Album terbaik Ke-2 SK dengan Full Respect-nya setelah " Eye Cry " tetap mencatat " Tentara Merah Darah " dalam sebuah Artefak Wajib Death Metal Fans tanah air, akhirnya Menjawab penantian Panjang dan melelahkan setelah Produk Biadab Ke-5 rilisan Fast Youth Records ini Hilang dari Pasaran lalu kemudian menjadi Rare Stuff dengan Harga Selangit dari para Spekulan yang ambil kesempatan! Sekali lagi Fans beruntung jika permintaan kalian terkabulkan untuk Album ini tersedia kembali setelah Label Prospektif Bandung, Armstretch Records merilis-nya kembali. masih dengan Artwork Cover yang sama, kemasan Digipack-nya kini menjadi Jewel CD serta beberapa Polesan Remastering baru-nya. Well Sedikit Flashback seperti biasa aja bagi Gw sekedar memorability, Perjalanan SK sejak terbentuk Sekitar tahun 1996 telah mendapat cap stempel Berbahaya sebagai " New Rising Death Metal " terbaik tanah air ketika diawal perkenalannya dengan merilis Demo Rehearsal. Menampilkan Potensi serta Kualitas skill mengerikannya, kemudian SK menjadi Rebutan beberapa Label saat itu, beruntung Extreme Soul Production yang akhirnya mendapat kepercayaan merilis debut full pertama " The Carnage " Tahun 2000, dimana Death Metal Fans Era itu sangat dikejutkan dengan Agresi Dasyat-nya ! disusul 2 Tahun kemudian Album Ke-2 " Back to Vengeance " gantian ditangani oleh Rottrevore Records sebagai Rumah barunya tahun 2002 yang cuman 1 tahun kemudian SK berhasil Melahirkan The Best Masterpiece SK " Eye Cry " tahun 2003 dengan pematangan Konsep yang semakin Luar biasa sekaligus mengenalkan Motor Penghancur baru dengan masuknya Gitaris Andre Tiranda dalam Konspirasi yang semakin berbahaya ini. Selanjutnya Album Ke-4 Menjadi Renggang waktu lama ketika SK harus menunggu 4 Tahun dibalik Padatnya Jadwal Perform, " Podium " akhirnya menjadi Album perpisahan dengan Frontman serta Mastermind Drummer Andyan Gorust. melewati Kerikil terjal dan Tajam secara tidak langsung dalam perjalanan Karir musikal SK banyak melahirkan beberapa Karakter disetiap Albumnya, ketika fans harus terperanjat kaget dengan Hadirnya materi mengejutkan Album Ke- 5 " Tentara Merah Darah ", yang kemudian banyak muncul opini pasca perilisannya. sebuah Album yang penuh Amarah membabi buta dengan mengenalkan " struktur " baru yang belum kita jumpai dimateri sebelumnya. Masuknya drummer Prama sebagai Pengganti Sosok Andyan Gorust diharapkan mampu mengisi Imej SK dengan meninggalkan Vocalis Japra sebagai Member Orisinil tersisa. " Tentara Merah Darah " dikerjakan ditengah Keterpurukan Eksistensi SK saat harus kehilangan beberapa Member Potensialnya. pada awalnya Fans kurang terbiasa menikmati sajian "baru" ini, namun lambat laun kedasyatan materi ini seperti menanamkan Sugesti dalam Hipnotis baru dari SK, tantangan berarti bagi SK dengan Spekulasi baru akhirnya mendapat Feedback hangat pula. " Tentara Merah Darah " mengangkat tema " Fresh " yang mungkin saat itu tidak begitu dilirik oleh kebanyakan band yang masih menikmati Lirik tentang Darah, Kematian, Protes Sosial atau Kemarahan, SK justru lantang berani dengan Ide baru-nya di Scene Tanah air dengan berangkat dari Sejarah Perlawanan 300 tentara Sparta menghadapi Agresi Kolonialisme Bangsa Persia yang berjumlah ribuan kali lebih banyak pada abad 480 SM. kisah Epik yang lebih dikenal dengan " Pertempuran Thermopylae " ini kemudian diangkat ke Layar lebar yang diadaptasi dari sebuah Novel Grafis karya Frank Miller dengan Judul " 300 ". jauh dari Niat membodohi atau Memanipulasi sejarah, karena penggarapan musik serta Lirik yang lalu diterjemahkan lewat album ini murni terinsipirasi oleh film fiksi sejarah karya Zack Snyder, meski lewat sudut pandang dan bahasa yang berbeda, pada dasarnya Member SK hanyalah sekumpulan penikmat film yang kebetulan bermain musik .... Jadi Duduklah yang manis, Manjakan Kedia telinga kalian, Atur Volume Jauh diatas Normal dan Lepaskan imajinasi terliar. This is Spartaaaaa !!! adalah Petikan Berarti dari Introduce Booklet Cover-nya seperti menjadi Panduan Bagaimana Kita akan dapat lebih menikmati Nuansa Dasyat Materi " Tentara Merah Darah " ini, seperti kita merasakan sendiri hebatnya Pertempuran Epik tentara Sparta layaknya. all brilliantly crafted and pleasing to the ear and They are incredible, Fast, plain and simple, like the gods raining holy fire down upon the wicked !!!
