Marzan menyelesaikan studi sarjananya di Fakultas Teknik Elektro Insti翻訳 - Marzan menyelesaikan studi sarjananya di Fakultas Teknik Elektro Insti英語言う方法

Marzan menyelesaikan studi sarjanan

Marzan menyelesaikan studi sarjananya di Fakultas Teknik Elektro Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), kemudian melanjutkan pendidikan pascasarjana dan doktoral di bidang yang sama di Universitas Tokai, Jepang. Berbekal ilmu teknologi yang dimilikinya, dia meyakini bahwa Iptek dapat mengantarkan suatu negara berkembang ke negara maju, dengan mengandalkan kekuatan ekonomi yang bertumpu pada inovasi.

Jika benar-benar mengacu pada Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2002 tentang Sistem Nasional Penelitian, Pengembangan dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia seharusnya dapat semakin dekat dengan cita-cita pemerintah berbasis teknologi. Namun, perkembangan konseptual teknologi maju di Tanah Air tidak dibarengi dengan penerapannya di bidang kebijakan industri teknologi.

“Itu belum dilaksanakan semestinya, terutama terkait pembebasan pajak,” tambah pria yang selalu berpakaian rapi itu. Industri yang berbasis Iptek harus memiliki departemen penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development) yang baik, dengan diperkuat oleh anggaran pemerintah.

Pemerintah, lanjutnya, perlu juga mengalokasikan anggaran yang lebih untuk menunjang kegiatan riset bidang teknologi yang saat ini menjadi prioritas. “Misalnya riset di bidang teknologi energi, informasi dan komunikasi, pangan, kesehatan, pertahanan dan keamanan, transportasi, dan material baru,” katanya.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
His undergraduate studies Marzan electrical engineering faculty of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), then continued his graduate studies and a doctorate in the same field at Tokai University, Japan. Armed with science technology has, he believes that science and technology could usher in a developing country to a developed country, by relying on the strength of the economy based on innovation.If it really refers to Act No. 18 of 2002 concerning the national system of research, development and application of technology, Indonesia should be getting closer to the ideals of Government-based technology. However, the conceptual development of advanced technologies in the homeland are not coupled with its application in the field of industrial technology policies."It has not been implemented properly, especially regarding tax exemption," added the man who always dressed neat that. Science and technology-based industries must have the research and Development Department (research and development) are good, with reinforced by Government budget.The Government, he continued, it is necessary also to allocate more budget to support research activities in the field of technology which is currently a priority. "For example, research in the fields of energy, information technology and communications, food, health, defence and security, transportation, and new materials," he said.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Marzan completing his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), then attend graduate school and doctoral studies in the same field at Tokai University, Japan. Armed with knowledge of its technology, he believes that science and technology can deliver a developing country to a developed country, by relying on the strength of the economy that relies on innovation. If actually refers to Law No. 18 of 2002 on the National System of Research, Development and Application of Technology , Indonesia should be able to get closer to the ideals of technology-based government. However, the conceptual development of advanced technologies in the country is not accompanied by the application of technology in the field of industrial policy. " It has not been implemented properly, especially related to the tax exemption, " added the man who always dressed it. Science and technology-based industries should have a research and development department (research and development) are good, with reinforced by the government budget. The government, he added, should also allocate more budget to support research activities in technology which is currently a priority. " For example, research in energy technology, information and communication, food, health, defense and security, transportation, and new materials, " he said.

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