Hello Apa Khabarnya FEAR INSIDE ( FI ) Boss !! Btw Lagi Ngapain sekara翻訳 - Hello Apa Khabarnya FEAR INSIDE ( FI ) Boss !! Btw Lagi Ngapain sekara英語言う方法

Hello Apa Khabarnya FEAR INSIDE ( F

Hello Apa Khabarnya FEAR INSIDE ( FI ) Boss !! Btw Lagi Ngapain sekarang Nih? Prepare banget buat 17 Years Anniversary of FEAR INSIDE tanggal 5 Mei Ntar ya Boss??
Nendy : Khabar baik her,....hahahaha, persipan ga ada yang spesial sih her untuk Launching album baru ini....

So Apa yang FI harap banyak dalam usia Band ke 15 Tahun ini Selain Ingin tetep Eksis Bermain Musik?
Nendy : untuk perjalanan yg masih ABG (17 tahun) FI hanya berusaha untuk tetap bisa berkarya, ... karena sebuah band pada dasarnya harus mempunyai album, seperti seniman yang lainnya seperti contoh pelukis harus mempunyai karya berupa lukisan kan .... iya apa ga Herry ? hehehehehehe,.... ( yess Boss :D )

Buat menambah Komplit Informasi tentang FI, ceritakan sedikit tentang Awal terbentuknya band ini, dan sapa aja Line Up terkini FI setelah Kerap banget Bongkar pasang Formasi??
Nendy : Untuk masalah sering gonta Ganti Personil itu sebenarnya tidak perlu aku jawab ya, kamu sebagai Player Band pasti sudah tahu jawaban nya disini FI adalah sebuah band yang mempunyai VISI MISI yang harus sama dalam bermusik, kalo sudah tidak punya VISI MISI yang sama apa akan terus bisa bersama ???? dan yang pasti akan ada Seleksi alam dalam bermusik, karena manusia akan terus berkembang tidak monoton, seperti Tumbuhan yang akan terus tumbuh dan menghasilkan buah sepanjang masa demikian seterusnya.... [;)]

Album Baru FI " The Glorious Of My War " telah dilepas oleh No Label Records, adakah harapan baru dari formasi sekaligus materi terbaru ini di Pesta Launching nanti?
Nendy : Line Up terbaru nanti bisa di Lihat pas launching Album, pengumuman resmi mereka sebagai Personil FI setelah Launching nanti, karena Damarwulan si Gitaris sekaligus Produser di album ini sudah ke Jakarta bekerja, hehehehehe dan yang lain juga sudah pergi dengan urusannya masing2 hahahahaha...... ( wew Bongkar Pasang lagi nihh ?? .ed )

Ceritakan Boss tentang Penggarapan materi " The Glorious Of My War " ini, apakah Gitaris FI, Damarwulan menjadi seorang yang memiliki Andil Tinggi dalam Perjalanan Produksi-nya? lalu Bagaimana Boss Nendy Menanggapi semua Kerja keras Damarwulan ? apakah itu memang menjadi sebagian Obsesi Boss Nendy Sebagai frontman FI sejak Band ini dibentuk??
Nendy : jujur di album baru ini materi konsep penulisan lirik aku buat di studio selama proses rekaman berlangsung, keluar begitu saja dari otak ku ... dan untuk penggarapan Musik digarap Oleh Damarwulan yang menggilai FEAR FACTORY dan NAPALM DEATH. Damarwulan mempunyai andil besar dalam pembuatan album ini, dan materi musik 80% adalah buah tangannya dan gitarnya.

Ada Kendala2 tertentu yang FI hadapi saat Proses Pengerjaan materi ini?? lalu Bagaimana pula FI meng-Komposisi Sebuah Lagu sebelum akhirnya Fix untuk direkam?? Metode yang gimana FI pakai hingga saat ini?
Nendy : Kendala dalam pembuatan album ini hanya masalah waktu yang menyesuaikan jam kerjaku dan damarwulan selama 3 bulan ... cukup memeras tenaga otak pikiran kita dan kadang sedikit berdebat kecil di dalam studio... hahahahaha karena sudah pulang kerja capek masih harus memeras tenaga dan otak untuk garap lagu .... Jujur album ini harus cepat selesai karena Damar harus segera ke jkt untuk Jakarta memenuhi panggilan kerja barunya yang lebih menjanjikan. susah ya jadi musisi yang belum mapan hidupnya ... hahahahaha you know what I mean kan Herry ..... ( I Very Know About That hahahahaha .ed )

Dan Secara Absolut, Sebutkan " 4 KATA " saja untuk Menyebut Konsep Musik yang kalian mainkan ini !
Nendy : 4 kata : 100% MURNI ELEMEN METAL !!!!!!!

