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Memberi itu lebih baik, karena tdk semua orang bisa.

Zaman sekarang kalian akan sulit menemukan Pramuka di Bumi Perkemahan, mereka bukan berkarya tetapi berfoya-foya. Pramuka ada pada individunya

Alhamdulillah bendera kita PAPA Team (Persatuan Anak Penjelajah Alam) kota Padangsidimpuan sudah berkibar di puncak Gunung Fuji Jepang. Salah satu cita2 kita bersama smoga tetap jaya!

Kita tidak bisa menilai seseorang itu dari prestasi, suku dan agamnya. Jika seseorang liberal sejati itu tidak akan bisa diandalkan seperti menteri Amerika ini dan pengusungnya Jokowidowdow.

Foto Diambil saat istrahat mndaki

Bukan iklan

Lihat makanan ini baru sampai di lereng g.Fuji sudah gembung hampir meledak

Tidak berharap ada penjualan minuman otomatis di atas gunung, masukkan uang langsung bisa minum yg hangat atau dingin. Tapi harganya mahal sekali

HUT RI Ke-71 semoga menjadi Negara Islam supaya keadilan bisa ditegakkan dengan baik.

Selamat Ulangtahun negaraku ke 71 NKRI bukan harga mati!
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Give it better, because tdk everyone can.Now you guys are going to be difficult to find in the Scout Campsite, they are not working but dissipate. Scouting exists on individualThank God our flag PAPA Team (the Union of the children of nature Explorers) city of Padangsidimpuan was already flying on the top of Mount Fuji in Japan. One of our common cita2 smoga remain victorious!We can't judge a person of accomplishment, tribes and agamnya. If someone is a true liberal would not be reliable as American Minister and pengusungnya Jokowidowdow.Photo taken while istrahat mndakiNot advertising See this new food until it is on the slopes of g. Fuji already bloat almost explodedDo not expect an automatic drink sales on top of the mountain, enter direct money can drink warm or cold reply. But they're expensive as hellHUT RI Ke-71 may be Muslim countries so that justice can be enforced properly.Happy anniversary poems for my country to 71 dead SO not price!
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Giving is better, because ill everyone can.

Nowadays you will hardly find Scout Campgrounds, they are not working but dissipate. Scouting is on the individual

Alhamdulillah our flag PAPA Team (Persatuan Anak Alam Explorer) Padangsidimpuan city has been hoisted on top of Mount Fuji of Japan. One of our common cita2 smoga remain victorious!

We can not judge a person's achievements, tribal and agamnya. If someone is a true liberal would not be as reliable as the American minister and poles Jokowidowdow.

Photo Taken when resting mndaki

not ad

View this food just reached the slope g.Fuji already bulging bursting

Not expecting no automatic beverage sales at the top of the mountain, put the money which can instantly warm or cold drink. But so expensive

HUT RI Ke-71 may become an Islamic State so that justice can be enforced.

Happy Anniversary country to 71 NKRI not set in stone!
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