Perusahaan didirikan pada bulan November 1983 dengan nama PT. Dipo Sta翻訳 - Perusahaan didirikan pada bulan November 1983 dengan nama PT. Dipo Sta英語言う方法

Perusahaan didirikan pada bulan Nov

Perusahaan didirikan pada bulan November 1983 dengan nama PT. Dipo Star Leasing dan memulai kegiatannya pada Mei 1984. Dengan semakin berkembangnya bidang usaha dimana tidak terfokus pada kegiatan Leasing saja, tetapi juga dalam bidang usaha Consumer Finance dan Factoring maka pada bulan Juni 1989, PT. Dipo Star Leasing berubah nama menjadi PT. Dipo Star Finance dan kemudian pada tahun 1992 bergabung dengan Mitsubishi Corporation - Jepang, sehingga berubah statusnya dari perusahaan nasional menjadi perusahaan Joint Venture.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The company was founded in November 1983 under the name of PT Dipo Star Leasing and started its activities in May 1984. Growing businesses which are not focused on Leasing activities, but also in the business of Consumer Finance and Factoring then in June 1989, PT. Dipo Star Leasing changed its name to PT Dipo Star Finance and then in 1992 joined Mitsubishi Corporation-Japan, thereby changing the status of a national company into a Joint Venture Company.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The Company was established in November 1983 under the name. Dipo Star Leasing and commenced operations in May 1984. With the growing field of business which does not focus on leasing activity, but also in the business of Consumer Finance and Factoring then in June 1989, PT. Dipo Star Leasing changed its name to PT. Dipo Star Finance and then in 1992 joined with Mitsubishi Corporation - Japan, thus changing the status of a national company into a Joint Venture company.
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