Dear Mrs. Sari,
Good afternoon ma'am ...
Connecting conversation with Mom this morning, here I was informed
about the need for RFID systems from me as follows:
- I am engaged in the Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) system
, in the form of a system for security protection for goods - the goods in
the store with the aid of:
a. Antenna ---------------------------> as the reader
b. Label ------------------------------> As the tools
are installed in merchandisee
Currently EAS tool has been provided with the RFID system.
I need software and a team commissioned to write the
article on each label (print) so that it can provide information
types what items are already sold or in the stock
If on the mother's side there are divisions that can handle this, I am
interested to be discussion at the next opportunity.
just because the office mother was in Cikarang, better well that
can be met in a location that is closer to Jakarta.
for information, next week I have a plan to visit to
Sumarcon Mal Bekasi, so maybe me and the Mrs. can meet at
this location (details on time will I infokan later)
Similarly, information from me and I will infokan to mother more
if I would visit to Bekasi.