Materi " Tentara Merah Darah " ini adalah materi yang telah Membungkam harapan Fans SK dengan Sophomore-nya Materi " Eye Cry ", Yupz bagaimana Fans akan dihadapkan " Era Baru " SK tanpa Mastermind Drummer Andyan Gorust yang kini sepenuhnya dalam Genggaman Kuat Gitaris Andre Tiranda untuk Berekplorasi dengan Typical-nya. " Tentara Merah Darah " is a blitzy death metal album might be puzzling to adds to the domineering temperament ! Meski masih mempertahankan Kualitas Musikal yang masih Mengerikan, Fans SK tidak perlu berharap banyak SK masih akan Mengusung konsep2 sebelumnya, dan Gw beranggapan Jika " Tentara Merah Darah " adalah album SK yang Paling " Keras " dalam segala Hal ! dengan Penampilan Maksimal Distorsi Sound, it’s thrashy lively riffing gives off the apocalyptic feel that gets lost with the fast, blast-beat ridden are pure wrath leaving no breaks for its non-stop assault. sehingga untuk menikmati Enjoy materi ini membutuhkan Konsentrasi level tinggi, atau setidaknya Butuh beberapa kali Mendengar untuk merasakan Esensi Luar biasa-nya materi ini, sehingga ga heran banget Pesona " Tentara Merah Darah " masih menjadi Api yang Berkobar ketika SK menemukan Era barunya ! dimulai dengan Intro Keyboard Epic " Darah Terpilih " yang diisi oleh " R " dalam Memorinya di Osiris Garage Studio sudah Memasukkan kita dalam Dimensi Peperangan 300 Tentara Sparta. dan " Anak Lelaki dan Serigala " adalah Saksi Awal Sengatan Dasyat SK dengan materi penuh amarahnya ! The atmosphere presented here is that of pure fucking Armageddon, not fucking Mayhem, but literal chaotic I can safely use the adjective 'brutal' and not feel like it's a hyperbole !!! aransemen penuh luapan meledak ledak dan Amarah hebat seperti mengantarkan SK langsung larut dalam Attitude berperang hebat ! Sound Riffing Distortif masih menjadi perpaduan Karakter Death Metal Dinamis dengan Old Thrashy Type membuat Ketukan Drummer Prama Lebih membabi buta dengan fast skill powerfully-nya, dan Vocalis Japra menjadi lebih semakin tertantang dengan Progres mematikan ini. Gw banyak mencium Aroma Segar Polandia Death Metal in The Vein Vader era " Litany " juga Behemoth menjadi dasar musikal SK menjadi bagian dari Terror dan Mimpi Buruk Pendengar-nya. Hampir tidak Banyak menyediakan Ruang Headbang Part, dapat dibayangkan Audiens seperti terperangkap dalam Dasyatnya peperangan 300 tentara Sparta, Siapa kuat dia yang akan bertahan (di Moshpit Area .ed) dengan Sambutan Liar Membakar ini. If you cranked this stuff on a loud stereo your neighbors would probably kill you if the marauding sound waves didn't grind them into pudding first. Gw begitu Terkagum kagum ketika Konsep Musik SK lebih menjadi Siksaan Berat lewat Skill Musisi maksimal-nya, ya bener-bener Maksimalitas banget ! " Menanduk Melawan Tanduk " serasa masih terus terjebak dalam Pusaran pepeperangan Hebat, Sajian SK makin menghimpit makin Powerfully lagi. benar benar ini luapan Amarah berapi api SK dalam Menuangkan Ide segar-nya dengan mengumbar penuh irama gelap dan Kecepatan. sentuhan Keyboard Dharma Mulyansyach-nya Nadi serta Female vokal dari Rinsdark-nya Gelap makin menambah Kultur Epik pada sentuhan empirik " Menanduk Melawan Tanduk " menjadi Terasa Anthemic ! Seperti tidak Mengenal tempo yang melambat, " Neraka Setara Mata " terus Menggilas dengan Ledakan ledakan Emosional Musikal Jahanam ! Kocokan Pummeling Roll Riffing Andre Tiranda adalah proaktif komposisi SK menjadi sangat Liar menghajar dalam gemuruh-nya Bagai Topan. Raungan Backing Vokal dari Rifki Bachtiar-nya Revenge serta Moel-nya Eternal Madness seakan lebih menambahkan Armada liar kekuatan baru, sehingga dapat dipastikan Lagu " Neraka Setara Mata " adalah Neraka sesungguhnya bagi para Petarung Medan Perang ! And Holy Shit " Tentara Merah Darah " serangan Tak Kenal Ampun kemudian dengan semakin mengamuknya Badai Tornado penuh Amarahnya, Structures drift through abstract quantities of aggression