Hello What Khabarnya The FEAR INSIDE (FI) Boss!! BTW Again Doing now Ya? Prepare banget buat 17 Years Anniversary of FEAR INSIDE may 5, Ntar ya Boss??Nendy: good news of her, .... hahahaha, persipan ga special heck her for the Launching of this new album ....So what FI please many in the age Band of the 15th this year in addition to wanting to Play Music Existed tetep?Nendy: for the journey wrote still ABG (17 years) FI just trying to stay could work, ... because it is a must have basically band albums, like other artists such as the painter must have an example of the work be painting right .... yeah what ga Herry? hehehehehehe, .... (yess Boss:D)Create add Complete information about FI, tell me a little about the early formation of the band, and sapa aja current FI Line Up after the Often really Uninstall plug Formation?Nendy: to the problem often mutually Replace Personnel that actually don't need I answer Yes, you as a Player of the Band would already know the answer it here FI is a band that has a VISION of a MISSION must be the same in the musical, already do not have the same VISION of what will continue to get along???? and certainly there will be a natural selection in the music, because people will continue to evolve is not monotonous, like the plants will continue to grow and bear fruit over time and so on .... [;)]New FI album "The Glorious Of My War" has been released by No Label Records, is there a new hope from the formation of this new material at once at a party Launching later?Nendy: the latest Line Up later can See pas launching albums, their official announcement as Personnel FI after Launching soon, because the Guitarist Damarwulan producer on this album already to Jakarta to work, hehehehehe and others also had a go with his dealings masing2 hahahahaha ... ... (wew loading and reinstalling nihh??. ed)Tell your Boss about the pipeline material "The Glorious Of My War", whether Guitarist FI, Damarwulan be a that has a High Participation in the course of its Production? Boss Nendy then how to respond to all the hard work of Damarwulan? If it indeed be a most Nendy Boss Obsession As frontman FI since the Band formed?Nendy: to be honest in this new album material concept of writing lyrics I create in the studio during the recording process lasted, out of my brain ... and for the implementation of the projected By Damarwulan Music was fond of FEAR FACTORY and NAPALM DEATH. The large participation has damarwulan in the making of this album, the musical material and 80% is the fruit of her hands and her guitar.There is a certain FI Kendala2 face when machining process this material? then how did the FI to the composition of a song before finally Fix to be recorded? The method of how FI use up to now?Nendy: Constraints in the making of this album is just a matter of time adjusting to my hours and damarwulan for 3 months ... quite squeeze the brain power of our minds and sometimes a little small in the studio debating ... hahahahaha because it already got off work tired still need to exertion and brain to work on songs. ... To be honest this album should be finished quickly because the Resin should immediately to Jakarta jkt to meet her new work calls that are more promising. difficult Yes so musicians who have not yet established his life ... hahahahaha you know what I mean right Herry. .... (I Very Know About That hahahahaha ed)And in absolute terms, mention "4 WORDS" only to refer to the concept of the music that you guys play this!Nendy: 4 words: 100% pure METAL ELEMENT!!!!!So far how can response after "The Glorious Of My War" was released??Nendy: Reserved Response some say kalo FI want to be Commercial Band hahahaha, anyone tell me so more Clean Vocals hehehehe, some say so Band HC, some say the lyrics so Black Metal ... hahahaha ... and Herr, kalo written can all kriting my hands nihhhh hahahahaha, but it's all honest Comments from those who really listened to the new album and I highly appreciate it.The song "Soul Meraga & Sirna Raga" Impressed has the impression of being so "Colossal" really, what the heck is actually like to Unhide the tracks through the Boss? and the song "dark Hate disaster" that's about what the Boss??Nendy: Wow feel flattered if you say the song Meraga sukma and Sirna raga so colossal, matur nuwun banget you say so. Hmmmm kmu watch carefully apparently hehehehe .... both tracks had a relationship the Association only a herr, personal Spiritual experience course yan stated, .... If not experienced themselves may not be able to write the lyrics, but sorry kalo I can not explain in detail about the contents of both the song .... hehehehe, but its core content to two of the song tells the story of a black man's dark side when it is in an Optimal point. Elaboration of the complete could be more complexity. The song "hate the Dark disaster" just told me