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Jika kemaren kemaren mereview kalangan death metal, death metal dan death metal. Mari kita istirahat sejenak dengan yang satu ini, mungkin dapat menenangkan pikiran anda yang sumpek akan berita berita seputar capres, perang dan hujat hujatan ga bermakna.

Disini saya punya CD Moses Bandwith asal indramayu, Jawa Barat rilisan label ngapak Cavalera Records. Sepintas saya pikir CD ini beraliran black metal jahat atau death metal berdarah darah, nampak dari cover mereka terdapat logo yang sangat berakar cerminan band band death metal/black metal. Namun apa yang saya jumpai di dalamnya?

Kalo saya pribadi mendiskripsikan band ini adalah band beraliran gothic. Yak, gothic pemirsah... Garis umum seperti band band gothic lainnya semacam Within Temptation, Nightwish, Theater of Tragedy, etc. Ber lead vokal wanita, yeaahhhh... yummy crunchy gitu deh suaranya. Serenyah skrispi ayam goreng tepung cepat saji dan segurih kuah soto Lamongan :D

Meski banyak elemen elemen musik lainnya yang nimbrung disana, tetap rootnya gothic. Tipikal gothic happy sound semacam Nighwish atau Within Temptation hahaha

Dalam album ini, ada sebelas track manis semanis gula batu di sajikan apik dengan sound kristal serta balance antara instrument maupun vokal. Struktur lagu juga sangat baik, tak ada tanda tanda rif rif yang bertele tela yang membuat bosan, satu point terpenting dalam album ini; suara mbak vokalis ini sangat cantik sekali... kalo cuman Nikita Willy sih lewaaattttt :p

Diawali sebuah intro permainan keyboard bertajuk The Opera Has Begun, yang kemudian di iringi track selanjutnya Time to Amigos, track ber bahasa inggris ini bergulir cantik secantik mbak Melros sang vokalis wanita ;)

