Getting to know the e-invoice tax before entering the material efaktur, I'll give you an illustration that you have no idea what it efaktur "" Suppose you are a PKP, on 05 March 2012 you membei goods worth 300 million from PT xzy, total you must pay to PT xzy amounted to 300 Million + 30 jt (VAT 10%). during the March 2012 tax your input tax credit against the $ 30 million and has been reported to the office of registered tax pelayann you. Not unexpectedly unexpected :) on February 2, 2015 you received a warning letter from the tax office that the input tax of 30 million on March 05, 2012 was invalid indicated dkarenakan output tax has not been reported and dibayakan by your dealer / counterparty. You then contact the seller TSB and can not be contacted the seller ...... and indeed had never reported his output tax. then you are asked to do the rectification / correction to eliminate the input tax so that there will be less to pay $ 30 million :( "