Seorang sopir yang enggan namanya dikorankan membeber alasannya. "Ini komdan pe oto, nda tako dapa tilang (mobil ini milik polisi, tidak takut ditilang)," kata dia.
Tak melulu mengandalkan lindungan, mereka juga berupaya memberi layanan terbaik pada warga. Mereka, misalnya, mengusahakan mobil bersih serta berpendingin udara saat jalan. Tarif pun tak mahal. "Hanya Rp 12 hingga 15 ribu," kata dia.
Mereka juga berupaya menghilangkan kesan rawan kejahatan yang melekat pada taksi gelap. Sedapat mungkin mereka berusaha ramah serta bersikap sopan pada penumpang. "Meski ilegal bukan berarti kami penjahat," tuturnya.
A driver who was reluctant to name dikorankan membeber reason. "This komdan pe bibs, nda tako can speeding tickets (this car belonged to the police, not afraid of ditilang)," he said.Do not solely rely on the refuge, they also strive to give the best service on the citizens. They are, for example, lobbies for clean cars as well as air-cooled while the road. The rates are not prohibitive. "Only $ 12 to 15 thousand," he said.They also tried to dispel the impression of a crime-prone attached to the rail. Whenever possible they try to be polite and friendly on the passengers. "Even though it is illegal doesn't mean we are criminals," he said.

A driver who is reluctant to name dikorankan reveal the reason. "It komdan pe bibs, nda tako Dapa speeding ticket (it belongs to the police car, do not be afraid ticketed)," he said. Not merely rely on patronage, they also seek to provide the best service to the citizens. They are, for example, seek clean and air-conditioned car when the road. Rates were not expensive. "Only Rp 12 to 15 thousand," he said. They also seek to dispel the impression prone to evil inherent in the dark cab. As far as possible they are trying friendly and polite to passengers. "Although illegal does not mean we were criminals," he said.