and intolerance as the guitar layers provide the essence of the pummeling music this Track as drums caress each riff with unparalleled blast bleats and double bass frantic activity themselves through high speeds and chaotic poems of endurance executed music as straightforward as this ! AMAZING !!! tidak selalu mengumbar Speed Skill serta Performa yang tinggi, di Track ini Akan kita temukan banyak Dinamika Aransemennya dengan sentuhan-sentuhan yang terasa megah ! Nah agak sedikit Melonggarkan Otot dan Syaraf yang kian Mengejang, " Kata Sebagai Senjata " adalah Sajian lebih terasa Cooling Down sejenak meski Akselerasi Distorsi masih begitu Mendominasi. Amri Putrajaya-nya Invictus menambahkan Lead Guitar Melodius tepat di Track ini menambah Epik sentuhannya. Pertempuran yang tidak mengenal siang malam dan Cuaca, meski Gemuruh Halilintar menggelegar diatas kepala, " Laskar Pelayan Kegelapan " terus menyambutnya dengan Anthemic Pembakar Adrenalin. Moel dari Eternal Madness juga tidak tinggal diam dalam Merayakan Peperangan Hebat ini dengan Raungan Lunatic-nya. Manuver straightforward Thrash Riffing kental Slayer dan Testament coba dikendalikan oleh Andre dengan sentuhan cepat dan menyanyat pada raw distorsi-nya. Masih menyambar Hebat amukan Halilintar, " Sayatan Kedua " adalah penyiksa selanjutnya. is remarkable for the continuing stop and go structure and for the perfect balance of blast beats and up tempo A terrific sequence of clear-cut blast beats, fast bass drums beats and manic riffage and The vocals here are really amazing and brutal! Rasanya dari awal mendengar materi SK ini, adalah Sebuah Kerja Keras dengan kekuatan Extra untuk dapat Menyusun Komposisi yang Extra maksimal pula ketika di
The 2nd album of SK with the Full Respect of his Eye after "Cry" keep records "Red Army" in a Blood Artifacts Mandatory Death Metal Fans, finally Answer the expectation of a long and tiring after the Barbaric Product Releases Fast Youth Records are missing from the market and then later became a Rare Stuff with the exorbitant prices of the speculators who take the chance! Once again the Fans are lucky if the request is answered for you guys this Album available again after a prospective Bandung, Label Armstretch Records released his returns. still with the same Cover Artwork, Digipack packaging him now becomes a Jewel CD as well as some new Remastering of his Finish. Well a little Flashback as usual for Gw aja just memorability, travel SK since formed around 1996 have gained cachet as a Malicious stamp "New Rising Death Metal" best homeland when beginning her relationship with the release of a Demo Rehearsal. Showing the potential and quality of skill's ferocious, then SK became the Rebutan Label of the moment, some lucky Soul Production that Extreme finally won the trust of the first full debut release "The Carnage" in 2000, in which Death Metal Fans of the Era it was very surprised with his Devastating Aggression! followed by 2 years later the 2nd Album "Back to Vengeance" replacement is handled by Rottrevore Records as his new House in 2002 that only 1 year later SK successfully gave birth to The Best Masterpiece of SK "Eye Cry" in 2003 with the maturation of the concept that the more remarkable at once acquaint with the influx of new Destroyer Motor Guitarist Andre Tiranda in an increasingly dangerous Conspiracies. Next 4th Album Became Tenuous time SK when having to wait 4 years behind the compact Schedule, Perform the "Podium" eventually became a farewell Album with Frontman and Mastermind Andyan Drummer Gorust. passing through the steep and sharp Gravel indirectly in the course of the musical Careers of many SK bore some Characters on each album, when fans should be aghast shocked shocking material Presence with the 5th Album "Blood Red Army", which then appears in post its opinions. an Album full of Anger with blindly introduced a new "structure" that we haven't come across dimateri previously. The inclusion of drummer Prama in lieu of Figure Andyan Gorust expected to populate the image of SK with leaving Vocalis Japra as Original Member left. "Army of Red blood" carried