02. Sebagai salam perkenalan kita, mungkin bisa diceritakan secara sin翻訳 - 02. Sebagai salam perkenalan kita, mungkin bisa diceritakan secara sin英語言う方法

02. Sebagai salam perkenalan kita,

02. Sebagai salam perkenalan kita, mungkin bisa diceritakan secara singkat sejarah terbentuknya DV?
DV : Ok, DV itu terbentuk pada 22 Nopember 2001 di pinggiran timur Jakarta, didirikan
oleh empat orang pemuda yang mempunyai kesamaan hobby mendengarkan dan memainkan musik cadas. Formasi awal DV yakni Iwan-Vocals, BoyBleh-Guitars, Bony-Bass, Andri-Drums. Nama Dead Vertical terinspirasi dari fenomena kehidupan di dunia saat ini dimana hubungan vertical antara Tuhan dengan manusia telah mati!!seiring dengan perkembangan waktu, DV telah beberapa kali mengalami pergantian formasi. Pada pertengahan 2003 Andri –Drums mengundurkan diri dan digantikan oleh Bimo hingga awal 2004 setelah rilis album perdana DV “Fenomena Akhir Zaman. Setelah itu Bimo pun mengundurkan diri dan posisi Drummer DV digantikan oleh Arya”Blood” hingga sekarang. Akhir 2005 Iwan-Vocals akhirnya mengundurkan diri juga sehingga formasi dead Vertical menjadi trio hingga sekarang yakni : BoyBleh-Guitars/Vocals, Bony-Bass, Arya”Blood”-Drums.

03. Bisa ceritakan gimana kalian bisa menjalin kerjasama dengan label death metal kebanggaan bangsa Barbar Indonesia, Rottrevore Records?
Apa tuntutan yang harus kalian penuhi selama di bawah ketek eh naungannya? Apa juga yang kalian tuntut dari label tersebut?
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DV : ha..ha..ya singkat cerita kita bias kerjasama dengan Rottrevore Records karena label tersebut tertarik dengan musikalitas&performance DV, dan DV sendiri tertarik bekerjasama dengan Label Metal besar tersebut, jadi kita sepakat untuk bekerjasama dimana hal tersebut direalisasikan dengan perilisan album kedua DV “Infecting The World” yang sudah beredar awal bulan mei ini di toko2 kaset serta distro2. Yang harus kita penuhi sebagai band yang dirilis ialah mengikatkan diri dengan pihak label serta menjalankan kewajiban2 band sampai kontrak berakhir. Yang kita tuntut terhadap label adalah label berkewajiban mendistribusikan karya kita dengan baik disertai promosi sebagai follow up perilisan karya kita.

04. Dari sekian artwork yang kalian keluarkan, baik berupa press release, artwork T'shirt, tumbnail, header ataupun banner. Saya melihat sang pembuat karya itu begitu mahir di dunia grafis...benar-benar menarik menurut saya. Tak ada kesan berlebih-lebihan apalagi norak, semua begitu natural. Bisa kalian ceritakan ide siapakah itu?
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DV :He..he artwork DV itu ide kita bertiga..makasih banget kalo dinilai begitu. Kalo cover depan album kedua kami yang beru dirilis itu idenya dari kawan kami, Bang Yoppie (Revitol).

05. Hmm...sekali saya nonton DV saat di Bandung Death Fest #2. Meski hanya sound check saat itu kalian bermain begitu apik, rapi, tentu ganas dan brutal!
DV : hwahahaha.ganas brutal kayak beruang grisly?he..he thanks..ya kita berusaha menampilkan sound dan perform kita sebaik mungkin untuk membuat penonton merasa puas.

06. Akhir-akhir ini show kalian begitu padat, apa kalian punya suatu manajemen khusus mengatur keperluan show kalian?
DV : oh iya, kita punya suatu manajemen untuk mengatur masalah2 tersebut dan kebetulan manajemen DV dipegang oleh kita bertiga dengan koordinator kawan kami, Yuzar.

07. Perlu tidak, crew pada sebuah show? Apa kalian pakai crew khusus?
DV : Crew sangat diperlukan untuk menghandle masalah dan keperluan player di panggung. Masing2 player harus memiliki satu orang crew. Kita sendiri saat ini mememiliki 3 orang crew, 1 Soundman, dan 1 orang dokumentasi.

