Para pejabat mengatakan awan abu terus melayang jauh dari Bali, Senin, memberikan otoritas bandara kesempatan untuk membersihkan backlog, yang kata mereka akan memakan waktu sekitar tiga hari. “Kami melakukan ini secepat mungkin untuk menghindari abu yang bisa kembali setiap saat,” kata seorang pejabat bandara Yulfiadi. Antara Kamis dan Minggu, total penerbangan sebanyak 873 yang dibatalkan atau ditunda, kata Yulfiadi.
Gangguan ini juga datang pada waktu yang buruk untuk warga Indonesia, seperti ribuan pemberangkatan liburan menjelang perayaan Idul Fitri minggu ini. Bandara ini menyediakan bus untuk penumpang yang berusaha untuk meninggalkan Bali untuk perayaan lebaran. Pihak berwenang mengangkat status waspada Gunung Raung, salah satu dari 130 gunung berapi aktif di Indonesia, akhir bulan lalu naik ke level tertinggi kedua, setelah mulai memuntahkan lava dan abu vulkanik yang begitu tinggi ke udara.
Perhatian utama untuk maskapai mengenai abu vulkanik bahwa hal itu dapat mempengaruhi visibilitas bahwa hal itu bisa merusak mesin jet, menurut para ahli. Abu berubah menjadi kaca cair ketika tersedot ke mesin pesawat dan dalam kasus yang ekstrim dapat menyebabkan mesin menjadi tidak stabil atau kasus buruknya mesin menjadi mati.
Officials say ash clouds continue to drift away from Bali, Monday, gave the airport authorities a chance to clear the backlog, which they said would take about three days. "We do this as quickly as possible to avoid the ash could return at any moment," said an official of the airport Yulfiadi. Between Thursday and Sunday, total canceled flights as much as 860 or postponed, said Yulfiadi.These disorders also come at a bad time for citizens of Indonesia, as thousands of holiday celebrations ahead of the depart of Eid al-Fitr this week. It provides airport bus for passengers who are trying to leave Bali for the celebration of Idul fitri holiday. Authorities raised the alert status of Mount Roared, one of 129 active volcanoes in Indonesia, late last month climbed to the second highest level, having started spewing lava and volcanic ash so high into the air.A major concern for airlines regarding the volcanic ash that it can affect the visibility that it can damage jet engines, according to experts. Ash turned into molten glass when sucked into aircraft engines and in extreme cases can cause the machine to become unstable or poor engine into a dead case.

Officials said the ash cloud continues to drift away from Bali, on Monday, gives airport authorities a chance to clear the backlog, which they said would take about three days. "We do this as quickly as possible to avoid the ash could return at any time," said an airport official Yulfiadi. Between Thursday and Sunday, a total of as many as 873 flights were canceled or delayed, said Yulfiadi. These disorders also come at a worse time for Indonesian citizens, as thousands departure ahead of the Eid holidays this week. It provides bus service for passengers who tried to leave Bali for the Eid celebration. Authorities raised the alert status of Mount roar, one of 130 active volcanoes in Indonesia, last month rose to the second highest level, having started spewing lava and volcanic ash so high into the air. The main concern for the airline on volcanic ash that it may affect the visibility that it could damage jet engines, according to experts. Abu turn into molten glass when sucked into aircraft engines and in extreme cases can cause the machine to become unstable or a bad case of the engine being dead.