out amid the Slump of existence when SK should lose some tremendous potential Member. initially Fans were less accustomed to enjoy the "new", but gradually this material as a great healer of implanting Suggestion in Hypnosis new from SK, SK with the means to challenge the speculation recently finally got the warm Feedback anyway. The "Red Army" Blood theme "Fresh" that might be the time not so considered by most bands who still enjoy lyrics about Blood, death, protest or Social Anger, SK thus loud bold with his new ideas in Scene the homeland with the departure from the history of the resistance of the Spartan 300 soldiers facing the Aggression of colonialism the Persians that add up to thousands of times more in 480 BC the epic known as the "battle of Thermopylae" would later be appointed to the big screen adaptation of a Novel The graphic work of Frank Miller's "300". far from the Intention of fooling or Manipulating history, due to the implementation of the music and the lyrics are then translated through this album purely inspired by works of historical fiction movie Zack Snyder, though the passing point of view and different languages, basically Member SK was merely a group of film lovers who happen to be playing the music. ... So Sit Second, treat that sweet ears set Far above the Normal Volume and release the wildest imagination. This is Spartaaaaa!!! is a Passage from his Cover Booklets Introduce as being a Guide to how we will be able to enjoy the feel of a more Devastating Material "army of red blood", as we feel its own great Battle Epic just like Sparta's army. all brilliantly crafted and pleasing to the ear and They are incredible, Fast, plain and simple, like the gods holy fire raining down upon the wicked!!!Red Army material "blood" this is material that has been to stifle the hope of Fans with his Sophomore SK materials "Eye Cry", Yupz how Fans will be faced with a "New Era" SK without Drummer Andyan Mastermind Gorust who is now completely in the hands of Powerful Guitarist Andre Tiranda to Berekplorasi with his Typical. " The Red Army's blood "is a death metal album blitzy might be puzzling to adds to the domineering temperament! Although still maintaining the quality of the musical was still Atrocious, SK Fans need not expect much SK will still carry the konsep2 before, and I think If the Red Army "blood" is the album's most "hard DECISION" in everything! with the appearance of Maximum Distortion Sound, it's lively thrashy dueling riffing gives off the apocalyptic feel that gets lost with the fast, blast-beat ridden are pure wrath leaving no breaks for its non-stop assault. so to enjoy Enjoy this material requires high levels of Concentration, or at least it takes some time to hear to feel the essence of his extraordinary this material, so the ga wonder really the charm of the "army of Red blood" is still a fire that flared up when his New Era finds SK! starting with the Epic's Keyboard Intro of "selected" Blood which is filled by the "R" in the memory on the Osiris Garage Studio already enter the us in Battle Dimension 300 Spartan Soldiers. and "the boy and the Wolf" is an early Witness Devastating Shock SK with material full of anger! The atmosphere presented here is that of pure fucking Armageddon, not fucking Mayhem, but literally chaotic I can safely use the adjective ' brutal ' and not feel like it's a hyperbole! full overflow arrangement blew up the explosive and rage like usher SK directly soluble in Attitude to war is great! The dueling Riffing sound Distortif still a fusion of Death Metal with the Dynamic character of the Old Type Thrashy make Beats Drummer Prama More blindly with his fast skill powerfully, and the Vocalis Japra became more increasingly challenged with this deadly Progress. GW much smell Fresh Poland Death Metal in The Vein of Vader era "Litany" also became the basis for the musical Behemoth SK became part of Terror and Nightmares of his Listeners. Hardly a lot provides Spaces Headbang Part, conceivable Audience such as caught up in the battle Dasyatnya 300 Spartan soldiers, Who are strong of him who will survive (in