08. Jika kalian dihadapkan pada suatu persoalan, memilih menikah berhenti ngeband atau ngeband terus tapi nggak menikah?
DV : Ha. ha. ha, Jelas Menikah lah!!kita kan cwo normal. Ya kalo bisa setelah menikah tetap ngeband juga. Gitu bos….
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09. Apa kalian mengusung grindcore? Diskripsikan grindcore yang kalian usung seperti apa? barangkali ada beberapa band-band yang menjadi panutan kalian?
DV : Yup, 100% kita mengusung Grindcore. Deskripsi Grindcore yang kita usung adalah grindcore yang diramu dengan Thrash-Death Metal serta dipadukan unsur Hardcore. Berkarakter brutal, padat, heavy, dan agresif dengan style Eropa. Band2 influence kita seperti : Napalm Death, Terrorizer, Brutal Truth, Nasum, Rotten Sound, Misery Index, Lock Up, Sepultura, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide dsb.

10. Berbicara tentang panutan, apakah Tengkorak yang nota bene band senior grindcore tanah air patut dijadikan sebuah panutan?
DV :, ya..itu semua tergantung dari pandangan masing2 band, apakah band tersebut mereka anggap sebagai panutan atau tidak.

11. Kalian punya kesibukan di luar band? Sekolah, Kuliah, Bekerja atau nganggur?
Mana yang menurut kalian penting dan di utamakan ngeband atau salah satu dari pilihan tersebut?
DV : kebetulan kita bertiga udah lulus kuliah semua. Bagi kita, kerja tetap penting karena itu untuk menghidupi diri kita sendiri.

12. Berikan kami refferensi kalian 10 band-band death metal/grindcore tanah air, yang menurut kalian bagus secara musik maupun masa depan dari band tersebut?
DV : referensi dari kita : Panic Disorder, Siksakubur, Jasad, Bleeding Corpse, Rajasinga, Formyblood, DeadSquad, Extreme Decay, Noxa, Morbid Dust.
13. Apa kalian kesulitan mengatur jadwal latihan? dimana kalian biasanya latihan?
DV : sampai saat ini kita tidak terlalu kesulitan mengatur jadwal latihan, biasanya kita latihan di studio kardus di duren sawit Jakarta

14. Jika suatu ketika karena tuntutan profesi kalian terpaksa harus pindah ke daerah terpencil tanpa listrik maupun sarana apapun, apa kalian tetap bermain musik cadas? Padahal jelas-jelas di daerah tersebut musik cadas begini sangat dilarang...Jika ketahuan memakai t'shirt ataupun aksesories metal akan langsung di penjara atau tembak di tempat! Serem,kan?
DV : hahahaha..Hiperbola bgt sh???ha..ha..kalo keadaannya sampai gitu kita ga mainin musik cadas…dangdut mungkin pilihan the best buat daerah seperti itu hahahahaha…..
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15. Seberapa penting peranan myspace menurut kalian? Bagaimana jika pemerintah memblokir jaringan sosial myspace ini?
DV :..myspace sangat berperan untuk media promosi dan komunikasi antar band dan komunitas (scene)..kalo sampai diblokir…..berarti government kita sangat naïf, karena media ini bukan media yang berbahaya. Justru sangat membantu band2 serta seniman2 lainnya.

16. Harga bensin sebentar lagi bakal naik, apa kalian mendukung kebijakan pemerintah tersebut? Jika kalian menjadi presiden, apa yang harusnya kalian lakukan saat ini? Apa menaikkan minyak mengikuti harga pasaran international, atau tidak menaikkan minyak tapi anggaran belanja negara habis dan mungkin 2 bulan kedepan pemerintah bakal bangkrut...
DV : kita sebenarnya kurang setuju dan keberatan akan kenaikan bbm tersebut, kalo kita jadi presiden, yang kita lakuin, kita tangkepin semua koruptor trus kita sita hartanya buat bayar hutang Negara atau subsidi bbm. (tapi susah bos..Indonesia menghalalkan korupsi..ha..ha)

17. Dari mana biasanya kalian dapat refferensi CD band-band metal mancanegara? Kalian lebih suka order CD original atau bajakan? atau mungkin malah beli MP3 aja sebagai koleksi?
DV : he..he..mp3 aja lah..murah meriah..tapi kita juga punya sedikt CD orsinil band mancanegara, kalo band Lokal kita wajib beli yang asli donk..support Local Band!!

