Adapun simbol dua anak panah pada huruf A melambangkan, Transmart Carrefour merupakan generasi kedua dan transformasi dari Carrefour yang sebelumnya dimiliki oleh orang Prancis, saat ini telah dimiliki oleh salah satu putra terbaik bangsa Indonesia yang dilambangkan dengan warna merah dan putih dalam logo baru tersebut. Sehingga dengan adanya kepemilikan 100% bangsa Indonesia, Transmart Carrefour berkomitmen agar dapat bersinergi dengan pelaku UMKM sekitar gerai.
Transmart Carrefour ini juga digunakan untuk membantu akses pasar pelaku UKM di Indonesia, khususnya di Cimahi.
Dilakukan kerjasama dengan Dinas Perindustrian, Perdagangan dan Koperasi Pemda Kota Cimahi untuk melakukan temu bisnis dan pemberian akses pasar kepada UMKM, yang potensial untuk menjadi pemasok di Pojok Rakyat yang ada di gerai Transmart Carrefour.
As for the symbol of the two arrows on the letter A symbolic Transmart, Carrefour is second generation and transformation of Carrefour that was previously owned by the people of France, currently owned by one of Indonesia's best sons of the nation who is represented by the color red and white in the new logo. So by having the ownership of 100% of the nation of Indonesia, Transmart Carrefour is committed in order to synergize with perpetrators of SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES around the outlets.Transmart Carrefour is also used to help market access offender SMEs in Indonesia, especially in Cimahi.Carried out in cooperation with the Department of industry, trade and Cooperative local government Cimahi to do business and inventiveness of granting market access to SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES, potential to become suppliers in the corner of the people that are in the outlets of Carrefour Transmart.

The symbol with two arrows at the letter A symbolizes, Transmart Carrefour is the second generation and transformation of Carrefour previously owned by the French, is now owned by one of the best sons of the Indonesian nation symbolized by the red and white colors in the new logo. So with the ownership of 100% of the Indonesian nation, Transmart Carrefour is committed to be able to work together with SMEs around outlets. Transmart Carrefour is also used to help market access for SMEs in Indonesia, especially in Cimahi. Do cooperation with the Department of Industry, Trade and Cooperative Local Government Cimahi to conduct business meetings and the provision of market access to SMEs, with the potential to become a supplier in the People's Corner in Transmart Carrefour outlets.