Pelaksana tugas Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, mengatakan biaya pengembangan Blok Masela bisa berkurang lagi sekitar US$ 7 miliar. Kementerian Energi tengah mengkalkulasi kembali potensi penurunan kebutuhan investasi tersebut.
"Kami sekarang sedang hitung, bagaimana Masela itu ada dua," kata Luhut di Jakarta kemarin. Ia pun menjelaskan kedua skema pengembangan Blok Masela yang dimaksud. Pertama, pengeboran gas (drilling) dan membawanya menuju tangki. Kedua, penghiliran (processing), yakni mengalirkan gas dari tangki ke Indonesia Incorporated. "Itu nanti ada chemical, petrokimia, di situ semua. Malah cost-nya lebih murah."
Menurut Luhut, ada struktur investasi yang berubah. Perubahan itu nantinya akan menghasilkan nilai tambah bagi domestik. "Sehingga Indonesia tidak hanya menerima di ujung, tapi juga menerima hilirisasinya."
Nantinya, Inpex Corporation dan Shell Indonesia yang menjadi operator Lapangan Abadi hanya akan mengebor gas. ?Selanjutnya, gas yang dihasilkan dijual ke badan usaha milik pribumi yang ia sebut sebagai Indonesia Incorporated, untuk dicairkan menjadi liquefied natural gas (LNG). Dengan begitu, diperkirakan biaya akan lebih murah.
"Yang processing biar Indonesia Incorporated saja. Kita sudah punya pabrik pupuk, petrochemical, semua kita lakukan. Makanya, saya akan lapor Presiden, kita mestinya mengelola di banyak tempat, karena bertahun-tahun harga gas lebih mahal," Luhut menambahkan.
Sebagai kompensasi, pemerintah akan memberikan insentif dengan memperpanjang kontrak Inpex dan Shell di Masela, yang sebelumnya 20 tahun, ditambah 10 tahun lagi. Dengan demikian, keduanya akan mengelola Lapangan Abadi hingga 30 tahun setelah kontrak berakhir.
Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 35 Tahun 2004, perpanjangan kontrak? maksimal 20 tahun. Namun Luhut akan berupaya agar penambahan bisa diberikan. Penambahan itu sesuai dengan permintaan Inpex. "Mereka bilang, boleh tidak memperpanjang 10 tahun. Ya, saya katakan bisa dibicarakan."
Luhut meyakinkan penambahan kontrak itu bukan masalah. Apalagi, 10 tahun terakhir, Inpex memakainya untuk kajian di kilang offshore, meski akhirnya batal. "Kami cari akal supaya dia (Inpex) tetap senang. Kamu senang, saya senang."
Sebelumnya, Luhut mengatakan Blok Masela tinggal menunggu kesiapan dokumen rencana pengembangan. Plan of development (PoD) akan dibicarakan dengan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas). "Saya bilang, kalau boleh, PoD delapan bulan, jangan setahun," ujar dia.
Luhut memastikan SKK Migas siap menyelesaikan PoD dalam waktu delapan bulan. "Kita tunggu saja dari SKK Migas," kata dia.
Acting Minister of energy and Mineral resources, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, said development costs can be reduced again the Masela Block approximately US $ 7 billion. The Ministry of energy is central to calculate potential return on investment needs decrease. "We're now calculate, how is it there are two Masela," Luhut said in Jakarta yesterday. He also explains the second Block development scheme Masela question. First, gas drilling (drilling) and bring it toward the tank. The second, penghiliran (processing), i.e. the flow of gas from the tank to the Indonesia Incorporated. "It later there is a chemical, petrochemical, there all. Even his cost is cheaper. " According to Luhut, there is a changing investment structure. The change will produce added value to domestic services. "So Indonesia not only received at the other end, but also receive hilirisasinya." Later, Inpex Corporation and Shell Indonesia which became Eternal Field operators will only be drilled gas. ? The resulting gas is then sold to indigenous owned enterprises which he called as Indonesia Incorporated, to melted into liquefied natural gas (LNG). Thus, the estimated cost would be cheaper. "The processing let Indonesia Incorporated only. We've got a plant fertilizer, petrochemical, all we do. So, I will be the President's report, we should manage in many places, for many years the price of gas is more expensive, "Luhut added. As compensation, the Government will provide incentives by extending the contract of Inpex Masela, and Shell in the previous 20 years, plus 10 years. Thus, both will be managing the field Lasting up to 30 years after the contract ends. Based on the Government Regulation Number 35 in 2004, a contract extension? a maximum of 20 years. However, Luhut endeavours so that additions can be given. Additions to it in accordance with the request of Inpex. "They said, could not extend the 10-year period. Yes, I said can be discussed. " Luhut convincing additions to the contract was not the problem. Moreover, the last 10 years, Inpex wear it for review at the refinery offshore, though ultimately Cancel. "Our search is reasonable so that he (Inpex) remain happy. You're happy, I'm happy. " Previously, Luhut said Masela Block just wait for the readiness of the development plan document. Plan of development (PoD) will be discussed with the units of Work Implementing Specific business activities Upstream Oil and Gas (oil & gas SKK). "I told you, if I may, the PoD of eight months, not a year," he said. Luhut ensure SKK oil & gas ready complete PoD within eight months. "We just wait from SKK oil and natural gas," he said.

Executing the task of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, said Masela development costs can be reduced from about US $ 7 billion. The Ministry of Energy middle back calculate the potential decrease investment needs.
"We are now calculating how Masela that there are two," said Luhut in Jakarta yesterday. He also explained the scheme of development of the Masela block in question. First, gas drilling (drilling) and bring it to the tank. Second, penghiliran (processing), which transports gas from the tank to Indonesia Incorporated. "That there will be chemical, petrochemical, at which all. In fact, its cheaper cost."
According Luhut, no investment structure has changed. Changes that will generate added value for the domestic market. "So that Indonesia not only received at the end, but also received hilirisasinya."
Later, Inpex Corporation and Shell Indonesia which is the operator Abadi field only to drill gas. ? Furthermore, the gas produced is sold to a native-owned enterprise which he described as Indonesia Incorporated, to be liquefied into liquefied natural gas (LNG). By doing so, it is estimated the cost will be cheaper.
"The processing let Indonesia Incorporated alone. We've got a plant fertilizer, petrochemical, all we do. So, I am going to tell the President, we should manage in many places, because of years of gas prices expensive, "Luhut added.
As compensation, the government will provide incentives to extend the contract Inpex and Shell in Masela, the previous 20 years, plus 10 years. Thus, both will manage Abadi field up to 30 years after the contract expires.
Based on Government Regulation No. 35 of 2004, a contract extension? a maximum of 20 years. However Luhut will be working to make additions could be given. The addition is in line with demand Inpex. "They say, should not extend to 10 years. Yes, I say to talk about."
Luhut convincing additions to the contract was not a problem. Moreover, the last 10 years, Inpex use it to study at the refinery offshore, although ultimately canceled. "We find sense that he (Inpex) happy. You're happy, I'm happy."
Earlier, Luhut said Masela just waiting for the readiness of the development plan document. Plan of development (PoD) will be discussed by the Special Task Force of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas). "I say, if I may, PoD eight months, not a year," he said.
Luhut ensure SKK Migas PoD is ready to complete within eight months. "We'll see from SKK Migas," he said.