18. Setuju nggak, pembajakan t'shirt metal mancanegara oleh orang-orang Indonesia?
DV : setuju2 aja asal ga ketauan..ha..ha..

19. Bagaimana cara kalian melatih tempo permainan kalian supaya tidak kacau? Apa kalian memakai panduan metronome dalam berlatih atau rekaman?
DV : kalau latihan sih kita ga pakai metronome, kekompakan aja yang kita handalkan, tapi kalo rekaman jelas kita pakai metronome agar temponya lebih stabil.

20. Global Warming (GW), apa efek dari GW yang nyata kalian rasakan? apa seruan kalian tentang GW?
DV : efek GW yang kita rasain sekarang, kekacauan musim, udara menjadi semakin panas..kebetulan di album terbaru kami kita juga mengangkat masalah tersebut yang dituangkan dalam judul lagu kita “Global Warming”.
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21. Jika suatu saat kalian di tawari tour keliling Amerika dan Eropa. Apa yang kalian harapkan?
DV : yang kita harapkan kita bisa bertemu band2 cadas disana, dan musik kami bisa diterima oleh scene disana.

22. Selain Jakarta atau Bandung. Kalian pernah show selain daerah tersebut?
DV : pernah. Ada beberapa kota selain kota tersebut yang pernah kita kunjungi untuk show.

