Inilah berbagai layanan Garda Oto yang dapat Anda nikmati sebagai nila翻訳 - Inilah berbagai layanan Garda Oto yang dapat Anda nikmati sebagai nila英語言う方法

Inilah berbagai layanan Garda Oto y

Inilah berbagai layanan Garda Oto yang dapat Anda nikmati sebagai nilai tambah istimewa:

Klaim Mudah

Cukup menghubungi Garda Akses atau jaringan cabang Asuransi Astra, petugas Garda Oto siap membantu proses klaim pelanggan. Mudah dan tidak berbelit-belit.

Survey @ Your Doorstep

Bagi Anda yang sibuk, Garda Oto mempunyai layanan Survey @ Your Doorstep untuk wilayah Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang dan Bekasi. Cukup melapor melalui Garda Akses sebagai langkah awal, kemudian membuat janji dengan surveyor. Maka surveyor akan mengunjungi Anda untuk melakukan survei terhadap mobil Anda sesuai dengan penjanjian.

Garansi Hasil Kerja Bengkel

Untuk kepastian kualitas perbaikan mobil pelanggan, Garda Oto memberikan garansi selama enam bulan untuk hasil kerja pengecatan yang dilakukan.

Garansi Suku Cadang Asli

Tidak hanya hasil kerja yang terjaga kualitasnya, suku cadang yang digunakan juga asli.

No Claim Bonus

Pelanggan berhak mendapatkan potongan pembayaran saat perpanjangan polis apabila pelanggan tidak pernah mengajukan klaim pada periode perlindungan sebelumnya.

Garda Center

Hadir di pusat-pusat perbelanjaan dan lokasi strategis lainnya, layanan inovatif ini akan semakin terjangkau dan memberi kemudahan klaim bagi pelanggan Garda Oto.

Garda Akses 24 Jam

Layanan 24 jam ini akan memudahkan pelanggan menghubungi Garda Oto untuk mendapatkan informasi produk, aplikasi penutupan dan layanan perpanjangan polis asuransi, layanan laporan klaim, hingga bantuan darurat di jalan. Garda Akses dapat dihubungi melalui CALL 1 500 112, CLICK, dan SMS 08118 500 112.

Garda Siaga Emergency Roadside Assistance

Garda Siaga Emergency Roadside Assistance adalah layanan bantuan darurat di jalan yang disediakan oleh Garda Oto bagi para pelanggan.

Layanan Garda Siaga Emergency Roadside Assistance meliputi:

1. Layanan Darurat (Emergency Service)

Layanan darurat (Emergency Service) adalah layanan untuk memastikan anda dapat segera melanjutkan perjalanan, kami menyediakan bantuan mekanik untuk mengatasi gangguan kendaraan Anda. Armada bermotor Garda Siaga siap mengatasi gangguan ringan seperti:
•Tire Service

Garda Siaga siap membantu di saat ban kendaraan Anda kurang angin atau bocor dan Anda tidak dapat mengatasinya sendiri, baik dikarenakan kurangnya perlengkapan atau tidak memungkinkannya keadaan di sekitar lokasi kejadian karena unsur keamanan.
•Battery Service

Garda Siaga siap membantu Anda yang mengalami mogok di jalan karena kendaraan tidak dapat dihidupkan (start) yang disebabkan oleh fungsi accu/battery kendaraan yang sudah tidak berfungsi dengan baik.
•Fuel Service

Garda Siaga siap membantu Anda jika kendaraan mengalami kehabisan bahan bakar. Garda Siaga akan memberikan sejumlah bahan bakar sehingga Anda dapat segera meneruskan perjalanan.
•Overheating Service

Garda Siaga siap mengatasi gangguan pada komponen pendingin mesin Anda ketika temperatur mesin kendaraan Anda naik sampai pada batas keamanan mesin yang memaksa Anda berhenti sebelum Anda mencapai tempat tujuan anda.
•Electrical Service

Garda Siaga siap membantu Anda yang mengalami mogok di jalan karena lampu besar mobil mati pada malam hari.
•Power Train Service

Garda Siaga siap membantu Anda yang mengalami mogok di jalan karena gangguan pada sistem transmisi dan kemudi kendaraan seperti kopling, ataupun juga power steering.
•Engine Service

Garda Siaga siap membantu Anda yang mengalami mogok di jalan karena gangguan pada fungsi mesin sebagai alat penggerak utama kendaraan.
•Brake Service

Garda Siaga siap membantu Anda yang mengalami mogok di jalan karena mengalami gangguan pada fungsi pengereman kendaraan yang dapat saja berakibat fatal jika perjalanan dari pemakai kendaraan tersebut diteruskan.
•Locksmith Service

Garda Siaga siap membantu Anda ketika kunci kendaraan Anda tertinggal di dalam kendaraan Anda yang telah terkunci.

