Direktur Utama J Trust Bank Ahmad Fajar menuturkan, pihaknya tetap ber翻訳 - Direktur Utama J Trust Bank Ahmad Fajar menuturkan, pihaknya tetap ber英語言う方法

Direktur Utama J Trust Bank Ahmad F

Direktur Utama J Trust Bank Ahmad Fajar menuturkan, pihaknya tetap berkeinginan untuk mempertahankan status sebagai perusahaan terbuka. Namun, menurut dia, J Trust Bank kemungkinan baru akan melepaskan saham dan meningkatkan porsi kepemilikan saham publik pada 2016 secara bertahap. Ketentuan free float mewajibkan perusahaan publik untuk memiliki saham publik minimal 7,5% dari jumlah saham dalam modal disetor.

“Kami tetap ingin menjadi listed company. Kami akan kembali ke bursa, tidak ada opsi delisting. Tapi bank ini kan baru diambil oleh J Trust, jadi kami berharap diberikan waktu dulu untuk menatanya,” ujar Fajar ditemui usai rapat umum pemegang saham tahunan (RUPST) J Trust Bank di Jakarta, Selasa (23/6).

Fajar mengaku, pihaknya membutuhkan waktu untuk terlebih dahulu menata bank yang baru diambil alih oleh J Trust, setelah melalui masa-masa penyehatan di tangan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS). Peningkatan porsi saham publik menjadi 7,5% sesuai aturan otoritas bursa dapat dipenuhi dalam jangka waktu dua tahun ,sejak eks Bank Mutiara ini diakuisisi oleh J Trust pada September 2014. “Kami akan ikuti aturannya. Rencananya tahun depan akan kami mulai (lepas saham ke publik) tahun depan secara bertahap,” terang dia.

Pada akhir Maret 2015 lalu, J Trust Co LTD menguasai 99,036% saham J Trust Bank, Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) masih memiliki 0,961%, dan publik hanya 0,003%. Dalam RUPST perseroan pada 23 Juni 2015, menurut Fajar, juga diputuskan pembelian saham 1% yang semula dimiliki oleh LPS dan J Trus Bank kepada badan hukum lokal yang juga dimiliki J Trust.

Dengan demikian, ketentuan terkait batas maksimal 99% saham asing sesuai perundangan telah dipenuhi. Tahun ini, menurut Fajar, pihaknya akan fokus dalam melakukan konsolidasi bisnis guna memperbaiki arah bisnis J Trust Bank. Untuk itu, menurut dia, hingga akhir 2015 perseroan tidak mematok target laba bersih terlalu tinggi. “Hingga akhir tahun kami targetkan laba bersih sekitar Rp 53 miliar, karena memang tahun ini kami fokus konsolidasi, tahun depan baru kami tumbuh lebih baik,” terang dia.

Perseroan juga tidak mengubah target pertumbuhan kredit tahun ini yang diperkirakan di kisaran 17%. Pertumbuhan kredit, menurut dia, kemungkinan akan didorong pada semester II-2015, terutama pada kredit konsumer serta usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM). “Kami sudah punya beberapa pipeline terutama untuk SME (small medium enterprise) dan kredit ke multifinance,” terang dia.

Aset Manajemen

Sementara itu, dalam proses konsolidasi tersebut, menurut Fajar, perseroan juga akan menekankan perbaikan rasio kredit bermasalah (non performing loan/NPL) dengan melakukan restrukturisasi dan penjualan aset. Selain itu, saat ini induk usaha, J Trust Co Ltd tengah memproses pembentukan perusahaan aset manajemen. Perusahaan saudara J Trust Bank tersebut, menurut dia, akan menampung sebagian aset-aset bermasalah J Trust Bank.

“Proses pembentukannya telah diajukan ke OJK. Kami harapkan bisa rampung tahun ini. Kami akan alihkan aset bermasalah secara bertahap untuk tahun ini sekitar Rp 200-300 miliar,” ungkap dia.

