Udah dicoba pakai dirumah, hasil dari catokan ini, lumayan bagus. Saya pilih catokan ini, karena plat keramiknya, plat keramik menghasilkan panas yang merata yang membuat rambut cepat untuk lurus, sehingga kita tidak usah sering2 catok. Desainnya yang simple dan ga terlalu besar membuat mudah klo saya bawa2 didalam tas. Harga yang dijual di Lazada juga ga terlalu mahal, jadi aman dikantong. Recommended pelurus rambut!
I've tried using catokan, the result of House, pretty good. I chose this catokan, because the cool tiled ceramic plate, plate generates heat evenly which make hair straight for quick, so we don't need to be sering2 catok. Its design is simple and easy to make too large a ga klo I bawa2 inside the bag. Price sold in Lazada also ga is too expensive, so the safe dikantong. Recommended hair straighteners!

've Tried to use at home, the results of this catokan, pretty good. I choose this catokan, because pottery plate, ceramic plate generates heat evenly which makes fast for straight hair, so we do not have to sering2 vise. The design is simple and easy to make too big ga klo I bawa2 in the bag. Price sold in Lazada ga also too expensive, so safe dikantong. Recommended hair straighteners!