2. Layanan Derek (Towing Service)

Untuk mengatasi gangguan pada kendaraan Anda dengan tingkat kesulitan yang lebih tinggi, Garda Siaga menyediakan pula layanan derek. Armada derek Garda Siaga memberikan layanan :
•Layanan darurat

Bila petugas Garda Siaga tidak dapat mengatasi gangguan karena jenis kerusakan yang sulit diselesaikan dalam waktu singkat.
•Layanan Kecelakaan

Bila anda mengalami kecelakaan kendaraan baik rusak sebagian atau keseluruhan, sehingga anda tidak dapat meneruskan perjalanan.

Wilayah Operasional Garda Siaga Emergency Roadside Assistance
1.Seluruh Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta.
2.Bogor, Cibinong dan Puncak sampai dengan Puncak Pass
3.Tangerang sampai dengan Bandara Soekarno Hatta
4.Bekasi, sampai dengan Lippo Cikarang
9.Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Layanan Garda Siaga Emergency Roadside Assistance tidak meliputi:
•Bila lokasi gangguan di luar wilayah operasi tersebut di atas
•Biaya-biaya yang berkaitan dengan pelayanan di bengkel
•Penggantian komponen kendaraan yang rusak
•Lokasi gangguan berada di lokasi kerusuhan atau huru-hara
•Penderekan mobil dengan berat (tonase) lebih dari 3 ton

Demi menjamin ketenangan Anda saat berkendara, saat ini Garda Oto memiliki armada Garda Siaga Emergency Roadside Assistance yang terdiri dari 3 jenis unit kendaraan yaitu ;
•Motor Garda Siaga yang spesifikasinya kompak dan mampu menembus tempat sempit
•Jenis regular (mobil derek / towing) yang merupakan kendaraan untuk derek tarik
•Jenis ‘gendong’ (mobil gendong / carry) memungkinkan kendaraan pelanggan yang tidak dapat ditarik untuk diangkut diatasnya.

Jadi apabila Anda mengalami masalah darurat apapun pada kendaraan Anda, Anda cukup menghubungi Garda Akses 24 Jam, atau kantor cabang terdekat yang telah menyediakan layanan Garda Siaga Emergency Roadside Assistance dan bantuan akan segera datang. Sesaat setelah laporan Anda diterima, petugas Garda Siaga akan segera berangkat menuju lokasi Anda untuk membantu memberikan penanganan awal. Apabila kerusakan membutuhkan penanganan yang lebih khusus, maka petugas Garda Siaga akan membantu menderek kendaraan Anda menuju bengkel terdekat.

