jasa asistensi teknis dan nasihat selama
fase pelaksanaan konstruksi infrastruktur
sipil keairan seperti dam, catchment basins,
sistem irigasi, pekerjaan pengendalian
banjir, pelabuhan, pekerjaan penyaluran air
dan sanitasi serta sistem saluran air limbah
industri, untuk memastikan pekerjaan
konstruksi yang sedang dilaksanakan sudah
sesuai dengan final desain . Meliputi jasa
yang diberikan di kantor maupun di
lapangan seperti pengkajian shop drawings,
kunjungan secara periodik kelapangan
untuk mengukur progres dan kualitas
pekerjaan, memberikan panduan kepada
klient dan kontraktor dalam
menginterpretasikan dokumen kontrak dan
nasihat lain dalam hal teknikal selama
proses kontruksi infrastruktur sipil keairan.
technical advice and assisting services forthe implementation phase of infrastructure constructioncivil keairan such as dam, catchment basins,irrigation system, jobs controllabilityfloods, port, water distribution jobsand sanitation and waste water channel systemindustry, to ensure that the workconstruction is being implemented alreadyin accordance with the final design. Includes servicesgiven in the Office as well as infield as the study of shop drawings,visit periodically spaciousnessto measure the progress and quality of thethe work, provides a guide to theklient and contractors ininterpret the contract document andother advice in the event of a technical during thethe process of the construction of civil infrastructure keairan.

services of technical assistance and advice during
the implementation phase infrastructure construction
civil inundated such as dams, catchment basins,
irrigation systems, job control
floods, port, work water supply
and sanitation and sewerage systems
industry, to ensure the work
of construction is being implemented are
in accordance with the final design. Covers services
provided in the office or in
the field such as assessment of shop drawings,
visits periodically spaciousness
to measure the progress and quality
of work, provide guidance to the
client and contractors in
interpreting contract documents and
other advice in technical terms for
the construction of civil infrastructure inundated.