PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BBRI) tengah mengkaji opsi baru dalam rencana akuisisi perusahaan asuransi jiwa. Pejabat bank mengungkapkan, selain opsi joint venture dengan mitra asing, BRI juga tengah menjajaki pengambilalihan saham milik Dana Pensiun BRI di PT. Asuransi Jiwa Bringin Jiwa Sejahtera (Bringin Life).
Achmad Baiquni, Direktur Keuangan BRI mengatakan BRI tidak memiliki saham di Bringin Life. "Kami kaji ambil Bringin Life jadi anak usaha, selama ini dimiliki dapen (dana pensiun," ungkap Baiquni.
Dia menambahkan, rencana akuisisi asuransi ditargetkan terealisasi paling lambat di kuartal IV 2014. Adapun, dana yang disiapkan untuk akuisisi perusahaan asuransi dan sekuritas mencapai Rp 3 triliun.
Sebagaimana diketahui, Dana Pensiun BRI memiliki 90,17% saham Bringin Life. Sedangkan, sisanya dimiliki Yayasan Kesejahteraan Pegawai BRI dengan porsi 9,65%. Sebanyak 0,27% sisa saham dimiliki oleh koperasi karyawan perusahaan tersebut.
Berdasarkan laporan solvabilitas perseroan, aset Bringin Life di kuartal IV 2013 mencapai Rp 3,8 triliun. Pendapatan premi Bringin Life mencapai Rp 1,8 triliun sedangkan laba bersih setelah pajak mencapai Rp 233 miliar.
Baiquni menjelaskan, bank ingin mengembangkan bisnis bancassurance dengan memanfaatkan captive market nasabah BRI. Karena itu, akuisisi perusahaan asuransi jiwa bernilai strategis bagi perseroan. Saat ini, jumlah nasabah BRI mencapai 48 juta. (*)
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BBRI) examines new options middle in the plan of acquisition of life insurance companies. Bank officials reveal, in addition to the option of joint venture with a foreign partner, BRI also explores the takeover of shares belonging to pension funds BRI in pt. Asuransi Jiwa Bringin the prosperous Soul (Bringin Life).Achmad Baiquni, financial Director of BRI BRI says has no stake in Bringin Life. "We're Bringin Life so grab kaji child effort, as long as it is owned dapen (pension funds," says Baiquni.He added, the acquisition of insurance plans targeted at least realized the quarter 2014 IV. As for the funds, prepared for the insurance companies and the acquisition of securities reached Rp 3 trillion.As is known, the Pension Fund has a BRI 90,17% stake in Bringin Life. Whereas, the rest belongs to the Foundation for the welfare of employees of the BRI with 9.65% portion. As much as 0.27% remaining shares owned by the company's employee cooperative.Based on a report the company's solvency, assets Bringin Life in quarter IV 2013 reached Rp 3.8 trillion. Premium income Bringin Life reached Rp 1.8 trillion, while the net profit after tax reached $ 233 billion.Baiquni explains, the bank wants to develop bancassurance business by utilizing a captive market client BRI. Therefore, the acquisition of life insurance companies of strategic value to the company. Currently, the number of clients reached 48 million BRI. (*)

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI) is currently reviewing a new option in the proposed acquisition of a life insurance company. Bank officials revealed, in addition to the option of joint ventures with foreign partners, BRI is also exploring the acquisition of shares owned BRI Pension Fund PT. Bringin Life Insurance Life Prosperity (Bringin Life). Achmad Baiquni, Finance Director said BRI BRI does not own shares in Bringin Life. "We examined so take Bringin Life subsidiary, has been owned Pension Fund (pension funds," said Baiquni. He added that the proposed acquisition of insurance targeted to be the slowest in the fourth quarter of 2014. Meanwhile, the fund set up for the acquisition of insurance companies and securities reached USD 3 trillion. As is known, the Pension Fund has a 90.17% stake BRI Bringin Life. Meanwhile, the rest is owned by Employee Welfare Foundation BRI with a portion of 9.65%. A total of 0.27% remaining shares are owned by cooperative employees of the company. Based on the report of solvency company, asset Bringin Life in the fourth quarter 2013 reached Rp 3.8 trillion. Bringin Life premium income to Rp 1.8 trillion, while net profit after tax reached Rp 233 billion. Baiquni explained, the bank wants to develop the bancassurance business by utilizing a captive market BRI customers . Therefore, the acquisition of a life insurance company strategic value for the company. Currently, the number reached 48 million BRI customers. (*)