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
This is the range of Garda Oto you can enjoy as a special added value: Easy Claim Simply contact the branch network or Access Guard Insurance Astra, officer Garda Oto is ready to assist the process of customer claims. Easy and not convoluted. Survey @ Your Doorstep For those of you who are busy, Garda Oto has Service Survey @ Your Doorstep to Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi. Enough to report through the Garda Access as a first step, then make an appointment with a surveyor. Then the surveyor will visit you to do a survey of your car in accordance with penjanjian. Warranty Work Workshop For the assurance of quality car repair customers, Garda Oto warranty for six months to work painting done. Original Spare Parts Guarantee The work is not only maintained quality parts used are also original. No Claim Bonus Customers are entitled to a discounted payment policy renewal time when customers never make a claim on a previous protection period. Garda Center Present in shopping centers and other strategic locations, this innovative service will be more affordable and provide convenience for the customer claims Garda Oto. Garda Access 24 hours 24-hour service makes it easy for customers to contact the Garda Oto to get product information, application extension services and the closure of the insurance policy, the report claims, to emergency aid on the way. Garda Access can be contacted via CALL 1 500 112, CLICK, and SMS 08118 500 112. Garda Standby Emergency Roadside Assistance Garda Standby Emergency Roadside Assistance is a service emergency assistance on the roads provided by Garda Oto for their customers. Services Garda Standby Emergency Roadside Assistance includes: 1. Emergency Services (Emergency Service) Emergency services (Emergency Service) is a service to ensure that you can immediately continue the journey, we provide mechanical assistance to overcome the distractions of your vehicle. Motor fleet Standby Guard ready to cope with the disruptions minor such as: • Tire Service Garda Standby ready to help when your vehicle's tires less wind or leak and you can't solve it alone, either because of a lack of equipment or do not enable it to circumstances around the scene because the element of security. • Battery Service Garda Standby ready to assist you in experiencing crashing on the road because the vehicles can not be switched on (start) caused by function accu/battery vehicle that was not functioning properly. • Fuel Service Garda Standby ready to help you if the vehicle runs out of fuel. Standby Guard will provide a certain amount of fuel so you can immediately continue. • Overheating Service Garda Standby ready to overcome the distractions on the component cooling your engine when your vehicle's engine temperature rises up to the limit of the machine's security force you stop before you reach your destination. • Electrical Service Garda Standby ready to help you experience the break down on the road because of the great lights of the car dead at night. • Power Train Service Garda Standby ready to help you experience the break down on the road because of the interruption of transmission and steering systems on vehicles such as the clutch, or power steering as well. • Engine Service Garda Standby ready to help you experience the break down on the road because of the disruption in the functioning of the machine as a tool of prime mover vehicles. • Brake Service Garda Standby ready to help you experience the break down on the road because of the disrupted the functioning of the braking of a vehicle can be fatal if the journey from users vehicles continues. • Locksmith Service Garda Standby ready to help you when Your vehicle keys left in the vehicle that You have locked. 2. The crane Service (Towing Service) To overcome the distractions on your vehicle with a higher difficulty level, provide Standby Service Guard derek. Crane fleet Standby Guard provide services: • Emergency services When the standby Guard officer cannot resolve the disruption due to the type of damage which is difficult to be resolved in a short time. • Accident Service When you have an accident damaged vehicle either in part or whole, so you can't carry on a trip. The Operational Area Of Garda Standby Emergency Roadside Assistance 1. Throughout Jakarta. 2. The Bogor and Cibinong, Peaks up to the Summit of the Pass 3. up to Tangerang Soekarno Hatta 4. Singapore, to Lippo Cikarang 5. Bandung 6. Cirebon 7. Semarang 8. Solo 9. the special region of Yogyakarta 10. Surabaya 11. The unfortunate 12. Denpasar 13. Balikpapan 14. Macassar 15. Field 16. The field 17. Soweto 18. Jambi 19. Palembang 20. Lampung Services Garda Standby Emergency Roadside Assistance does not cover: • When interference location outside the area of operation of the above • Costs associated with service in the workshop • Replacement of a damaged vehicle components • Location of disturbances in a riot or insurrection • Car Penderekan weight (tonnage) of more than 3 tons For the sake of guaranteeing tranquillity You while driving, the current Garda Oto has the fleet Standby Guard Emergency Roadside Assistance that consisted of 3 types namely vehicle unit; • The Motor is Idle who Guard its specifications compact and able to penetrate the narrow place • Types of regular (car tow/towing) vehicle to pull tow • The types of ' carrying ' (car carrying/carry) allow the vehicle customers who cannot be drawn to be transported on it. So if you experience any emergency problems on your vehicle, you can simply contact the Garda Access 24 hours, or the nearest branch that has been providing Standby Guard Emergency Roadside Assistance and aid will come soon. Shortly after your report is received, the Garda officers on standby will soon depart for your location to help deliver the initial handling. If the damages require more specialized handling, then the standby Guard officers will help menderek your vehicle towards the nearest repair shop.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