Sejauh ini bagaimana Respon yang FI dapat setelah " The Glorious Of My War " dirilis??
Nendy : Soal Respon ada yang bilang kalo FI mau jadi Band Komersil hahahaha, ada yang Bilang Vocal ku jadi lebih Clean hehehehe, ada yang bilang jadi Band HC, ada yang bilang Liriknya jadi Black Metal ... hahahaha,...dan masih banyak lagi Herr, kalo ditulis semua bisa kriting tangan ku nihhhh hahahahaha, tapi itu semua adalah Komentar jujur dari mereka yang bener2 dengerin album baru ini dan aku sangat menghargainya banget.

Lagu " Meraga Sukma & Sirna Raga " Terkesan memiliki Kesan yang Begitu " Kolosal " banget, sebenarnya apa sih yang ingin Boss Ungkapkan melalui lagu tersebut ? dan lagu " Gelap Benci Bencana " itu tentang apa Boss??
Nendy : Wow merasa tersanjung kalau kamu bilang lagu Meraga sukma dan Sirna raga begitu Kolosal, matur nuwun banget kamu bilang begitu. hmmmm kmu perhatikan dengan seksama rupanya hehehehe.. kedua lagu itu mempunyai hubungan keterkaitan herr, hanya sebuah pengalaman Spritual pribadi saja yan tertuang, .... kalau belum pernah mengalami sendiri mungkin tidak bisa menulis lirik tersebut, tapi mohon maaf kalo aku belum bisa menerangkan secara detail mengenai isi kedua lagu tersebut.... hehehehe, Tapi intinya isi ke dua lagu tersebut bercerita tentang sisi hitam gelap manusia bila sudah dalam titik Optimal. Penjabaran secara lengkap bisa menjadi lebih kompleksitas. Lagu " Gelap Benci Bencana " hanya bercerita tentang Gelapnya keBencian yang akan berubah jadi Bencana.

Ceritakan Juga Boss tentang Rilisan lain FI selama ini yang masih belum banyak Reader tahu, Album " The Victory : 10 years & Stronger " yang dirilis oleh Inviolable Music, dan apakah Materi CD " Human's Disgust " adalah Materi Yang sama dengan kaset " Human's Disgust " tahun 1999 ?
Nendy : Album The Victory " Ten years and Stronger " adalah album kumpulan lagu2 terbaik FI selama 10 tahun.Humans Disgust yang Versi CD adalah versi Edisi kolektor, karena di luar negeri sudah tidak ada Tape Player kan ?? hehehehehe.... ( Wes Podo Payu Boss Tape-ne hahahahaha .ed )

The Big Influence Vokill Boss !! apakah nama Mark Barney Greenway ND, Chris Barnes Six Feet Under, Dave Ingram Ex. Benediction ato Jan-Chris de Koeijer Gorefest tetap Bisa Boss Kenali Karakter-nya Hingga kini saat Bernyanyi di FI ?? ataukah ada nama lain yang Lebih Influental dalam Pattern Vokal Boss ??
Nendy : Nama2 Vocalis yang Kamu sebutin itu adalah Vocalis yang bener2 sudah punya Karakter yang kuat dan tidak ada yang Menyamainya, ... kalaupun ada yang menyamai maka hanya akan sebagai imitasi bukan yang asli hahahaha ... termasuk aku hahahahaha,... tapi dalam hal ini aku pribadi harus berusaha terus untuk bisa mempunyai karakter sendiri yang menjadi ciri khas di FI. Nama lain, Frank Mullen tetep menjadi karakter kuat di Suffocation, Tom Araya-nya Slayer tak ada yang menyamai lengkingan indian nya .... hehehehe

Death Metal Still Alive itu yang Bisa Gw jelaskan terhadap Imej FI dari dulu hingga sekarang ? apakah hal ini tetep akan FI pertahankan untuk tidak merubah Konsep Musik, Menjadi Brutal Death Metal ato Thrash Metal sekalipun? adakah " Sesuatu " yang Bisa Boss Nendy Ungkapkan untuk menggambarkan semua ini ??
Nendy : Amin ! .. kalo herry bilang masih ada Death metal still alive dalam FI, album baru ini adalah pembuktian eksisitensi FI yang lama ga mengeluarkan album, untuk ke depan pasti akan ada terus Inovasi Perubahan, .. tapi belum aku bisa sebutin sekarang akan menjadi apa metal nya FI nanti,... hehehehe waktu yang akan Menjawabnya... ( Cieeeee hahahahaha .ed )

