Selamat Siang Pak Yanto,
Mohon maaf baru bisa reply, hari ini saya sudah diskusi Internal untuk
final spec yang sudah dipresentasikan Pak Yanto.
Ada beberapa masukan dari Goshima San dan Oshio San, jadi kita undang lagi
pak yanto untuk Fix Final Spec nya.
biar bisa segera dibuatkan quotation nya.
Saya ada waktu di hari berikut ini pak :
Besok Rabu 4 May, Jam 3-4 sore atau,
Senin 9, Jam 10 pagi
Mohon konfirmasi kesediaanya
Good Afternoon Mr. Yanto,Sorry could reply, today I had an Internal discussion tothe final spec already presented Mr. Yanto.There are some entries from the San San and Oshio Goshima, so we invite againMr. yanto to Fix the Final Spec.I'll be soon created his quotation.I have time on the following day the Pack:Tomorrow Wednesday 4 May, 3-4 Hour afternoon or, Monday 9th, 10 amPlease confirm kesediaanya

Good Morning Pak Yanto, sorry could only reply, today I've had discussions internal to the final spec that has been presented Pak Yanto. There was some feedback from Goshima San and Oshio San, so we invite again pack yanto to Fix Final Spec her. I'll be immediately made his quotation. I have time on the following day pack: Tomorrow, Wednesday 4 May, Hours 3-4 pm or, Monday 9 Hours 10 am Please confirm kesediaanya