Dengan restrukturisasi dan pengalihan aset bermasalah tersebut, Fajar pun menargetkan dapat menenkan NPL net pada kisaran 3% dan memastikan NPL gross di bawah 5%. Pada kuartal I-2015, J Trust Bank mencatatkan NPL gross 11,22% dan NPL net 4,87%.

Selain perbaikan kualitas aset, menurut dia, induk usaha juga berkomitmen untuk memperkuat permodalah J Trust Bank dengan menyuntikkan modal setiap tahun hingga 2017. Menurut dia, pihaknya juga telah menerima tambahan modal sebesar Rp 600 miliar dan memperkuat posisi rasio kecukupan modal (capital adequacy ratio/ CAR) pada kisaran 17%.

Sementara itu, J Trust Bank mulai menjaring bisnis baru dengan memberikan pembiayaan pada perusahaan asal Jepang yang berbisnis di Indonesia. Pada semester II-2015, perseroan juga akan memperoleh penempatan dana dari sejumlah perusahaan relasi induk mencapai Rp 1-2 triliun. “Sedang kami bicarakan bentuk penempatan dana seperti apa, apakah MTN, NCD, atau deposito. Yang pasti ini akan menurunkan cost of fund (CoF) kami,” terang Fajar. (ID)

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Director J Trust Bank Ahmad Dawn said, it remains eager to maintain its status as a public company. However, according to him, J Trust Bank new possibilities will be releasing stocks and increase the share of public ownership in 2016 in phases. Provision of free float requires publicly traded companies to have public shares of at least 7.5% of the total stock in paid-in capital."We want to become a listed company. We will be back to stock, no delisting is option. But the bank's recently taken by J Trust, so we hope that given time used to organize them, "said Dawn found after the annual general meeting of shareholders (AGM) J Trust Bank in Jakarta, Monday (23/6).Dawn admitted, it takes time to first organize the new bank was taken over by j. Trust, after going through the period of the Bank in the hands of Lps (LPS). The increase in the share of the public stock to 7.5% according the rules of the stock exchange authorities can be met within a period of two years, since the former Pearl Bank was acquired by j. Trust in September 2014. "We will follow the rules. The plan next year will we started (off the stocks to the public) next year in phases, "the light of him.At the end of March 2015 then, J Trust Co. Ltd. ruled 99,036% stake in J Trust Bank, Lps (LPS) still has 0,961%, and the public just 0.003%. In the company's AGM on June 23, 2015, according to the dawn, also decided the purchase of shares of the 1% that was originally owned by LPS and J Trus Bank to local legal entities also owned J Trust.Thus, the provisions of the related maximum limits of foreign stock 99% according to prevailing laws have been met. This year, according to the dawn, it will focus on consolidation to improve business business direction J Trust Bank. For that, according to him, until the end of 2015, the company's net income target range is not too high. "Until the end of the year we are targeting net profit of Rp 53 billion this year, because our focus is the consolidation of our new, next year grow better," bright he is.The company also does not change the target loan growth this year is estimated to be in the range of 17%. Loan growth, according to him, the possibility will be encouraged in semester II-2015, particularly on consumer credit as well as small and medium enterprises (SMEs). "We've got some pipeline especially for SME (small medium enterprise) and credit to multifinance," bright he is.Asset ManagementMeanwhile, in the process of consolidation, according to dawn, the company also will emphasize improvement of the ratio of bad debt (non performing loan/NPL) by doing restructuring and asset sales. In addition, the parent's current efforts, J Trust Co Ltd company formation process a central asset management. Sister companies J Trust Bank is, according to him, will accommodate most troubled assets J Trust Bank. "The process of its formation have been proposed to OJK. We can complete this year. We will transfer the assets of the troubled this year gradually to around Rp 200-300 billion, "he said. With the restructuring and the transfer of the assets of the troubled, Dawn any target can be menenkan net NPL at 3% range and ensure gross NPL below 5%. Quarter I-2015, J Trust Bank records NPL gross 11.22% and NPL net 4,87%.In addition to the improvement of the quality of assets, according to him, the parent undertakings is also committed to strengthening permodalah J Trust Bank by injecting capital every year until 2017. According to him, it has also received additional capital amounting to Rp 600 billion and strengthen the position of capital adequacy ratio (capital adequacy ratio/CAR) in the range of 17%.In the meantime, J Trust Bank began to attract new business by providing financing in Japan that companies doing business in Indonesia. Semester II-2015, the company will also acquire the placement of funds from a number of companies of the parent relation reached Rp 1-2 trillion. "We're talking about what kind of funds placement form, does the MTN, NCD, or deposits. That surely this would lower the cost of fund (CoF) us, "light of dawn. (ID)