Tomorrow And Sorrows menjadi track ketiga solo vokal diiringi wall piano klasik sarat kesedihan serta melow melow gitu T.T
Track ke empat berjudul Just We do meluncur ceria dan energik, cucok kalo di nyanyikan sama girls band korea kayaknya :D
Chopin Nocturne #20 jadi track ke 5, kembali dengan piano suram memenuhi ruangan ruangan kosong. Sebuah mimpi yang buruk.
Salah satu lagu favorite saya di album ini track ke 6; berjudul Our Last Home. Disini terasa sekali mbak vokalis benar benar mengekpresikan kualitas suaranya, di temani oleh screaming setan mengesankan band ini emang band metal asli, dan bukan band top forti :v
Lanjut di title Emptiness Loneliness Sadness yang ciamik juga, luar biasa pattern vokal semacam membentuk karakter di luar musik itu sendiri. Masuk banget ini lagu sedih. Menangislah sekarang jika memang menangis itu perlu. Distorsi gitar selalu menjadi dinding tebal selain alunan keyboard.
Track ke 8 ini sama seperti track ke 4, Just We Do hanya saja ini versi single, beda beda tipis di intro.
intro Denting Kuantum ini mengingatkan saya pada band gothic asal Spanyol; Golgotha album Melancholy keluaran Repulse Records tahun 1995, benar benar membius dan membuat malammu sunyi nan kelam. Lagu ini menjadi track paling menarik diantara lainnya.
Selanjutnya masih lagu Just We Do dengan versi Acoustic.
Lagu penutup didaulat Prosa Dawai Layla; berbentuk duet menyanyi laki laki dan perempuan, diiringi gitar akustik. Ok sip.
Satu hal yang saya benci saat mendengarkan album ini adalah mixing nya balance, saya hanya mendengarkan suara merdu mbak vokal di sisi kiri speaker saya, damn! begitu saya matikan speaker kiri, yang kanan terdengar lirih sekali. paling ga imbang lah biar suara cantik mbak vokal benar benar ditengah.
Selain itu semua sangat baik dan bagus, bagi penggemar gothic atau metalhead yang sedang dilanda kegalauan di putus pacarnya atau tim sepak bolanya kalah atau juga capresnya kalah silahkan anda beli CD ini, lumayan bikin anda tidur nyenyak ga pakek mendengkur :v
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
If Engadget Engadget review among death metal, death metal and death metal. Let's break for a moment with this one, might be able to soothe your mind the suffocating will news news on capres, war and blasphemy blasphemy ga meaningful. Here I have a CD of original Bandwidth Moses indramayu, West Java release label ngapak Cavalera Records. At first glance I thought this CD an evil black metal or death metal band bleed blood, appeared from their cover, there is a very deep-rooted logo reflection band band death metal/black metal. But what I find in it? Kalo I personally mendiskripsikan band is a gothic band. Yak pemirsah, gothic ... General line like other gothic band band kind of Within Temptation, Nightwish, Theater of Tragedy, etc. The lead female vocals, BER yeaahhhh ... yummy crunchy gitu deh his voice. Serenyah skrispi fried chicken fast-food and segurih flour gravy soto Lamongan:D Although many elements of other musical elements that are still there, rootnya nimbrung gothic. A typical gothic happy sound sort of Nighwish or Within Temptation hahaha In this album, there are eleven track sweet as nicely as sugar cubes served with crystalline sound and balance between instruments or vocals. The structure of the song is also very good, there is no sign the rif rif beat around tela who made the most important point, one bored in this album; the sound of this very beautiful vocalist ya all ... kalo cuman Nikita Willy sih lewaaattttt:p Starting with an intro keyboard play entitled The Opera Has Begun, which then accompanied the next track in Time to Amigos, English track this beautiful rolling as pretty as ya Melros the vocalist Lady;) Tomorrow And Sorrows became the third solo vocal accompaniment track wall classical piano-laden sorrow and melow melow gitu t. TThe fourth track is titled Just We do slide cheerful and energetic, cucok reply in the same Korean band girls sing I think:DChopin Nocturne # 20 so the track into 5, with murky piano filled the back of the room the room is empty. A bad dream.One of my favorite songs on this album track to 6; entitled Our Last Home. Here it feels once ya vocals really mengekpresikan the quality of her voice, accompanied by screaming demons impressive band emang original metal band, and not the top band forti slopes: vThe title the Sadness ciamik Emptiness Loneliness, was also an outstanding vocal pattern, sort of formed characters outside of the music itself. This song is really sad entry. Weep now if indeed cry it's necessary. Distortion guitar has always been a thick wall in addition to the strains of the keyboard.Track 8 is the same as track 4, Just We Do just this single version, different thin difference in the intro.This Quantum Chiming intro reminds me of a gothic band origins of Spain; Golgotha album Melancholy ex. Repulse Records in 1995, really enjoy and make a silent malammu nan leaden. The song became the most interesting tracks among others.Thereafter the song Just We Do with Acoustic versions.Ending requested Prose String Layla; singing duets menservants shaped men and women, accompanied by acoustic guitar. OK sip.One thing I hate when listening to this album is mixing his balance, I only listen to the melodious ya vocals on the left side of my speakers, damn! so I turn off the speaker left right, which sounded softly once. most ga biar lah beautiful voices draw ya vocals right in the middle.Besides, it's all very well and good, for the fans of gothic or a metalhead who are being hit by turmoil in breaking up his girlfriend or a football team losing, or also capresnya lost to please you buy this CD, it is fair to make you sleep soundly snoring pakek ga: v
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
If yesterday yesterday reviewing the death metal, death metal and death metal. Let's take a short break with this one, might be able to put your mind in crowded for news news about a candidate, war and blasphemy blasphemy ga meaningful. Here I have a CD Moses Bandwidth origin indramayu, West Java release ngapak Cavalera Records label. At first glance I thought this CD homage to black metal or death metal bloody evil blood, they appear on the cover there is a logo that is very rooted reflection bands death metal / black metal. But what I encountered in it? If I personally describe this band is the band gothic. Yak, gothic pemirsah ... general line like other gothic bands sort of Within Temptation, Nightwish, Theater of Tragedy, etc. Ber lead female vocal, yeaahhhh ... yummy crunchy deh voice. Serenyah skrispi fast-food fried chicken and soup broth segurih Lamongan: D Although many elements of other musical elements are chipped there, still rootnya gothic. A typical gothic sound happy sort Nighwish or Within Temptation hahaha In this album, there are eleven tracks sweet as sweet as sugar cubes served beautifully with the crystal sound and the balance between the instruments and vocals. The structure of the song is also very good, no signs that long rif rif tela were boring, the most important point in this album; Ms. vocalist voice is so beautiful ... if cuman Nikita Willy does lewaaattttt: p Starting a game keyboard intro titled The Opera Has Begun, who then accompanied the next track Time to Amigos, air-English track is rolling pretty beautiful as Ms. Melros the female vocalist;) Tomorrow And Sorrows into a third track solo vocal accompaniment wall classical piano full of sadness and melow melow so TT Track four, entitled Just We do glide cheerful and energetic, cucok if sung at girls band korea think: D Chopin Nocturne # 20 so the track to 5, back to the gloomy piano filled the empty room. A bad dream. One of my favorite songs on the album track to 6; entitled Our Last Home. Here was once Ms. vocalist really express the quality of her voice, accompanied by a screaming demon impressive this band emang metal band original, and not the band top forti: v Continue in title Emptiness Loneliness Sadness ciamik also, remarkable pattern vocal sort of shape the character beyond the music itself. Sign this very sad song. Cry cry now if it was necessary. Distortion guitar has always been a thick wall in addition to the strains of the keyboard. Track to 8 is the same as the 4th track, Just We Do just this single version, different thin difference in the intro, intro Clink Quantum reminds me of the gothic band from Spain; Golgotha ​​Melancholy album output Repulse Records in 1995, really drugged and make your evening nan dark silence. The song became the most interesting tracks among others. Further still song Just We Do with Acoustic version. The ending was asked Prose strings Layla; shaped duet singing men and women, accompanied by acoustic guitar. Ok sip. One thing I hate when listening to this album is its mixing balance, I was just listening to the sound of melodious vocal ya on the left side of my speakers, damn! so I turn off the left speaker, the right sounds very softly. The most ga draw was let sounds pretty ya vocals really in the middle. In addition all very well and good, for fans of gothic or metalhead who was hit by turmoil in breaking up his girlfriend or team of soccer lost or too capresnya lost to please you buy this CD, rather make you sleep soundly snoring pakek ga: v

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