Berdasarkan keterangan Sihab (45), warga Kecamatan Ciwandan menceritakan, ledakan keras di PT Krakatau Posco terjadi sekitar pukul 23.45 WIB. "Pada saat itu, ledakan terdengar sangat keras, sehingga membuat warga sekitar berhamburan keluar untuk melihat apa yang terjadi," kata Sihab kepada Banten raya, kemarin. Bahkan, lanjut Sihab, akibat ledakan tersebut membuat rumah warga bergetar. "Ledakannya cukup keras sampai warga terkejut. Saya juga lihat ada api yang menjulur ke atas saat terjadinya ledakan," terang Sihab
Based on the description of Sihab (45), residents recounted, Ciwandan District blast hard at PT Krakatau Posco occurs at around 23.45 GMT. "At that moment, an explosion sound very loud, so as to make local people came pouring out to see what happened," said Sihab to Banten Kingdom, yesterday. In fact, about the explosion, caused by Sihab make houses shake. "The Flash hard enough until the residents by surprise. I also see no flames running up in the wake of the explosion, "Sihab light

Based on the information Sihab (45), a resident of the District Ciwandan tell, a loud explosion in PT Krakatau Posco occurred at around 23:45 pm. "At that time, extremely loud explosion, thus making local people poured out to see what happened," said Bantam Sihab the highway, yesterday. In fact, further Sihab, the explosion makes houses vibrate. "The blast was loud enough to residents by surprise. I also see there is a fire that ran up the time of the explosion," said Sihab