the Moshpit Area. ed) with a wild Welcome to burn it. If you cranked this stuff on a loud stereo your neighbours would probably kill you if the marauding sound waves didn't grind them into pudding first. I was so Amazed amazed when the concept of the Music became more Severe Ordeal SK passing Skill of his maximal Musicians, ya bener-bener Maksimalitas banget! "Gore Against horn" seemed to still continue to be caught in the Vortex pepeperangan excellent, Cereal SK makin makin Powerfully squeeze again. really this surge of Anger the volcano of fire in SK Poured fresh ideas with these plans full rhythm and speed. the touch Keyboard Dharma Mulyansyach him Pulse and Female vocals from his Dark-makin Rinsdark add to the Epic Culture at a touch of the empirical "Gore Against the horn" to be Feels Anthemic! As it does not know the tempo slowed, "the equivalent of hell" continues to Grind with the explosion of Musical Emotional explosion Blasted! Whisk Pummeling Roll dueling Riffing Andre Tiranda is proactive composition SK became very wild beat up in his rumbling like a Typhoon. ROAR Backing vocals from William Bachtiar his Revenge and his Eternal Madness Moel seeming more add new strengths, untamed Fleet so that certain Songs "eyes of the Equivalent of hell" is a real Hell for the Fighters of the battlefield! And Holy Shit "army of red blood" Relentless attacks and then with more and mengamuknya Storm Tornado full provoked Structures drift through abstract quantities of aggression and intolerance as the guitar layers provide the essence of the pummeling music this Track the us drums caress each riff with unparalleled blast bleats and double bass frantic activity themselves through the high speeds and chaotic poems of endurance executed music as straightforward us this! AMAZING!!! These plans do not always Speed High Performance as well as Skill, in this Track we will discover many dynamics of the arrangements with touches that feels magnificent! Well kinda a little Loosening of nerve Mengejang and growing, "said as a weapon" is a Dish more noticeably Accelerated Cooling Down for a moment though the Distortion is still so dominates. Amri Putrajaya his Invictus adding Melodic Lead Guitar right on Track this adds sentuhannya Epic. The battle did not know during the night and the weather, although the roar of Thunder boomed overhead, "warriors of the servant of darkness" continues to welcome him with Anthemic Burners adrenaline. Moel from Eternal Madness also does not stay silent in Celebrating this great Warfare with his Lunatic Roar. Maneuver the straightforward Thrash the dueling Riffing condensed Slayer and Testament try controlled by Andre with a quick and menyanyat on a raw distortion. Still grabbed the Great raging Thunder, "a second Incision" is the next tormentor. is remarkable for the continuing stop and go structure and for the perfect balance of blast beats and up tempo A terrific sequence of clear-cut blast beats, fast bass drums beats and manic riffage and The vocals here are really amazing and brutal! It seemed from the outset to hear this, SK material is a hard work with Extra strength to be able to Compile a maximum Extra Composition anyway when in

Best album 2nd SK with Full Respect her after "Eye Cry" permanent record "Red Army Blood" in an Artifact Mandatory Death Metal Fans homeland, finally Answering wait long and tiring after Products Savage 5th release of Fast Youth Records Missing from the Market and then became Rare Stuff with a Price of the Speculators who take a chance! Again Fans lucky if you request come true for the album is available again after Label Prospective Bandung, Armstretch Records released her back. Cover Artwork is still the same, his digipack packaging is now the CD Jewel as well as some new remastering its polish. Well Little Flashback as usual wrote for Gw a memorability, SK journey since forming Around 1996 has got a rubber stamp Dangerous as "New Rising Death Metal" Best homeland when beginning his acquaintance with the release Rehearsal Demo. Displaying Potential and skill quality horribly, then SK became seizure several labels