Mencoba melakukan sesuatu yang baru memang Wajib dalam berkarya sehingga Kita tidak akan kembali mengulang sesuatu yang sudah sudah, yah maksimal aja kalau kita coba Melakukan Sebuah Modifikasi saja hehehhe, Lalu bagaimana pendapat Kalian tentang Hal seperti ini? Karena Gw dan ( Mungkin ) Boss sudah mulai jenuh dengan Sesuatu yang " Sama Saja " dengan Ini dan Itu, dan teramat sayang kalau Kita tidak bisa melakukan sesuatu yang Beda atau Baru dalam Bermusik. kasih sedikit Opini boss hehehehehe ....
Nendy : Yang pasti FI akan tetap berusaha untuk melakukan sesuatu yang baru walau mungkin tidak langsung sekaligus, akan tetep ada Benang Merah True Metal dalam Musik FI, itu Opini ku .... dan dalam Metal sendiri pasti akan ada Evolusi ... entah 10 tahun lagi dalam death metal itu sendiri akan menjadi monster apalagi kita belum tahu,...dan menjadi beda adalah suatu ke harusan dalam sebuah Band, ... kita tidak mungkin menjadi plagiat sejati kan, harus menjadi diri kita sendiri sampai kapanpun. ( yeaaahh Alright Boss !!!, Kapan lagi Kita Bisa Tunjukin " Diri " Kita yang Sebenar-nya ? Ketimbang Bangga dengan Nama2 lain yang " Notabene " juga Menjadi Bagian Plagiat Dari yang Sudah ada ?? .ed )

Bisa ceritakan bagaimana Perkembangan Death Metal di Surabaya Khusus-nya ? Apakah nama2 Besar Lama seperti Slow Death, Brain Damage, Venduzor, Brutal Torture siap kembali Meramaikan Kembali eksisnya Beberapa Band lawas untuk saat ini ?? dan untuk Rekomendasi band2 Death Metal baru yang siap menjadi " Ancaman " serius di scene tanah Air??
Nendy : Perkembangan di Surabaya sendiri aku kurang begitu memperhatikan sihh, tapi yang pasti penikmat musik death metal di Surabaya sudah mulai banyak dari kalangan anak2 SMP aja sudah tahu apa itu death metal walau mungkin tidak Se-detail sampai ke akarnya....hehehehehe,... kayak aku paling tahu aja ya herr hahahahaha... sorry intermesso ya herrr hahahahahaYang aku tahu Slow Death sudah membubarkan diri sejak tahun 2004 dan sekarang Samier sudah buat GAS, .. bisa kamu lihat di Dinding Samier Akan kamu temui catatan tentang riwayat Slow death, ... untuk Band2 yang lain aku kurang tahu perkembangan nya ...... I'm so sorry... [;)], Untuk band2 Baru yang Berbahaya di Surabaya aku kurang begitu tahu kalaupun ada kita baru bisa menilai nya setelah 5 tahun kedepan, paling tidak sudah punya 2 - 3 album baru Kita bisa menilai nya....

Kegiatan Member FI selain Bermain Musik ??
Nendy : Kegiatan personil FI : aku, gitarisnya, basisnya Pegawai biasa aja dan drummernya yang paling muda masih kelas 2 SMK.


