Pemprovsu dan PT BTPN Teken MoU MedanBisnis - Medan. Pemerintah Provin翻訳 - Pemprovsu dan PT BTPN Teken MoU MedanBisnis - Medan. Pemerintah Provin英語言う方法

Pemprovsu dan PT BTPN Teken MoU Med

Pemprovsu dan PT BTPN Teken MoU
MedanBisnis - Medan. Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Utara (Pemprovsu) bersama PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) menandatangani nota kesepakatan bersama atau memorandum of understanding (MoU) pelatihan kewirausahaan bagi para PNS menjelang usia pensiun.

Melalui pelatihan ini, para calon pensiunan di jajaran Pemprovsu dapat mempersiapkan diri menjelang pensiun dan tetap bisa hidup sejahtera dan sehat jasmani dan rohani.

Penandatangan MoU dilakukan Gubsu H Gatot Pujo Nugroho ST bersama Wakil Direktur Utama BTPN Ongki W Dana yang disaksikan Prof Dorojatun Kuntjoro Jakti, Komisaris Utama PT Bank Tabungan Pegsiun Nasional,Tbk dalam acara yang digelar di Gedung Binagraha Jalan Diponegoro Medan, Selasa (30/9).

Gubsu dalam sambutannya berharap keterampilan yang diberikan dalam bekerjasama tersebut dapat menjadi bekal saat menjalani masa pensiun nanti, bukan hanya pelatihan teknis produksi tapi juga entrepreneurship yang berorientasi pada trend marketing dalam mewujudkan PNS Pemprovsu yang siap pensiun bahagia.

"Karena pensiun bukanlah akhir dari perjalanan karier, melainkan awal dari fase baru kehidupan yang lebih baik dan produktif," kata Gubsu
Kesepakatan bersama ini mendapat sambutan baik dari Gubsu yang mengatakan BTPN peduli terhadap para pensiunan bank, pensiunan sipil, TNI, Polri maupun BUMN dan swasta di daerah ini. Menurut Gubsu masa pensiun bisa menjadi masa menggembirakan bagi sebagian orang namun bisa menjadi masa yang penuh kegelisahan bagi sebagian orang.

"Apabila seseorang telah mempunyai cukup dana untuk membiayai kebutuhan-butuhannya di masa pensiunan tentu ini sangat menggembirakan," katanya.
Sementara itu, Dorojatun juga mengungkapkan harapan yang sama. "Melalui MoU ini, kita berharap dapat memberikan pembekalan persiapan pensiun kepada pegawai negeri sipil yang memasuki masa pensiun di lingkungan pemprovsu," papar Dorojatun.

Menurutnya dengan program pembekalan dan pendampingan ini, diharapkan para calon pensiunan dapat mempersiapkan diri lebih baik dalam memasuki masa pensiun dan tetap bisa hidup sejahtera dan sehat jasmani dan rohani.

Sementara itu, Ongki menjelaskan pelatihan untuk para calon pensiunan ini dilakukan melalui Program Daya. Pembekalan untuk para PNS aktif dan calon pensiunan terfokus pada empat sasaran, yakni pengembangan diri, pengelolaan keuangan, pengembangan rencana dan implementasi rencana. (ramita harja)

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Pemprovsu and PT SHORT BTPN Teken MoU
MedanBisnis-terrain. The provincial Government of North Sumatra (Pemprovsu) together with the national Retirees Savings Bank PT Tbk (SHORT BTPN) signed a memorandum of mutual agreement or memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the entrepreneurship training of CIVIL SERVANTS toward retirement age.

Through this training, the Pemprovsu in the ranks of prospective retirees can prepare ahead of the retired and still able to live prosperous and healthy physical and spiritual

MoU Signatories do. Gubsu H Gatot Pujo Nugroho ST together Vice President SHORT BTPN Ongki W funds witnessed Dorojatun Kuntjoro Prof ', Commissioner of PT Pegsiun, the National Savings BankTbk in the event held in Medan, Jalan Diponegoro Binagraha Tuesday (30/9).

Gubsu hope in his speech skills provided in such cooperation can be armed while undergoing retirement later, not just production but also technical training entrepreneurship-oriented marketing trends in the realization of the Pemprovsu CIVIL SERVANTS ready to retire happy.

"Because retirement is not the end of history, but rather the beginning of a new phase of better life and productive," said Gubsu
mutual agreement this acclaim both from Gubsu that says SHORT BTPN matter against the retired bank, retired civilian, MILITARY, police and STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES and the private sector in this area. According to the Gubsu retirement can be a joyous time for some people however could be angst-ridden period for some people.

"when one has had enough funds to cover the needs of the retired in future butuhannya-of course this is very encouraging," he said.
Dorojatun, meanwhile, also expressed hope for the same. "Through this MoU, We hope to provide pension arrangements to supply civil servants who entered retirement in pemprovsu neighborhood, "said Dorojatun.

According to him with this accompaniment and supply program, expected to be the candidate of retirees can prepare better in retirement and still able to live prosperous and healthy physical and spiritual

. Meanwhile, Ongki describes training to aspirants retirees is made through the Program resources. Supply to the active CIVIL SERVANTS and prospective retirees are focused on four objectives, i.e., self development, financial management, development plans and implementation plans. (ramita harja)

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Pemprovsu and PT Bank's signature in the MoU
MedanBisnis - Medan. Provincial Government of North Sumatra (Pemprovsu) with PT National Savings Bank Tbk (the Bank) signed a Memorandum of Understanding or memorandum of understanding (MoU) entrepreneurship training for civil servants before retirement age. Through this training, the candidates in the ranks of retired Pemprovsu can prepare before retirement and can remain prosperous and healthy life physically and mentally. signing of MoU Gatot Pujo Nugroho Gubsu H ST with Deputy Director of the Bank Ongki W Fund witnessed Prof. Dorojatun Kuntjoro Jakti, Commissioner of the National Savings Bank Pegsiun, Tbk in an event held Binagraha Building Jalan Diponegoro in Medan, Tuesday (30/9). Gubsu in his speech hoped that the skills provided in the collaboration can be equipped moment later retirement, not only technical training but also production-oriented entrepreneurship in creating a marketing trend PNS Pemprovsu are ready to retire happy. "Because retirement is not the end of the career, but the beginning of a new phase of life better and productive," said Gubsu

Deal with this well received Gubsu who say the Bank care about retired bank, a retired civilian, military, police and state enterprises and private sector in this area. According Gubsu retirement can be a joyous time for some people but it can be a time of anxiety for some people. "If someone already has sufficient funds to cover the needs of her need in the future-this is certainly very encouraging retirees," he said. Meanwhile, Dorojatun also expresses the same hope. "Through this MoU, we hope to provide a briefing preparation for retirement to civil servants who retire in Pemprovsu environment," said Dorojatun. According to the debriefing and mentoring programs, it is hoped the prospective retiree can prepare better in retirement and can remain prosperous and healthy life physically and mentally. Meanwhile, Ongki explain to the prospective retiree training is done through Power Program. Debriefing for active civil servants and pensioners candidate focused on four objectives, namely self development, financial management, development plans and implementation of the plan. (Ramita HARJA)

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