23. Sebagai penutup bincang hangat ini, kalian bisa menawarkan merchandise atau apapun disini. Ada pesan untuk pembaca?
DV : yupz, dalam waktu dekat ini merchandise DV berupa T-Shirt dan topi akan segera beredar di distro2 lokal.(rilis by StuffMonger, TheLoveConspiracy, LittleRock, Monster)
Pesan dari kita : Belilah album terbaru DV “Infecting The World”..dijamin kalian akan terinfeksi menjadi lebih Grindcore!!!ha..ha..Keep Brutal Stay Exist!!!!c.u aon the hellPits next.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
7. as regards the introduction of the us, might be told briefly the history of the formation of DV?DV: DV, Ok it was formed on 22 November 2001 on the eastern outskirts of Jakarta, was founded by four young men who have in common a hobby of listening to and playing rock music. The initial formation of the DV i.e. Iwan-Vocals, BoyBleh-Guitars, Bass, Bony-Andri-Drums. The name of the Dead inspired Vertical Liv phenomenon in today's world where the vertical relationship between God and man are dead!! along with the changing time, DV having been several times experienced the turn formation. In mid-2003 Andri – Drums resigned and was replaced by Bimo until early 2004 after the release of the debut album DV "phenomenon of the end. Thereafter Bimo pun resigned and the position of Drummer was replaced by DV Aryan "Blood" until now. End of 2005 Iwan-Vocals finally resigned as well so dead Vertical formations became a trio until now: BoyBleh-Guitars/Vocals, Bony-Bass, Aryan "Blood"-Drums.03. I can tell you how you can establish a partnership with the label death metal pride barbarians Indonesia, Rottrevore Records?What you guys should meet demands during the ketek eh under the shade? What do you guys also demanded from the label?Free Image Hosting At ImageCows.NetDV: ha ... HA ... ya long story short we bias in collaboration with the label because Rottrevore Records interested with musicality & performance DV, DV and yourself are interested in cooperation with the major Metal Label, so we agreed to cooperate where it was realized with the release of their second album DV "Infecting The World" are already circulating early this month of may in toko2 tapes as well as distro2. Should we fill as the band released is tying himself with party labels as well as running the kewajiban2 band until the contract expires. We demand against the label is the label obliged work distribute us well accompanied by the promotion as the follow up release of the work we do.04. Of the artwork that you guys put out, either in the form of press releases, artwork T'shirt, thumbnail, header or banner. I see the maker of the paper was so adept in the world of graphics ... really interesting in my opinion. There is no impression of extravagance much less tacky, all so natural. Can you guys tell me whose idea was that?Free Image Hosting At ImageCows.NetDV: He ... He artwork DV it our ideas threes ... makasih banget kalo votes so. Kalo front cover of our second album beru released it the idea of our comrade, Bang Yoppie (Revitol).05. Hmm ... Once I am watching DV on the Bandung Death Fest # 2. Although only the sound check that time you guys play so stylish, neat, naturally violent and brutal!DV: hwahahaha. vicious brutal kayak bear grisly? he.. He thanks ... Yes we tried showing sound and perform to our best to make audiences feel satisfied.boy_dead_vertical06. Late show you guys are so solid, what you guys have a special set of management purposes show you guys?DV: oh yes, we've got a management to regulate the management and accidental masalah2 DV is held by the three of us with our friends Coordinator, Yuzar.07. need not, crew on a show? What you guys use special crew?DV: the Crew is very necessary for handling big problems and the purposes of the player on stage. Masing2 player should have a one person crew. Our own current mememiliki 3 person crew, one Soundman, and 1 person documentation.08. If you guys are faced with a question, choose stop ngeband married ngeband or keep but do not get married?DV: Ha. HA. HA, obviously Married lah!! We kan cwo normal. Yes this was possible after marriage still ngeband too. So the boss ....Free Image Hosting At ImageCows.Net09. What you guys are carrying the grindcore? Diskripsikan grindcore are you critical limits stretcher like what? Perhaps there are some bands who became role models for you guys?DV: Yup, 100% we carry Grindcore. Grindcore description we are a critical limits stretcher grindcore mixed with Thrash-Death Metal as well as combined elements of Hardcore. Characteristic of solid, heavy, brutal, aggressive and with European style. Band2 influence we like: Napalm Death, Terrorizer, Brutal Truth, Nasum, Rotten Sound, Misery Index, Lock Up, Cannibal Corpse, Sepultura, Deicide, etc.10. Talk about a role model, whether a Skull note bene senior Homeland grindcore band ought to be made as a role model?DV:, o. .. It all depends on the view to talk about the band, the band did they consider as role models or not.boni_dead_vertical11. You guys have the bustle outside the band? School, College, work or idle?Where do you guys think is important and in prioritizing their ngeband or one of the options?DV: coincidence we've graduated three of all. For us, the work remains important because it is to live out ourselves.12. Provide us refferensi you guys 10 bands death metal/grindcore homeland, which according to you guys good musically as well as the future of the band?DV: references from us: Panic Disorder, Siksakubur, Remains, of Bleeding Corpse, Rajasinga, Formyblood, DeadSquad, Extreme Decay, Noxa, Morbid Dust.13. What you guys the trouble set workout schedule? where y'all usually exercise?DV: so far we are not overly trouble set workout schedule, usually we are rehearsals in the studios of cardboard in duren sawit Jakarta14. If a profession demands of you guys because when forced to move to remote areas without electricity or any means, what you guys