01 Gorefest - False
02 Suffocation - Effigy of The Forgotten
03 Suffocation - Pierced from Within
04 Monstrosity - Millenium
05 Cancer - Dead shall rise
06 Cannibal Corpse - The bleeding
07 Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence
08 Fear Factory - New Soul Of Machine
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Hello What Khabarnya The FEAR INSIDE (FI) Boss!! BTW Again Doing now Ya? Prepare banget buat 17 Years Anniversary of FEAR INSIDE may 5, Ntar ya Boss??Nendy: good news of her, .... hahahaha, persipan ga special heck her for the Launching of this new album ....So what FI please many in the age Band of the 15th this year in addition to wanting to Play Music Existed tetep?Nendy: for the journey wrote still ABG (17 years) FI just trying to stay could work, ... because it is a must have basically band albums, like other artists such as the painter must have an example of the work be painting right .... yeah what ga Herry? hehehehehehe, .... (yess Boss:D)Create add Complete information about FI, tell me a little about the early formation of the band, and sapa aja current FI Line Up after the Often really Uninstall plug Formation?Nendy: to the problem often mutually Replace Personnel that actually don't need I answer Yes, you as a Player of the Band would already know the answer it here FI is a band that has a VISION of a MISSION must be the same in the musical, already do not have the same VISION of what will continue to get along???? and certainly there will be a natural selection in the music, because people will continue to evolve is not monotonous, like the plants will continue to grow and bear fruit over time and so on .... [;)]New FI album "The Glorious Of My War" has been released by No Label Records, is there a new hope from the formation of this new material at once at a party Launching later?Nendy: the latest Line Up later can See pas launching albums, their official announcement as Personnel FI after Launching soon, because the Guitarist Damarwulan producer on this album already to Jakarta to work, hehehehehe and others also had a go with his dealings masing2 hahahahaha ... ... (wew loading and reinstalling nihh??. ed)Tell your Boss about the pipeline material "The Glorious Of My War", whether Guitarist FI, Damarwulan be a that has a High Participation in the course of its Production? Boss Nendy then how to respond to all the hard work of Damarwulan? If it indeed be a most Nendy Boss Obsession As frontman FI since the Band formed?Nendy: to be honest in this new album material concept of writing lyrics I create in the studio during the recording process lasted, out of my brain ... and for the implementation of the projected By Damarwulan Music was fond of FEAR FACTORY and NAPALM DEATH. The large participation has damarwulan in the making of this album, the musical material and 80% is the fruit of her hands and her guitar.There is a certain FI Kendala2 face when machining process this material? then how did the FI to the composition of a song before finally Fix to be recorded? The method of how FI use up to now?Nendy: Constraints in the making of this album is just a matter of time adjusting to my hours and damarwulan for 3 months ... quite squeeze the brain power of our minds and sometimes a little small in the studio debating ... hahahahaha because it already got off work tired still need to exertion and brain to work on songs. ... To be honest this album should be finished quickly because the Resin should immediately to Jakarta jkt to meet her new work calls that are more promising. difficult Yes so musicians who have not yet established his life ... hahahahaha you know what I mean right Herry. .... (I Very Know About That hahahahaha ed)And in absolute terms, mention "4 WORDS" only to refer to the concept of the music that you guys play this!Nendy: 4 words: 100% pure METAL ELEMENT!!!!!So far how can response after "The Glorious Of My War" was released??Nendy: Reserved Response some say kalo FI want to be Commercial Band hahahaha, anyone tell me so more Clean Vocals hehehehe, some say so Band HC, some say the lyrics so Black Metal ... hahahaha ... and Herr, kalo written can all kriting my hands nihhhh hahahahaha, but it's all honest Comments from those who really listened to the new album and I highly appreciate it.The song "Soul Meraga & Sirna Raga" Impressed has the impression of being so "Colossal" really, what the heck is actually like to Unhide the tracks through the Boss? and the song "dark Hate disaster" that's about what the Boss??Nendy: Wow feel flattered if you say the song Meraga sukma and Sirna raga so colossal, matur nuwun banget you say so. Hmmmm kmu watch carefully apparently hehehehe .... both tracks had a relationship the Association only a herr, personal Spiritual experience course yan stated, .... If not experienced themselves may not be able to write the lyrics, but