Boyolali- Jenazah Serka Sutrisno, anggota Depohar 70 Sulaiman Bandung 翻訳 - Boyolali- Jenazah Serka Sutrisno, anggota Depohar 70 Sulaiman Bandung 英語言う方法

Boyolali- Jenazah Serka Sutrisno, a

Boyolali- Jenazah Serka Sutrisno, anggota Depohar 70 Sulaiman Bandung yang gugur dalam kecelakaan Hercules di Medan, telah tiba di rumah duka Boyolali pukul 15.00 WIB. Jenazah dibawa masuk rumah duka untuk dishalatkan kemudian dimakamkan di pemakaman desa setempat.

Kedatangan jenazah disambut duka dan tangis istri, anak dan keluarga besar korban yang telah menunggu sejak Sutrisno dinyatakan gugur dalam kecelakaan pesawat tersebut.

Namun tak lama disemayamkan di rumah duka, pada pukul 15.30 WIB jenazah Sutrisno diberangkatkan ke pemakaman umum Dukuh Dilem, Desa Pojok, Kecamatan Simo, Boyolal, untuk dimakamkan secara militer, dipimpin oleh Dandepohar 50 Adi Soemarmo, Kolonel (Lek) Wahyu Widodo, selaku inspektur upacara.

Serka Sutrisno adalah anggota Depohar 70 Sulaiman Bandung yang gugur saat menjalankan tugas karena pesawat Hercules yang ditumpanginya jatuh di Medan. Sutrisno meninggalkan seorang istri, Erna, dan dua orang anak yaitu Auerel (5 tahun) dan Almaira (3 bulan).
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Boyolali-Corpse Serka Sutrisno, a member of the Depohar 70 Sulaiman Bandung, died in the crash of Hercules in Medan, has arrived at the funeral home at 15.00 BST Boyolali. The corpse is brought in the funeral home to dishalatkan and then buried in the cemetery of the village.The coming grief and sorrow the corpse greeted his wife, children and relatives of the victims who have been waiting since Sutrisno expressed died in the plane crash.But shortly casket was placed at the funeral home, at 15.30 BST the corpse to the cemetery on the way General Sutrisno Dukuh Glued, village Corner, Simo, Boyolal, to be buried in the military, led by Adi Dandepohar 50 Soemarmo, Colonel (Lek) Rev. Widodo, as Inspector of the ceremony.Serka Sutrisno is a member of Depohar 70 Sulaiman Bandung who fell while running errands because Hercules aircraft crashed in Medan. Sutrisno left a wife, Erna, and two children, namely Auerel (5 years) and Almaira (3 months).(mbr/try) "
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The body of Sergeant Boyolali- Sutrisno, 70 Solomon Bandung Depohar members who died in the crash in Medan Hercules, has arrived at the funeral home at 15:00 pm Boyolali. The bodies were brought in the funeral home to dishalatkan then buried in a local village. The arrival of the bodies welcomed sorrow and weeping wives, children and relatives of the victims who have waited since Sutrisno declared killed in the accident. But soon buried at the funeral home, at 15.30 WIB bodies Sutrisno dispatched to a common grave Hamlet glued, Village Corner, District Simo, Boyolal, to be buried in the military, led by Dandepohar 50 Adi Soemarmo, Colonel (Lek) Wahyu Widodo, as the ceremony inspector. sergeant Sutrisno is a member Depohar 70 Solomon Bandung died while performing their duties as the host Hercules plane crashed in Medan. Sutrisno survived by his wife, Erna, and two children namely Auerel (5 years) and Almaira (3 months). (Mbr / try) "

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