keep playing rock music? Though clearly in the area of rock music this way is strictly prohibited ... If caught wearing t'shirt or accessories of metal will be directly in prison or shoot on the spot! Serem, right?DV: hahahaha ... Hyperbola bgt sh??? HA ... HA ... Kalo was the case until our ga gitu mainin rock music ... the best choice probably dangdut create such areas hahahahaha .....Free Image Hosting At ImageCows.Net15. How important is the role of myspace according to you guys? What if the Government blocked the social networking myspace?DV: ... MySpace is very instrumental to the promotion of media and communication between the band and the Community (scene). Kalo until blocked. .... meaning our government very naïf, since this media is not media. Thus greatly help as well as other seniman2 band2.16. The price of gasoline would go up soon, what you guys support the Government's policy? If you became President, what should you do now? What raised the oil price following the international market, or do not raise the State budget but the oil runs out and maybe 2 months ahead the Government would bankrupt ...DV: we are actually less agreed and objected to the fuel price hike, will reply to our President, so we lakuin, we tangkepin all our sita trus corruptor of his wealth make pay debts of State fuel subsidies or. (but difficult boss ... Indonesia condone corruption. .. HA ... HA)17. Where usually you guys can refferensi CD foreign metal bands? You guys prefer to order a CD of original or pirated? or maybe even purchase MP3 aja as a collection?DV: he ... He. .. MP3 aja lah.. cheaper festive ... but we also have a sedikt CD orsinil band foreigner, local band we have an obligation to buy the original donk ... ... support Local Bands!!18. Agree dont, piracy t'shirt metal abroad by people of Indonesia?DV: setuju2 aja ga ketauan. origin. HA ... HA ...19. How do you guys train a tempo game you guys so not messed up? What do you guys wear guide metronome in practicing or recording?DV: If the exercise of our ga sih pakai aja compactness metronome, we handalkan, but if the recording is clear we wear metronome tempo in order to be more stable.20. Global Warming (GW), what are the effects of GW is real you guys feel? what you guys cry about GW?DV: the effects of GW we rasain now, chaos of the season, the air is becoming increasingly hot ... chance in our latest album we also raised the issue that poured in our song title "Global Warming".Free Image Hosting At ImageCows.Net21. If at any time you offer tour round the Americas and Europe. What do you guys expect?DV: we hope we can meet up there, and rock band2 music we can be accepted by the scene there.22. In addition to Jakarta or Bandung. You guys ever show in addition to the area?DV: never. There are few cities in addition to the city we ever visit for show.arya_dead_vertical23. In closing this warm talk, you guys could offer merchandise or anything here. There is a message for readers?DV: yupz, in the near future in the form of DV merchandise t-shirts and hats will soon be circulating in the local distro2. (release by StuffMonger, TheLoveConspiracy, LittleRock, monsters)Message from us: Buy the DV's latest album "Infecting The World.". guaranteed you will be infected more Grindcore!!! HA ... HA ... Keep Stay Brutal Exist!!!! c. u the aon hellPits next.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
02. As regards the introduction we may be told in a brief history of the formation of DV?
DV: Ok, DV was formed on 22 November 2001 in the eastern outskirts of Jakarta, founded
by four young men who have a common hobby of listening and playing rock music. The initial formation Iwan DV-Vocals, BoyBleh-Guitars, Bony-Bass, Andri-Drums. Dead Vertical name is inspired by the phenomenon of life in today's world where the vertical relationship between God and man is dead !! along with the time, DV has several times the turn of the formation. In the middle of 2003 Andri -Drums resigned and was replaced by Ben until early 2004 after the release of their debut album DV "The phenomenon of the End Times. After that Ben had resigned and the position Drummer DV replaced by Arya "Blood" until now. The end of the 2005 Blue-Vocals finally resigned as well so that the formation of dead Vertical become a trio until now are: BoyBleh-Guitars / Vocals, Bony-Bass, Arya "Blood" -Drums. 03. Can you tell us how you could collaborate with the label death metal pride of the Berbers Indonesia, Rottrevore Records? What should you meet the demands for shade under armpit eh? What do you guys also demanded from the label? Free Image Hosting At ImageCows.Net DV: ha..ha..ya story short we are biased cooperation with Rottrevore Records because the label is interested in the musicality and performance DV and DV himself interested in cooperation with large Metal Label that, so we have agreed to cooperate where it is realized with the release of second album DV "infecting the World" are already circulating in early May toko2 tapes and distro2. We must meet as the band released is binding themselves with the label and the band kewajiban2 run until the contract expires. We demand of the label are obliged to distribute labels we work well as a follow-up accompanied by the promotion of the release of our work. 04. Of all the artwork that you remove it, either in the form of press releases, artwork t'shirt, thumbnails, header or banner. I see the creator's work was so adept in the world of graphics ... really interesting in my opinion. Nothing exaggerated impression especially tacky, all so natural. Can you tell me an idea who is it? Free Image Hosting At ImageCows.Net DV: DV artwork he he was an idea we really bertiga..makasih if assessed so. If the front cover of our second album released Beru was the idea of our friend, Bang Yoppie (Revitol). 