sorry kalo I can not explain in detail about the contents of both the song .... hehehehe, but its core content to two of the song tells the story of a black man's dark side when it is in an Optimal point. Elaboration of the complete could be more complexity. The song "hate the Dark disaster" just told me about His hatred will change so disastrous.Tell me about other Release Boss Also FI during this yet many Reader knows, "The Victory Album: 10 years & Stronger" released by Inviolable Music, and whether the material Human's CD "Disgust" is a Material with the same Disgust "Human's" cassette in 1999?Nendy: The Victory Album "Ten years and Stronger" is the collection of best FI lagu2 albums for 10 years. Humans Disgust the CD version is the version of the collector's Edition, as abroad there is no Tape Player right?? hehehehehe ..... (Wes Podo Payu Boss Tape-ne hahahahaha ed)The Big Influence Vokill Boss!! If the name Mark Barney Greenway ND, Chris Barnes Six Feet Under, Dave Ingram Ex. Benediction ato Jan-Chris de Koeijer Gorefest can still be the Boss Know his character until today when singing in FI?? or is there another name that is more Vocal Pattern in the Influental Boss??Nendy: ye sebutin Vocalis Names it was the Vocalis bener2 already had a strong character and there's nothing like it, ... If there is a match then it will just as imitation rather than the original hahahaha ... hahahahaha, including me ... but in this case I personally need to strive constantly to be able to have its own character that became a hallmark in FI. Another name, Frank Mullen tetep became strong characters in Suffocation, Tom Araya-his Slayer, nothing equals his indian lengkingan .... heheheheDeath Metal Still Alive that I can explain against the image of FI from past until now? whether it is to be FI tetep preserve unchanged the concept of Music, becoming a Brutal Death Metal band ato Thrash Metal though? is there a "something" that could Reveal the Boss Nendy to describe all this??Nendy: Amen! Kalo herry said there is still a Death metal still alive in FI, this new album is proof of the old ga eksisitensi FI album, to forward will certainly be there constantly Innovation changes, ... but yet I can sebutin now will be what his metal FI later, ... hehehehe time will Answer ... (Cieeeee hahahahaha ed)Mencoba melakukan sesuatu yang baru memang Wajib dalam berkarya sehingga Kita tidak akan kembali mengulang sesuatu yang sudah sudah, yah maksimal aja kalau kita coba Melakukan Sebuah Modifikasi saja hehehhe, Lalu bagaimana pendapat Kalian tentang Hal seperti ini? Karena Gw dan ( Mungkin ) Boss sudah mulai jenuh dengan Sesuatu yang " Sama Saja " dengan Ini dan Itu, dan teramat sayang kalau Kita tidak bisa melakukan sesuatu yang Beda atau Baru dalam Bermusik. kasih sedikit Opini boss hehehehehe ....Nendy : Yang pasti FI akan tetap berusaha untuk melakukan sesuatu yang baru walau mungkin tidak langsung sekaligus, akan tetep ada Benang Merah True Metal dalam Musik FI, itu Opini ku .... dan dalam Metal sendiri pasti akan ada Evolusi ... entah 10 tahun lagi dalam death metal itu sendiri akan menjadi monster apalagi kita belum tahu,...dan menjadi beda adalah suatu ke harusan dalam sebuah Band, ... kita tidak mungkin menjadi plagiat sejati kan, harus menjadi diri kita sendiri sampai kapanpun. ( yeaaahh Alright Boss !!!, Kapan lagi Kita Bisa Tunjukin " Diri " Kita yang Sebenar-nya ? Ketimbang Bangga dengan Nama2 lain yang " Notabene " juga Menjadi Bagian Plagiat Dari yang Sudah ada ?? .ed )Bisa ceritakan bagaimana Perkembangan Death Metal di Surabaya Khusus-nya ? Apakah nama2 Besar Lama seperti Slow Death, Brain Damage, Venduzor, Brutal Torture siap kembali Meramaikan Kembali eksisnya Beberapa Band lawas untuk saat ini ?? dan untuk Rekomendasi band2 Death Metal baru yang siap menjadi " Ancaman " serius di scene tanah Air??Nendy : Perkembangan di Surabaya sendiri aku kurang begitu memperhatikan sihh, tapi yang pasti penikmat musik death metal di Surabaya sudah mulai banyak dari kalangan anak2 SMP aja sudah tahu apa itu death metal walau mungkin tidak Se-detail sampai ke akarnya....hehehehehe,... kayak aku paling tahu aja ya herr hahahahaha... sorry intermesso ya herrr hahahahahaYang aku tahu Slow Death sudah membubarkan diri sejak tahun 2004 dan sekarang Samier sudah buat GAS, .. bisa kamu lihat di Dinding Samier Akan kamu temui catatan tentang riwayat Slow death, ... untuk Band2 yang lain aku kurang tahu perkembangan nya ...... I'm so sorry... [;)], Untuk band2 Baru yang Berbahaya di Surabaya aku kurang begitu tahu kalaupun ada kita baru bisa menilai nya setelah 5 tahun kedepan, paling tidak sudah punya 2 - 3 album baru Kita bisa menilai nya....Kegiatan Member FI selain Bermain Musik ??Nendy : Kegiatan personil FI : aku, gitarisnya, basisnya Pegawai biasa aja dan drummernya yang paling muda masih kelas 2 SMK.TOP 10 ALBUM DEATH METAL FOREVER bagi FI !!01 Gorefest - False02 Suffocation - Effigy of The Forgotten03 Suffocation - Pierced from Within04 Monstrosity - Millenium05 Cancer - Dead shall rise06 Cannibal Corpse - The bleeding07 Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence08 Fear Factory - New Soul Of Machine09
