Sebagai negara yang berdaulat dan bersahabat dengan berbagai negara di dunia, Indonesia menjalin hubungan diplomatik dan bentuk persahabatan dan kerjasama lainnya dengan berbagai negara di dunia. Konsekuensi dari hal tersebut, banyak warganegara Indonesia yang berada di luar negeri dalam rangka melaksanakan tugas kenegaraan, diplomatik atau tugas lainnya. Untuk keberlangsungan pendidikan anak-anak para keluarga Indonesia di luar negeri, mereka menyekolahkan pada sekolah asing di negara setempat yang memiliki perbedaaan dengan sistem pendidikan nasional. Bagi negara di luar negeri yang terdapat sekolah Indonesia, sebagian masyarakat menyekolahkan anaknya di sekolah tersebut (SILN).
Setelah kembali dari luar negeri para peserta didik yang belum menyelesaikan jenjang pendidikan tertentu akan melanjutkan pendidikannya pada jenjang yang sama di Indonesia, dan untuk itu perlu diatur penyalurannya oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah dengan memberikan rekomendasi kepada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten/Kota setempat untuk disalurkan ke salah satu sekolah yang masih mempunyai daya tampung/akses kepada siswa yang bersangkutan setelah diadakan tes penempatan oleh sekolah penerima.
As a sovereign country and friendly with various countries in the world, Indonesia established diplomatic relations and other forms of friendship and cooperation with various countries in the world. A consequence of this, many citizens of Indonesia who are abroad in order to carry out the tasks of the Union, diplomatic or other duties. For the sustainability of the education of children of the families of Indonesia abroad, they send in a foreign school in the local State which has the distinction of national education systems. For foreign countries that Indonesia, most schools send people his son in the school (SILN). After returning from overseas learners who have completed certain educational level will continue their education at the same level in Indonesia, and to the need to set up distribution by Directorate General of primary and secondary education by providing recommendations to the Department of education of Kabupaten/Kota to transmitted to one of the schools that still have the capacity/access to students who concerned after the placement test held by the recipient.

As a sovereign and friendly with various countries in the world, Indonesia established diplomatic relations and other forms of friendship and cooperation with various countries in the world. The consequence of this, many Indonesian citizens residing abroad in order to carry out the duties of state, diplomatic or other tasks. For education to the children of the family of Indonesia abroad, they send in foreign schools in the local country that have differences with the national education system. For countries outside the school are Indonesia, some people send their children to these schools (SILN). After returning from overseas for learners who have not completed a certain level of education will continue their education at the same level in Indonesia, and to the need to set distribution by the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education by providing recommendations to the District Education Office / Municipality to be distributed to one of the schools that still have capacity / access to the students after placement test held by the receiving school.