3. Tuan SUGIYANTO, lahir di Jakarta, pada tanggal 9 (sembilan) Januari 1978 (seribu sembilan ratus tujuh puluh delapan), Warga Negara Indonesia, Wiraswasta, bertempat tinggal di Cipinang Timur, Rukun Tetangga 008, Rukun Warga 017, Kelurahan Cipinang, Kecamatan Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta TImur, Pemegang Kartu Tanda Penduduk dengan Nomor Induk Kependudukan 3175020901780001 dan berlaku sampai dengan tanggal 9 (sembilan) Januari 2016 (dua ribu enam belas) ; -------
Dalam hal ini bertindak untuk dan atas nama PT. Rama Mulia Sejahtera sesuai dengan
3. Mr. SUGIYANTO, born in Jakarta on September 9 (nine) January 1978 (one thousand nine hundred and seventy-eighth), a citizen of Indonesia, Entrepreneur, residing in East Cipinang prison, Jiran 008, 017, Neighborhood Residents Along Cipinang prison, Kecamatan Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta, the cardholder Signs the population with the parent Population Numbers 3175020901780001 and is valid until the date of 9 (nine) of January 2016 (two thousand and sixteen); -------In this case was acting for and on behalf of PT Rama Noble Peace in accordance with the

3. Mr. Sugiyanto, was born in Jakarta, on 9 (nine) in January 1978 (one thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight), Indonesian citizen, Self, residing in East Cipinang, Neighborhood 008, 017 Pillars of Citizens, Cipinang, District Pulogadung, East Jakarta City, Identity Card Holder with Identity No. 3175020901780001 and valid until the date of 9 (nine) in January 2016 (two thousand and sixteen); -------
In this case acting for and on behalf of PT. Rama Majesty Prosperous accordance with