at the time, was lucky Extreme Soul Productions who eventually won the trust released the first full-length debut "The Carnage" of 2000, in which Death Metal Fans Era was very surprised with its terrible aggression! followed 2 years later Album The 2nd "Back to Vengeance" turns handled by Rottrevore Records as the house her new 2002 cuman 1 year later SK managed Childbirth The Best Masterpiece SK "Eye Cry" in 2003 with the maturation of the concept increasingly Incredible as well as introducing The new crusher motors with the inclusion of guitarist Andre Tiranda in an increasingly dangerous conspiracy. Furthermore Album 4th frays time when the decree had to wait four years behind schedule Dense Perform, "Podium" has finally become a farewell album with frontman and drummer Andyan Gorust Mastermind. Sharp Gravel steep passes and indirectly in the course of SK many musical career spawned several characters on each album, as fans must be shocked shocked by the presence of material surprisingly the 5th album "Blood Red Army", that emerges after the opinion of its release. an album full of anger blindly by introducing a "structure" that has not been encountered previously dimateri. The entry of drummer Prama Substitute Andyan Gorust figure is expected to fill the image SK leaving a Member Japra Original vocalist left. "Blood Red Army" amid the downturn Existence SK done when I had lost some Members potential. initially Fans are less accustomed to enjoying a dish of "new", but gradually kedasyatan this material as instill hypnotic suggestion in the new SK, SK significant challenges for the new Speculation finally got warm feedback anyway. "Red Army Blood" theme "Fresh" that is possible when it is not so considered by most bands are still enjoying the lyrics of Blood, Death, Protest Social or anger, SK precisely aloud bold with new idea of his in Scene homeland to depart from Resistance History 300 Spartan soldiers faced aggression Colonialism Persians numbering thousands of times more in 480 century BC. The epic story that is better known as the "Battle of Thermopylae" is then raised to the wide screen adaptation of a graphic novel by Frank Miller with the title "300". far from the intention to fool or manipulate history, because the cultivation of music and lyrics are translated through this album purely inspired by the film of historical fiction work of Zack Snyder, though through different angles and different languages, basically Members SK just a bunch of movie lovers who happen to play music Sit down .... So sweet, treat your ears Kedia, Set Volume Far above normal and Remove the wildest imagination. This is Spartaaaaa !!! Means is an excerpt from the Booklet Cover Introduce her as becoming Guide How we will be able to enjoy the nuances terrible Materials "Blood Red Army" is, as we feel yourself great epic battle like the Spartan army. all brilliantly crafted and pleasing to the ear and They are incredible, Fast, plain and simple, like the holy gods raining fire down upon the wicked !!! Materials "Blood Red Army" is a material that has been Mute hope Fans SK with Sophomore- Her material is "Cry Eye" Fans will be faced Yupz how the "New Era" SK without Mastermind Drummer Andyan Gorust now fully in the grip Strong Guitarist Andre Typical Tiranda to berekplorasi with her. "Blood Red Army" is a death metal album blitzy MIGHT be Puzzling to adds to the domineering temperament! Although still maintaining musical quality that still Terrible, SK Fans should not expect much Carrying konsep2 SK will still earlier, and Gw think If "Blood Red Army" is an album SK Most "Loud" in every thing! Distortion Sound with maximum performance, it's thrashy riffing lively Gives off apocalyptic feel that gets lost with the fast, blast-beat ridden are pure wrath leaving no breaks for its non-stop assault. so as to enjoy Enjoy this material requires a high level of concentration, or at least takes some time Listening to feel the essence of its Outstanding these materials, so ga wonder really Charm "Blood Red Army" is still a Blazing Fire that when SK discover new era! Keyboard Epic Intro