, Jakarta: Setelah rugi bersih Rp894,55 miliar di akhir 2013, kini PT Arpeni Pratama Oceanline Tbk (APOL) membukukan laba bersih sebesar Rp20,98 miliar di akhir tahun lalu.
Mengutip laporan keuangan dari keterbukaan informasi Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), Kamis (9/4/2015), pendapatan usaha perseroan menurun 25 persen sebesar Rp824,64 miliar di tahun lalu, dari posisi pendapatan sebesar Rp1,10 triliun di akhir 2013.
Laba sebelum pajak menjadi Rp31,32 miliar di tahun lalu, atau turun dari rugi sebelum pajak sebesar Rp947,12 miliar di 2013. Beban jasa perseroan menjadi Rp833,59 miliar di 2014, atau turun dari posisi Rp1,42 triliun di akhir 2013. Rugi bruto juga menjadi Rp8,95 miliar di tahun lalu, atau turun dari rugi bruto sebesar Rp320,41 miliar di 2013.
Rugi usaha yang diderita perseroan menjadi Rp5,33 miliar di 2014, atau turun dari posisi sebesar Rp685,52 miliar di akhir 2013. Pendapatan keuangan perseroan menjadi Rp239,47 miliar di 2014, atau naik dari pendapatan keuangan sebesar Rp44,26 miliar di 2013.
Beban keuangan menjadi Rp203,34 miliar di akhir 2014, atau turun dari posisi beban keuangan sebesar Rp306,10 miliar di 2013. Bagian laba naik menjadi Rp525,13 juta di 2014, atau turun dari posisi Rp239,67 juta di 2013. Adapun posisi aset APOL menjadi Rp1,85 triliun di 2014, atau turun dari posisi aset sebesar Rp2,57 triliun di akhir 2013.
AHL, Jakarta: After loss NET Rp894,55 billion at the end of 2013, now PT Arpeni Pratama Tbk Oceanline (APOL) posted a net profit of Rp20,98 billion at the end of last year.Citing financial reports from information disclosure Indonesia stock exchange (idx), Thursday (4/9/2015), the company's business revenues decreased 25 per cent amounting to Rp824,64 billion in the past year, from revenues of Rp1,10 trillion at the end of 2013.Profit before tax was Rp31,32 billion in the past year, or fall from a loss before tax of Rp947,12 billion in 2013. The burden of the company's services into Rp833,59 billion in 2014, or fall from a position of Rp1,42 trillion at the end of 2013. Gross loss is also a Rp8,95 billion in the past year, or down from gross loss of Rp320,41 billion in 2013.Business loss suffered by the company being Rp5,33 billion in 2014, or fall from a position of Rp685,52 billion at the end of 2013. The financial revenue of the company being Rp239,47 billion in 2014, or up from the financial income amounting to Rp44,26 billion in 2013.The financial burden to be Rp203,34 billion at the end of 2014, or fall from a position of financial burden amounting to Rp306,10 billion in 2013. The profit rises to Rp525,13 million in 2014, or fall from a position of Rp239,67 million in 2013. As for the position of assets Rp1,85 trillion being in APOL 2014, or fall from the position of assets amounting to Rp2,57 trillion at the end of 2013. AHL
翻訳されて、しばらくお待ちください.., Jakarta: After Rp894,55 billion net loss at the end of 2013, now PT Arpeni Pratama Tbk Oceanline (APOL) posted a net profit of Rp20,98 billion at the end of last year. Citing financial statement disclosure of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX ), Thursday (09/04/2015), the company's operating income declined 25 percent by Rp824,64 billion last year, on revenues of Rp1.10 trillion position at the end of 2013. Profit before tax to Rp31,32 billion last year, or down from a loss before tax of Rp947,12 billion in 2013. Cost of services the company became Rp833,59 billion in 2014, down from the position Rp1,42 trillion at the end of 2013. The gross loss also become Rp8,95 billion last year, or down from gross loss of Rp320,41 billion in 2013. The operating loss suffered by the company became Rp5,33 billion in 2014, down from the position of Rp685,52 billion at the end of 2013. The company's financial income into Rp239,47 billion in 2014, or rise of financial income amounted Rp44,26 billion in 2013. Finance charges be Rp203,34 billion at the end of 2014, down from the position of the financial burden of Rp306,10 billion in 2013. Equity in net income rose to Rp525,13 million in 2014, or down of position Rp239,67 million in 2013. The asset position APOL to Rp1.85 trillion in 2014, down from the position of Rp2,57 trillion of assets at the end of 2013. AHL