Corporate Secretary PT Bank Mutiara, Tbk Hartono Karyatin said, after the takeover of the 99% of shares (739,200 trillion shares) company, a Trust Co. Ltd. will set up a new company."This law incorporated Company Indonesia 100% will be owned by affiliate companies of a Trust Co. Ltd. (PMA companies)," said Hartono, in affidavits that arrives in Jakarta, Monday (8/12).He said, the new company will be taking the remaining shares of the guarantor Institution while (LPS) as well as a public stock. Currently, the diversion of public stocks as much as 0,004% or 28,350 billion shares to a Trust Co. Ltd. Middle kebuputusan waiting for the results of the Constitutional Court."In accordance with the bank's business plan, the company's controlling shareholder will retain the company's status as a public company and the company is listed on the BEI," he said.Considering the status of the Bank's shares trade Pearls that are still in condition disuspensi, the Central Pearl Bank pending the CONSTITUTIONAL COURT regarding the status of the public ownership proposed by the Central GOVERNMENT.Associated with the target time and re-float mechanism, he was reluctant to menuturkannya. "However, the company will immediately deliver the development plan of the Corporation after the official verdict awaited related public stock ownership," pungkasnya.