starts with "Blood Chosen" are filled by "R" in Its memory at Osiris Garage Studio already Entering us in Dimension 300 Army War Sparta. and "Boy and the Wolf" is a terrible shock SK Early Witness to the full fury of material! The atmosphere presented here is that of pure fucking Armageddon, not fucking Mayhem, but literals chaotic I can safely use the adjective 'brutal' and not feel like it's a hyperbole !!! full arrangement explosive outbursts and great anger as SK deliver directly soluble Attitude great fight! Sound distorted riffing still be a mix of Dynamic Character Death Metal with thrashy Type make Beats Old Drummer Prama More blindly with his powerfully fast skill, and vocalist Japra become more increasingly challenged by this deadly progress. Gw much kissing Aroma Fresh Polish Death Metal in the Vein Vader era "Litany" is also the basis for the musical SK Behemoth become part of the Terror and Nightmare Listener her. Hardly Many provide space headbang Part, can imagine the audience as caught up in the war 300 soldiers dasyatnya Sparta, Who is strong he will survive (in the moshpit Area .ed) with Wild Burn welcome this. If you cranked this stuff on a stereo loud your neighbors would probably kill you if the marauding sound waves did not grind them into pudding first. I was so amazed amazed when the concept of SK Music more into torture weight through its maximum Musician Skill, yes was really maksimalitas really! "Against Horn Gore" seemed to still continue to get caught up in whirls pepeperangan Fab, Dish SK increasingly more Powerfully choke again. really this overflow SK fiery anger in his Pouring fresh ideas with a full indulgence dark rhythm and speed. Keyboard touch his Dharma Mulyansyach Nadi and Female vocals of his Rinsdark Dark Epic increasingly adding culture to touch the empirical "Against Gore Horns" becomes Feels anthemic! Like not Know tempo is slowing, "Equals Hell Eyes" continues Grind with Emotional explosion Explosion Musical Hell! Whisk pummeling riffing Roll Andre Tiranda is proactive SK composition becomes extremely Wild beat the rumble of her Like a Hurricane. Backing vocals roar of its Rifki Bachtiar Revenge and its Moel Eternal Madness seemed more wild Fleet add new powers, so it can be ascertained song "Hell Equivalents Eyes" is a real hell for the fighter Battlefields! And Holy Shit "Red Army Blood" attack unforgiving then with increasingly berserk Hurricane Tornado full of temper, Structures drift through abstract quantities of aggression and intolerance as the guitar layers provide the essence of the pummeling music this track as drums caress each riff with unparalleled blast bleats and double bass Themselves frantic activity through high speeds and chaotic poems of endurance executed music as straightforward as this! AMAZING !!! Speed is not always spit Skill and high performance, in this Track Will we find a lot of dynamics arrangements with touches that feels magnificent! Now slightly loosen Muscle and Nerve increasingly convulsed, "Words As Weapons" is more pronounced Serving Cooling Down Acceleration Distortion moment though still so Dominate. Amri Putrajaya his melodic Lead Guitar Invictus added right at this Track add Epic touch. A battle that knows no day and night and weather, despite the thundering Lightning cracked over the head, "Warriors Waiter Darkness" continues greeted with anthemic burner Adrenalin. Moel of Eternal Madness also not remain silent in the Great War Celebrate with Lunatic its roar. Maneuver straightforward thrash riffing thick Slayer and Testament is controlled by Andre try to touch and broke our fast on its raw distortion. Lightning grabbed Terrific still raging, "Second Incision" is the next tormentor. is remarkable for the continuing stop and go structure and for the perfect balance of blast beats and up tempo A terrific sequence of clear-cut blast beats, fast bass drums beats and manic riffage and The vocals here are really amazing and brutal! It seemed from the start to hear the material of this decree, is A Hard Work with the power to Develop Extra Extra Compositions maximum anyway when in