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Director of J Trust Bank Ahmad Fajar said, it still intends to maintain its status as a public company. However, according to him, J Trust Bank will release the new possibilities of shares and increase the share of public ownership in 2016 gradually. Free float provisions require public companies to have public shares at least 7.5% of the total number of shares in the paid-up capital. "We still want to be a listed company. We will return to the market, there is no option delisting. But it's a new bank was taken by J Trust, so we expect given the first time to arrange, "said Dawn met after the annual general meeting of shareholders (AGM) J Trust Bank in Jakarta, Tuesday (23/6). Fajar admitted, it requires first time to organize a new bank that was taken over by J Trust, after going through periods of restructuring in the hands of the Deposit Insurance Agency (LPS). Increased public shares to 7.5% as the market authority rules can be met within a period of two years, since the former Bank Mutiara was acquired by J Trust in September 2014. "We will follow the rules. The plan next year we will start (off shares to the public) gradually next year, "he explained. At the end of March 2015, J Trust Co Ltd controlled 99.036% stake in J Trust Bank, the Deposit Insurance Agency (LPS) still has 0.961%, and the public is only 0.003%. In the company's AGM on June 23, 2015, according to Dawn, also decided the purchase of a 1% stake previously owned by LPS and J Trus Bank to legal entities which are also locally owned J Trust. Thus, the relevant provisions of the maximum limit of 99% foreign equity by law had been met. This year, according to Dawn, the institute will focus on consolidating the business in order to improve the business direction J Trust Bank. To that end, according to him, until the end of 2015 the company did not set a target net income is too high. "Until the end of the year we are targeting net profit of about Rp 53 billion, because this year we focused consolidation, the new next year we grow better," he explained. The company also does not change the credit growth target this year is estimated at around 17%. Credit growth, according to him, is likely to be driven in the second half of 2015, especially in consumer credit as well as small and medium enterprises (SMEs). "We've got some pipeline especially for the SME (small medium enterprise) and credit to finance," he explained. Asset Management Meanwhile, in the consolidation process, according to Dawn, the company will also emphasize the improvement of NPL (non-performing loans / NPL ) by restructuring and asset sales. In addition, the current holding company, J Trust Co Ltd in the process of formation of asset management companies. A sister company Trust Bank, according to him, will accommodate most troubled assets J Trust Bank. "The process of its formation has been submitted to the FSA. We expect to be completed this year. We will gradually divert troubled assets for the year is about USD 200-300 billion, "he said. With the restructuring and transfer of assets of the troubled, Dawn was able menenkan targeting net NPL in the range of 3% and ensure NPL below 5%. In the first quarter of 2015, J Trust Bank recorded 11.22% gross NPL and net NPL 4.87%. In addition to the improvement in asset quality, according to him, the holding company is also committed to strengthening permodalah J Trust Bank by injecting capital every year until 2017. According to him, he has also received additional capital of Rp 600 billion and strengthen the position of the capital adequacy ratio (capital adequacy ratio / CAR) in the range of 17%. Meanwhile, J Trust Bank began to solicit new business by providing financing to the Japanese company to do business in Indonesia. In the second half of 2015, the company will also acquire the placement of funds from a number of parent relations company reached Rp 1-2 trillion. "While we are talking about what kind of shape the placement of funds, whether MTN, NCD, or deposits. Which surely will bring down the cost of funds (CoF) us, "said Dawn. (ID)

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