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Hello What Khabarnya FEAR INSIDE (FI) Boss !! Btw Here Again Ngapain now? Prepare really for 17 Years Anniversary of FEAR INSIDE May 5 Ntar yes Boss ??
Nendy: good Khabar her .... hahahaha, persipan ga no special hell for launching her new album .... So What FI hope many in the age band 15 to this year Want tetep addition Existed Music Playing? Nendy: for a trip that still ABG (17 years old) just trying to FI can still work ... as a band basically have to have the album, like other artists like the example of the painter should have the works of painting .... yes what Herry ga? hehehehehehe, .... (yess Boss: D) Create add Complete Information on FI, tell us a little about the beginning of the formation of this band, and sapa aja Current Line Up FI after Often very Unloading pairs Formation ?? Nendy: For problems often mutually Change Personnel it actually does not need me to answer yes, you as a player Band already know his answer here FI is a band that has VISION MISSION which must be the same in music, if already do not have the same VISION MISSION what will continue to be together ???? and that there would be a natural selection for music, because people will continue to grow not monotonous, like the plant will continue to grow and produce fruit all time and so on .... [;)] New Album FI "The Glorious Of My War" has been released by No Label Records, is there a new hope of formation once the latest material is in the Party Launching later? Nendy: Line Up Latest will be on See fitting launching Albums, official announcements them as Personnel FI after Launching later, because Damarwulan the guitarist once Producer in This album has been to Jakarta to work, hehehehehe and the others also had gone with his business masing2 hahahahaha ...... (wow Bolt again nihh ?? .ed) Tell Boss on Cultivation of material "The Glorious Of My War" is, whether guitarist FI, Damarwulan be a person who has a share of Appeal in its production journey? and How Boss Nendy Responding to all the hard work Damarwulan? whether it is to be partially obsession Boss Nendy As frontman FI since the band was formed ?? Nendy: honest on this new album material I created the concept of writing lyrics in the studio during the recording process takes place, just came out of my brain ... and for the cultivation of Music tilled By Damarwulan who are fond of FEAR FACTORY and Napalm Death. Damarwulan has a big hand in the making of this album, and music material 80% is fruit of his hand and his guitar. There are certain FI Kendala2 face when process execution of this material ?? How did the FI then clicking Composition A song recorded before finally Fix for ?? The method how FI wear today? Nendy: Constraints in the making of this album is only a matter of time to adjust my work hours and Damarwulan for 3 months ... quite taxing brain our thoughts and sometimes a little small debate in the studio ... hahahahaha because already home from work tired still to be taxing and brain to work on a song .... Honestly this album should be quickly completed because the resin must immediately jkt to Jakarta to meet the call of his new job is more promising. hard ya be a musician who has not established his life ... hahahahaha you know what I mean right Herry ..... (I Very Know About That .ed hahahahaha) And In Absolut, Mention "4 WORD" Just for you guys Calling Music Concept This play! Nendy: 4 words: 100% PURE METAL ELEMENT !!!!!!! So far FI how the response can be after "The Glorious Of My War" was released ?? Nendy: Problem Response anyone tell if the FI would be Band Commercial hahahaha, no tell me so much Clean Vocal hehehehe, some say so Band HC, some say lyrics are so Black Metal ... hahahaha ... and much more Herr, if written all can kriting my hand nihhhh hahahahaha , but it's all Comments honest than those who bener2 listen to this new album and I really appreciate it really. The song "Meraga Sukma & Sirna Raga" Impressed have the impression that soon "Colossal" really, really what the hell wants Boss Raise it through the song? and the song "Hate Dark Disaster" was about what the Boss ?? Nendy: Wow flattered if you say the song Meraga Sirna soul and body are so colossal, mature nuwun you really say that. hmmmm kmu note carefully apparently hehehehe .. the song that has the corresponding relationships herr, only a personal Spiritual experiences only yan stated, .... if you have never experienced themselves may not be able to write lyrics, but apologize if I have not been able to explain details on the contents of the song .... hehehehe, but essentially