– GODZILLA is one of the band's Death Metal poles in the ground water that still exist in the underground music world until this very second. This is evidenced by his second album of Godzilla under the joint label i.e. Edelweiss Production. The band's second album was driven by Novan took the title "In Absentia".This time we tried to pry a little about Godzilla and the second album with the drummer Novan.Salam kenal dulu dong whoever the latest personnel from Godzilla?Our bro, Halloo from Godzilla, on our second album, our newest line-up at Lilik Godz (vocals), Arie (bass), Chandra (guitar), and drummer certainly Novan Godzilla JCeritain little dong of the process his latest album "In Absentia"? How long is the creation of new material, in the studio where, how long the process of recording?New materials process runs with a more mature concept, material from the concept of the song, the lyrics to the album cover. It took a fair grazing for new material, because the lineup is also new, snap some hard head bro, because every individual must have the concept of each one and there's one song that we re-arrangement for this album, teamwork is needed.For the process of recording his very crazy and fast, Osiris Studio & crew so witnesses everything .... hahahaha .... Only three days for his recording process, successfully we rampungkan. The process of Mixing and Mastering a rather long, it took three blan held by Amri Putradjaya (Invictus) and assisted by Herdy Dwiyana (Ozryel).Globally who want delivered this second album of Godzilla on what?Globally we actually told me about an awareness of and concern for the entire community of Indonesia will be the situation and conditions. this nation. We pour our experience and what we see in the real, sort of a portfolio from a summary of what happened to this nation, because we love our country Indonesia.What distinguishes between the first album with this second album?With the new lineup, tentumya musicality of any casualties brought a different atmosphere, a lot of new entries for the band. Certainly influence on our album rampungkan, so each album have different colors, with different personnel, because we do not separate the flow of any music, as long as msih deserve according to our and enjoy our play, why not? Music is a Music, Just having fun BRO. Makes you feel better, Play it! ...!!!!When launching the album Godzilla "In Absentia", and how the impression you guys about lauching?The launching of the album party with our title Invictus band, January 15, 2011 at the Green Cafe, Kemang Jakarta, assisted by friends of the band rock the baseball longer doubt, Panic Disorder, the torment of the grave and Catharsis. Thanx guys for his support.Kami sangat amat puas dengan event kecil kami itu, karena berjalan lancar dan aman juga on time…!!! Itu yang perlu digarisbawahi. Meski enggak terlalu full penontonnya karena cuaca yang tidak bisa diperkirakan, tapi kami puas dengan crowd yang ada dan dibantu dengan instrumen yang mumpuni di event tersebut.Akhirnya kami bisa membuktikan Godzilla masih tetap eksis dan mudah-mudahan bisa menginspirasi teman-teman semua untuk terus berkarya dalam membangun scene Death Metal di Indonesia.Kalau kita perhatikan promo tour album kedua Godzilla ini gencar di beberapa kota, menurut kalian bagaimana?Promo tour ini kami agendakan jauh sebelum album ini dibuat, semacam khayalan sajalah. Hahahaha…. Meski waktunya enggak berdekatan dan tempat event promo-nya juga enggka terlalu jauh, kami sangat amat puas dengan antusias dan animo Metalheads daerah tersebut, mantabs bro…!!!! Kami bertrima kasih sekali untuk EO (Event Organizer) yang mnyelenggrakan promo tour band kami ini.Respon dari para Metalheads mengenai album kedua ini?Alhamdulillah, perjuangan kami enggak sia-sia bro, kami banyak terima sambutan yang sangat baik dari teman-teman Metalheads semuanya, meski kami mengakui album ini pun tidak sempurna, banyak kekurangan disana-sini, ada beberapa kritikan dan saran, kami terima dengan terbuka karena orang lain yang menilai musik kami, dan orang lain yang beli CD kami, jadi kami sangat bertrima kasih juga kepada semua teman-teman yang membeli CD kami dan memberikan kritik saran kepada kami, dengan begitu kami bisa terus berkarya dengan baik…. Yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhh… Thanx Guys…..