This is Garda Oto various services that you can enjoy as a special added value: Claims Easy Access Guard Simply call or branch network Astra Insurance, Auto Guard officers ready to assist the customer claims process. Easy and uncomplicated. Survey @ Your Doorstep For those of you who are busy, Garda Oto had Survey @ Your Doorstep service to Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi. Enough report through Access Guard as a first step, then make an appointment with the surveyor. Then the surveyor will visit you to survey your car according to penjanjian. Warranty Repair Work To ensure the quality of car repair customers, Garda Oto provide a warranty for six months to work painting done. Match Genuine Parts Not only the work is maintained quality, parts used are also original. No Claim Bonus Customers are entitled to a pay cut when policy renewal if the customer never filed a claim in the previous protection period. Garda Center Present in shopping centers and other strategic locations, this innovative service will be more affordable and provide convenience for customers Garda Oto claims. Guard For 24 Hours 24 hour service will enable customers to contact Garda Oto to get information on products, applications and services closure of the insurance policy renewal, claims reporting service, to emergency aid in the way. Access Guard can be contacted via CALL 1,500,112, CLICK, and SMS 08 118 500 112. Guard Alert Emergency Roadside Assistance Guard Alert Emergency Roadside Assistance is emergency assistance services in the way provided by the Garda Oto for customers. Emergency Alert Service Garda Roadside Assistance includes: 1. Emergency Service (Emergency Service) Emergency Services (Emergency Service) is a service to ensure that you can immediately continue the journey, we provide mechanical assistance to overcome the interference of your vehicle. Guard Standby motor fleet prepared to handle minor disturbances such as: • Tire Service Guard standby ready to assist in your vehicle when the tire is less wind or leak and you can not handle it alone, either due to lack of equipment or do not enable the circumstances surrounding the scene because of security elements. • Battery Service Guard standby ready to assist you who have broken down on the road because the vehicle can not be turned on (start) caused by the function of batteries / battery vehicles that are not functioning properly. • Fuel Service Guard Standby is ready to help you if the vehicle run out of fuel. Guard Alert will provide a number of fuel so you can immediately continue the journey. • Overheating Service Guard Standby ready to overcome interference with the components of your engine coolant when the engine temperature rises to your vehicle on machine safety limits that force you to stop before you reach your destination. • Electrical Service Guard standby ready to assist you who have broken down on the road because the headlights died during the night. • Power Train Service Guard standby ready to assist you who have broken down on the road due to disturbances in the transmission system and steering a vehicle such as a clutch, or also the power steering . • Engine Service Guard standby ready to assist you who have broken down on the road because of interference with the function of the machine as a prime mover of the vehicle. • Brake Service Guard standby ready to assist you who have broken down on the road due to interference with the vehicle braking function which can be fatal If traveling from the vehicle user is forwarded. • Locksmith Service Guard standby ready to assist you when your vehicle key is left in your vehicle that has been locked. 2. Derek Services (Towing Service) To overcome interference in your vehicle with a higher degree of difficulty, Guard Alert also provides crane services. Guard Standby crane fleet providing services: • Emergency services Guard Standby When officers can not cope with disruptions due to the type of damage that is difficult to be solved in a short time. • Accident Service If you have an accident damaged vehicles either in part or whole, so you can not go on. Territory Operational Guard Alert Emergency Roadside Assistance 1.Seluruh Jakarta Special Capital Region. 2.Bogor, Cibinong and Peak to Peak Pass 3.Tangerang up to Soekarno Hatta 4.Bekasi, up to Lippo Cikarang 5.Bandung 6.Cirebon 7.Semarang 8.Solo Special 9.Daerah Guard Alert Emergency Roadside Assistance does not include: • If the fault location outside the operating area mentioned above • Costs associated with service in the workshop • Replacement of the damaged vehicle components • Location disturbance at the scene riot or civil commotion • towing a car with weight (tonnage) of more than 3 tons To ensure your tranquility while driving, currently has a fleet of Garda Garda Oto Alert Emergency Roadside Assistance which consists of 3 types of vehicles, namely: • Motor Guard Standby whose specification compact and able to penetrate tight places • Regular type (wrecker / towing) which is the vehicle to tow pull • Type 'carrying' (car carrying / carry) enables customers vehicles that can not be stretched to be transported on it. So if you experience any emergency problem on your vehicle, you can simply contact the Garda Access 24 Hours, or the nearest branch office that has been providing services Guard Alert Emergency Roadside Assistance and support will come soon. Shortly after your report is received, Alert Guard officer will soon leave for your location to help provide early treatment. If damage requires more specialized handling, the Alert Guard officers will help tow your vehicle toward the nearest garage.

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