Mr. Greq,I think this add is not logical and it looks like the current condition of the harness SATO to take advantage.I think this training is part of the PO which KSB publish, please see the quote from that moment from SATO Alm Pak Yanto. And just look at the chart from SATO to software purchased in 2011 and then activated in 2015 should have go according to the attached chart and not have to pay back with price 26jt. Mr. Kurniawan,Please helped to resolve this problem immediately, and for the AMC Printer SATO preferably tabled in advance PR of the warehouse. We suggest you look for another solution if viewed the cooperation system SATO like this one, I'm from the warehouse does not want cooperation with the supplier of this in the future, spt, and should think about dressing Options printer barcode and software now from SATO.We can talk this issue soonest.