05. Hmm ... so I am watching DV while in Bandung Death Fest # 2. Although only a sound check at the time you play so neat, tidy, naturally vicious and brutal! DV: hwahahaha.ganas brutal kayak grisly bear? He he thanks..ya we try to show sound and perform our best to make the audience feel satisfied . boy_dead_vertical 06. Lately show you are so dense, do you have a special management set purposes show you? DV: Oh yes, we have a management to manage masalah2 them and incidentally management DV held by the three of us with the coordinator of our friends, Yuzar. 07. Need not, the crew on the show? Do you wear a special crew? DV: Crew is needed to handle the problem and the need players on the stage. Masing2 player must have one person crew. We ourselves are currently mememiliki 3 crew, 1 Soundman and 1 documentation. 08. If you are faced with a problem, choose to marry quit the band or the band continued but not married? DV: Ha. ha. ha, Married lah !! Obviously we're cwo normal. Yes this was possible after marriage remains the band as well. So the boss .... Free Image Hosting At ImageCows.Net 09. Do you carry grindcore? Diskripsikan stretcher grindcore that you like? perhaps there are some bands that become your role model? DV: Yup, 100% we carry Grindcore. Description of Grindcore we stretcher is grindcore mixed with Thrash-Death Metal and Hardcore elements combined. Character brutal, dense, heavy and aggressive with the European style. Band2 influences we like: Napalm Death, Terrorizer, Brutal Truth, Nasum, Rotten Sound, Misery Index, Lock Up, Sepultura, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide etc. 10. Talking about role models, whether Skull postscript senior grindcore band homeland should be used as a role model? DV:, ya..itu all depends on the views masing2 band, whether the band they consider to be a role model or not. Boni_dead_vertical 11. You have a busy life outside the band? Schools, Study, Work or idle? Which do you think is important and in prioritizing the band or any of these options? DV: coincidence three of us already graduated from college all. For us, work is still important because it is to feed ourselves. 12. Give us refferensi you 10 bands death metal / grindcore homeland, who do you good in music as well as the future of the band? DV: references from us: Panic Disorder, Siksakubur, The body, Bleeding Corpse, Rajasinga, Formyblood, DeadSquad, Extreme Decay, Noxa, Morbid Dust. 13. What do you trouble arranging a workout schedule? where you usually exercise? DV: to date we are not too difficult to schedule practice, we usually exercise in studio cardboard palm duren Jakarta 14. If at one time because of the demands of the profession you are forced to move to remote areas without electricity or means anything, do you still play rock music? Though clearly in the area of rock music like this is prohibited ... If caught wearing t'shirt or metal accessories will be directly in jail or shot on the spot! Scary, right? DV: hahahaha..Hiperbola bgt sh ??? ha..ha..kalo situation until we are so ga mainin rock music ... dangdut probably the best option for the area as it hahahahaha ... .. Free Image Hosting At ImageCows. Net 15. How important a role do you think myspace? What if the government blocked the social networking myspace this? DV: .. myspace plays an important role for the promotion of media and communication between the band and the community (scene) .. reply to ..berarti government blocked ... we are very naive, because the media is not harmful media. Precisely very helpful band2 and other seniman2. 16. Gasoline prices will soon rise, do you support the government's policy? If you become president, what should you do today? What raised the price of oil following the international market, or not to raise the oil but the state budget runs out and possibly two months the government will go bankrupt ... DV: we actually disagree and objected to the increase in the fuel, if we become president, we lakuin, we tangkepin corrupt then we seized all his property to pay the debt for the State or fuel. (but hard to justify bos..Indonesia korupsi..ha..ha) 17. From where you usually can refferensi CD foreign metal bands? You prefer the original order or pirated CD? or maybe even buy just as a collection of MP3? DV: he..he..mp3 wrote lah..murah meriah..tapi we also have an indigenous CD sedikt foreign bands, local bands if we are obligated to buy the original donk..support Local Band !! 18. Do not agree, metal t'shirt foreign piracy by the Indonesian people? DV: setuju2 aja origin ketauan..ha..ha ga .. 19. How do you train the tempo of the game so you do not messed up? Do you wear a metronome guide the practice or recording? DV: if we still practice ga metronome use, compactness wrote that we handalkan, but if we use clear tape metronome tempo that is more stable. 20. Global Warming (GW), what is the effect of the real GW you feel? What appeals to you about GW? DV: GW effect that we rasain now, the chaos of the season, the air is becoming increasingly panas..kebetulan in our latest album we also raised the issue stated in the title of our song "Global Warming". Free Image Hosting At ImageCows .net 21. If at any time you guys offered the tour around America and Europe. What do you expect? DV: we hoped we could meet band2 rock there, and we can be accepted by the music scene there. 22. In addition to Jakarta or Bandung. You ever show in addition to the area? DV: never. There are some cities other than the city we've ever visited to show. Arya_dead_vertical 23. In closing this warm conversation, you could offer merchandise or anything here. There is a message for our readers? DV: yupz, in the near future merchandise DV form of T-shirts and caps will soon be available in distro2 local. (Release by StuffMonger, TheLoveConspiracy, Littlerock, Monster) message from us: Buy the new album DV "infecting the World ".. guaranteed you will get infected become more Grindcore Brutal Stay Exist !!! ha..ha..Keep !!!! cu aon the hellPits next.

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