about His hatred will change so disastrous.Tell me about other Release Boss Also FI during this yet many Reader knows, "The Victory Album: 10 years & Stronger" released by Inviolable Music, and whether the material Human's CD "Disgust" is a Material with the same Disgust "Human's" cassette in 1999?Nendy: The Victory Album "Ten years and Stronger" is the collection of best FI lagu2 albums for 10 years. Humans Disgust the CD version is the version of the collector's Edition, as abroad there is no Tape Player right?? hehehehehe ..... (Wes Podo Payu Boss Tape-ne hahahahaha ed)The Big Influence Vokill Boss!! If the name Mark Barney Greenway ND, Chris Barnes Six Feet Under, Dave Ingram Ex. Benediction ato Jan-Chris de Koeijer Gorefest can still be the Boss Know his character until today when singing in FI?? or is there another name that is more Vocal Pattern in the Influental Boss??Nendy: ye sebutin Vocalis Names it was the Vocalis bener2 already had a strong character and there's nothing like it, ... If there is a match then it will just as imitation rather than the original hahahaha ... hahahahaha, including me ... but in this case I personally need to strive constantly to be able to have its own character that became a hallmark in FI. Another name, Frank Mullen tetep became strong characters in Suffocation, Tom Araya-his Slayer, nothing equals his indian lengkingan .... heheheheDeath Metal Still Alive that I can explain against the image of FI from past until now? whether it is to be FI tetep preserve unchanged the concept of Music, becoming a Brutal Death Metal band ato Thrash Metal though? is there a "something" that could Reveal the Boss Nendy to describe all this??Nendy: Amen! Kalo herry said there is still a Death metal still alive in FI, this new album is proof of the old ga eksisitensi FI album, to forward will certainly be there constantly Innovation changes, ... but yet I can sebutin now will be what his metal FI later, ... hehehehe time will Answer ... (Cieeeee hahahahaha ed)Mencoba melakukan sesuatu yang baru memang Wajib dalam berkarya sehingga Kita tidak akan kembali mengulang sesuatu yang sudah sudah, yah maksimal aja kalau kita coba Melakukan Sebuah Modifikasi saja hehehhe, Lalu bagaimana pendapat Kalian tentang Hal seperti ini? Karena Gw dan ( Mungkin ) Boss sudah mulai jenuh dengan Sesuatu yang " Sama Saja " dengan Ini dan Itu, dan teramat sayang kalau Kita tidak bisa melakukan sesuatu yang Beda atau Baru dalam Bermusik. kasih sedikit Opini boss hehehehehe ....Nendy : Yang pasti FI akan tetap berusaha untuk melakukan sesuatu yang baru walau mungkin tidak langsung sekaligus, akan tetep ada Benang Merah True Metal dalam Musik FI, itu Opini ku .... dan dalam Metal sendiri pasti akan ada Evolusi ... entah 10 tahun lagi dalam death metal itu sendiri akan menjadi monster apalagi kita belum tahu,...dan menjadi beda adalah suatu ke harusan dalam sebuah Band, ... kita tidak mungkin menjadi plagiat sejati kan, harus menjadi diri kita sendiri sampai kapanpun. ( yeaaahh Alright Boss !!!, Kapan lagi Kita Bisa Tunjukin " Diri " Kita yang Sebenar-nya ? Ketimbang Bangga dengan Nama2 lain yang " Notabene " juga Menjadi Bagian Plagiat Dari yang Sudah ada ?? .ed )Bisa ceritakan bagaimana Perkembangan Death Metal di Surabaya Khusus-nya ? Apakah nama2 Besar Lama seperti Slow Death, Brain Damage, Venduzor, Brutal Torture siap kembali Meramaikan Kembali eksisnya Beberapa Band lawas untuk saat ini ?? dan untuk Rekomendasi band2 Death Metal baru yang siap menjadi " Ancaman " serius di scene tanah Air??Nendy : Perkembangan di Surabaya sendiri aku kurang begitu memperhatikan sihh, tapi yang pasti penikmat musik death metal di Surabaya sudah mulai banyak dari kalangan anak2 SMP aja sudah tahu apa itu death metal walau mungkin tidak Se-detail sampai ke akarnya....hehehehehe,... kayak aku paling tahu aja ya herr hahahahaha... sorry intermesso ya herrr hahahahahaYang aku tahu Slow Death sudah membubarkan diri sejak tahun 2004 dan sekarang Samier sudah buat GAS, .. bisa kamu lihat di Dinding Samier Akan kamu temui catatan tentang riwayat Slow death, ... untuk Band2 yang lain aku kurang tahu perkembangan nya ...... I'm so sorry... [;)], Untuk band2 Baru yang Berbahaya di Surabaya aku kurang begitu tahu kalaupun ada kita baru bisa menilai nya setelah 5 tahun kedepan, paling tidak sudah punya 2 - 3 album baru Kita bisa menilai nya....Kegiatan Member FI selain Bermain Musik ??Nendy : Kegiatan personil FI : aku, gitarisnya, basisnya Pegawai biasa aja dan drummernya yang paling muda masih kelas 2 SMK.TOP 10 ALBUM DEATH METAL FOREVER bagi FI !!01 Gorefest - False02 Suffocation - Effigy of The Forgotten03 Suffocation - Pierced from Within04 Monstrosity - Millenium05 Cancer - Dead shall rise06 Cannibal Corpse - The bleeding07 Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence08 Fear Factory - New Soul Of Machine09