KEDIRI, Jenazah salah seorang korban jatuhnya pesawat AirAsia QZ8501 di Selat Karimata, Kalimantan Tengah, Yenni Soewono (38), diinapkan di tempat penitipan jenazah Kediri, Jawa Timur. Rencananya, jenazah Yenni akan dimakamkan di tempat pemakaman Klotok, Kelurahan Pojok, Kecamatan Mojoroto, Kota Kediri, Kamis (22/1/2015) depan.
Petugas dari Perkumpulan Rukun Sinoman ""Dana Pangrukti"" Kediri, --tempat penitipan jenazah--, Ana, mengatakan keluarga Yenni memang sengaja menitipkan jenazah sebelum nantinya dimakamkan.
Kediri, corpse of one of the victims of the crash QZ8501 in AirAsia Karimata Strait, Central Kalimantan, Yenni Soewono (38), men were lodged in daycare relics of Kediri, East Java. His plan, his remains will be buried at Yenni cemeteries Klotok River, Village Corner, district Mojoroto, Kediri, Thursday (22/1/2015).The clerk of the Assembly of the tenets of Sinoman "" Pangrukti "" Funds of Kediri,--cadaver-daycare-, Ana, says family Yenni was deliberately left the corpse before it was later buried.

KEDIRI, The body of one of the victims of the crash in the Strait of AirAsia QZ8501 Karimata, Central Kalimantan, Yenni Soewono (38), lodged at daycare bodies Kediri, East Java. The plan, Yenni's body will be buried in the cemetery Klotok, Village Corner, District Mojoroto, Kediri, Thursday (22/01/2015) forward. Officers of the Society Pillars Sinoman "" Dana Pangrukti "" Kediri, --tempat care jenazah-- , Ana, said Yenni family was deliberately left the corpse before being buried.