, juga dihadirkan Darling Rock dalam koleksi terbarunya yang dipresentasikan bersama label busana May&June di ajang Fashionastic 2015.
KOMPAS.com---Fashion and accessory seems to be the thing that cannot be separated. Like the fashion label presented May & June Darling accessory labels together Rock, presenting the current display in the event Fashionastic, Pondok Indah Mall 2, Jakarta (1/4/205).May & June which is a fashion label in Indonesia, showing collections Spring Summer 2015, themed Somewhere Beyond The Sea. In accordance with the themes presented, this collection has a strong nautical style, attractive and timeless by time. Shades of birunavy, fuschia, and yellow fresh young gave the impression on anyone who wears it. Fashion model offered was relatively simple, so it can still be worn when want to bergayasmart casual. You can find rows of bersiluet A line dress, loose tops, to trousers with the tip width.Complementary fashion May & June, necklace and bracelet akeseori Darling from the label Rock, appearing increasingly attractive. The large number of accessories necklace with accents shimmer rocks present in the color variations of options. Surely will touch different if you pin them. Accessories berdetail stones that resemble pearls and golden metal materials, also presented his latest collection in Rock Darling presented together fashion label May & June Fashionastic in 2015.

KOMPAS.com --- Clothing and accessories seem to be a thing that can not be separated. As presented fashion labels May and June together with the label accessories Darling Rock, presenting the view of the present in the event Fashionastic, Pondok Indah Mall 2, Jakarta (1/4/205). May and June are the fashion labels Indonesia, featuring a collection Spring Summer 2015, titled Somewhere Beyond The Sea. In keeping with the theme presented, this collection has a strong nautical style elements, interesting and timeless. Birunavy shades, fuschia and yellow fresh younger suggesting anyone wearing. Fashion models offered was fairly simple, so it can still be worn when you want bergayasmart casual. You can find rows of A line silhouette dresses, loose tops, to trousers with the wide end. Complementing the fashion May & June, necklaces and bracelets akeseori of label Darling Rock, appear increasingly attractive. The number of accessory necklace accented with sparkle stone comes in a variety of colors options. Surely it would give a different touch if you pinned. Accessories berdetail stones that resemble pearls and golden metal materials, also presented Darling Rock in his latest collection, presented together with a fashion label in May & June 2015 Fashionastic event.