the contents to the song tells the story of two black dark side of man when it is in Optimal point. Complete the translation could be more complexity. The song "Dark Hate Disaster" only tells about His dark hatred will turn into disaster. Tell Also Boss about the release of other FI for this is still not much Reader knows, Album "The Victory: 10 years & Stronger" which was released by Inviolable Music, and whether material CD "Human's Disgust" is Material The same with cassettes "Human's Disgust" 1999? Nendy: Album The Victory "Ten years and Stronger" is the album a collection of lagu2 best FI for 10 tahun.Humans Disgust the CD version is the version Edition collector because abroad there is no Tape Player right ?? hehehehehe .... (Wes PODO Breast Boss Tape-ne hahahahaha .ed) The Big Influence Vokill Boss !! whether the name Mark Barney Greenway ND, Chris Barnes of Six Feet Under, Dave Ingram Ex. Benediction ato Jan-Chris de Koeijer Gorefest still could Boss Character Recognize her Until now while Singing in FI ?? or is there any other name More influental in Vocal Pattern Boss ?? Nendy: nama2 vocalist that you please state it is a vocalist who bener2 already has a strong character and nothing is equal it, ... if no match then it will only be as imitation is not the The original hahahaha ... including me hahahahaha ... but in this case I personally have to try to continue to be able to have its own character that characterizes in FI. Another name, Frank Mullen tetep be a strong character in Suffocation, Slayer's Tom Araya her nothing equaled his shrill indian .... hehehehe Death Metal Can Still Alive Gw explain it to the FI image from the past until now? whether it will tetep FI keep for not changing concept of Music, Being Brutal Death Metal Thrash Metal ato though? is there "something" that could Boss Nendy Disclose to describe all of this ?? Nendy: Amen! .. If herry says there Death metal still alive in FI, this new album is the proof of the existence of its long FI ga released the album, for the future there will definitely continue Innovation Change, .. but yet I can sebutin now will be what his metal FI later, ... hehehehe time will tell ... (hahahahaha Cieeeee .ed) Trying to do something new is Mandatory in the work so that we will not return to repeat something that has been, well, a maximum of just when we are trying Doing A modification alone hehehhe, then what You think about this kind of thing? Because Gw and (probably) Boss already saturated with Something "Same" with This and That, and very unfortunately that we can not do anything Beda or new in music. Opinion boss hehehehehe little love .... Nendy: Certainly FI will keep trying to do something new although probably not all at once, there will tetep Red String Music True Metal in FI, it is my opinion .... and the metal itself surely there will be evolution ... either 10 years in death metal itself would be a monster moreover we do not know, ... and being different is a harusan into a band, ... we can not possibly be true plagiarism right, should be ourselves until whenever. (Yeaaahh Boss !!! Alright, When else We Can tunjukin "Self" We are Right as his? Instead Proud other nama2 "Unsurprisingly" also Becoming Part Of Plagiarism which already exist ?? .ed) Can you tell me how the development of Death Metal in its Special Surabaya? Is Big nama2 Lama as Slow Death, Brain Damage, Venduzor, Brutal Torture ready to return Enliven Back eksisnya Some old band for today ?? and to Recommendation band2 new Death Metal that is ready to be a "threat" of serious soil scene Water ?? Nendy: Developments in Surabaya itself I sihh less attention, but certainly death metal music lovers in Surabaya has started many of the junior anak2 aja know what is death metal-Se although probably not to the root detail .... hehehe ... I know best kayak aja ya hahahahaha ... sorry intermesso herr herrr hahahahahaYang yes I know Slow Death has been disbanded since 2004 and Samier now already for GAS, .. you can see in the Wall Samier Will you meet record of the history of Slow death, ... for band2 else I do not know his progress ...... I'm so sorry ... [ ;)], For New band2 Dangerous Surabaya I less know if anything we can only judge her after the next 5 years, most do not already have 2-3 new album We can assess her .... Activity Members FI besides Playing Music ?? Nendy: Activity personnel FI: I, guitarist, base Regular employees wrote and drummernya the youngest still a class 2 SMK. TOP 10 ALBUM DEATH METAL FOREVER for FI !! 01 Gorefest - False 02 Suffocation - Effigy Of The Forgotten 03 Suffocation - Pierced from Within 04 Monstrosity - Millennium 05 Cancer - Dead shall rise 06 Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding 07 Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence 08 Fear Factory - New Soul Of Machine 09

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