Taksi Express didirikan oleh Peter sondakh lewat rajawali Corpora pada翻訳 - Taksi Express didirikan oleh Peter sondakh lewat rajawali Corpora pada英語言う方法

Taksi Express didirikan oleh Peter

Taksi Express didirikan oleh Peter sondakh lewat rajawali Corpora pada bulan desember tahun 1989 dengan jumlah kendaraan awal hanya 20 kendaraan. Dua tahun kemudian, yakni di 1991, Taksi Express menambah lagi jumlah kendaraan menjadi total 500 kendaraan. Kemudian, pada tahun 1995, Taksi Express menambah lagi jumlah kendaraannya menjadi total 800 kendaraan. Taksi Express bisa bertahan menghadapi 2 krisis besar, yakni Krisis Moneter 1998 dan krisis dunia 2008. Bahkan pada tahun 1998, saat banyak Taksi lain mengalami kebangkrutan, Taksi Express mampu menambah kendaraan hingga total berjumlah 1000 unit. Di akhir 2013, TAXI (Taksi express Grup) sudah memiliki lebih dari 10.000 kendaraan, dengan lebih dari 20.000 mitra pengemudi..

Saat ini, PT Express Taxindo Utama (TAXI) mempunyai 5 lini bisnis utama, diantaranya Taksi express Regular, Tiara Express (taksi Alphard), Limousine Express (penyewaan mobil cc besar), Eagle High (Penyewaan Bis), dan Eagle Taxi (taksi dengan tarif atas seperti Blue Bird). Saat ini, Taksi Express regular sudah ada di Jadetabek, Surabaya, medan, padang, semarang. Limousine Express melayani Jadetabek, Bandung, Bali, Lombok, Sedangkan Eagle High, Eagle express dan Tiara express hanya ada di Jadetabek. Lini bisnis Taksi Express regular masih mendominasi bisnis TAXI dengan jumlah total 94% dari seluruh kendaraan…

Di tengah ancaman serbuan Taxi apps dari Luar Negeri, TAXI juga meningkatkan kualitas sistem reservasinya dengan mengembangkan reservasi app dan system DDS (digital dispatch System) untuk memudahkan pemesanan Taksi oleh penumpang. Adanya berbagai inovasi lain seperti pembayaran non tunai, Wifi gratis, express Card, Taxi MPV avanza di semarang juga bisa menjadi nilai tambah pada pelayanan Taksi Express..

Model bisnis Taksi Reguler yang digunakan Taksi Express adalah berupa sistem kemitraan, dengan pengemudi menjadi mitra yang harus menyetor uang pangkal -sebagai jaminan bisa membeli mobil setelah kemitraan habis di tahun ke 7- dan uang setoran bulanan. Uang setoran bulanan itu mencakup uang setoran harian dan biaya pemeliharaan. Dari uang pemeliharaan inilah TAXI mendapat keuntungan lewat penjualan suku cadang ke mitra pengemudinya. Untuk lini bisnis lain umumnya menggunakan system sewa biasa dengan komisi atau gaji bulanan bagi para pengemudinya..

Prospek Bisnis Taksi di Indonesia
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Taxi Express was founded by Peter sondakh Eagles passes Corpora in December 1989 with the number of vehicles beginning only 20 vehicles. Two years later, in 1991, the taxi Express adds again the number of vehicles being a total of 500 vehicles. Then, in 1995, taxi Express adds again the number of the vehicle becomes a total of 800 vehicles. Taxi Express can survive the big crisis facing 2, i.e. the monetary crisis in 1998 and the world crisis. Even in 1998, when many other Taxi into bankruptcy, taxi Express is able to add vehicles to total amounts to 1000 units. At the end of 2013, TAXI (Taxi express Group) already has more than 10000 vehicles, with more than 20000 driver partners..Currently, PT Taxindo Utama Express (TAXI) has 5 main business lines, including Taxi express Regular, Tiara Express (taxi Alphard), Limousine Express (car hire cc), Eagle High (Bus Hire), and Eagle Taxi (taxi rates such as Blue Bird). Currently, taxi Express regular already in Jadetabek, Surabaya, medan, padang, semarang. Limousine Express to serve Jadetabek, Bandung, Bali, Lombok, while the Eagle High, Eagle express and Tiara express exists only in Jadetabek. Lines of business Taxi Express regular business still dominate the TAXI with the total number of 94% of the entire vehicle ...Amid the threat of invasion from abroad apps Taxi, TAXI also improves the quality of the system through its reservations with developing reservation app and system DDS (digital dispatch System) to facilitate Taxi bookings by passengers. The existence of various other innovations such as non-payment of cash, free Wifi, express Card, avanza MPV Taxi in semarang could also be a value added service Taxi Express ...Regular taxi business model used Taxi Express system is a partnership, by a partner of the driver who must deposit the money base-as collateral could buy a car after the partnership expires in year 7-and deposit money monthly. Monthly deposit of money that include daily deposits of money and maintenance costs. Is this maintenance money from the TAXI profited through sales of spare parts to a good-looking partner. For other business lines generally use ordinary lease system with monthly salary or Commission for the good-looking ...Taxi business prospects in Indonesia
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Taxi Express was founded by Peter Sondakh passing eagle Corpora in December 1989 the number of vehicles beginning just 20 vehicles. Two years later, in 1991, the Taxi Express add more number of vehicles to a total of 500 vehicles. Then, in 1995, Taxi Express add more number of vehicles to a total of 800 vehicles. Taxi Express can withstand two major crisis, the crisis of the world monetary crisis of 1998 and 2008. Even in 1998, when a lot of other bankruptcy taxi, taxi Express is able to add vehicles to the total amounted to 1000 units. In late 2013, TAXI (Taxi Express Group) already has more than 10,000 vehicles, with more than 20,000 partners driver .. Currently, PT Express Taxindo Utama (TAXI) has five main business lines, including express Regular Cabs, Tiara Express (taxi Alphard), Limousine Express (cc major car rental), Eagle High (Rental Bis), and Eagle Taxi (taxi with fare such as Blue Bird). Currently, regular Taxi Express already exist in Jadetabek, Surabaya, fields, meadows, Semarang. Limousine Express serves Jadetabek, Bandung, Bali, Lombok, while Eagle High, Eagle express and Tiara express only in Jadetabek. Business lines Taxi Express regular still dominate the business TAXI with a total of 94% of all vehicles ... Amid the threat of invasion Taxi apps of Foreign Affairs, TAXI also improve the quality of the reservation to develop reservation app and system DDS (Digital Dispatch System) to facilitate booking Taxi by passengers. The existence of a variety of other innovations such as non-cash payment, free Wifi, Express Card, Avanza MPV Taxi in Semarang also could be added value in service Taxi Express .. The business model used Regular Taxi Taxi Express is in the form of a partnership system, the driver should be a partner -as a guarantee deposit base money can buy a car after the partnership runs out in years to 7- and deposit money monthly. Monthly deposit money includes daily deposit money and maintenance costs. TAXI from this maintenance money benefited through the sale of spare parts to partner driver. For other business lines generally use a regular rental system with a commission or a monthly salary for the driver .. Prospects Business Taxis in Indonesia

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