・ Cocokkan kondisi perusahaan dengan “Konten pengecekan” yang ada di dalam “Lembar pengecekan audit”, beri “tanda centang/V” atau “hitamkan/■” salah satu kotak “Tepat”, “Tidak tepat”, atau “Tidak sesuai”.
・ Metode pengecekan “Konten pengecekan” pada “Lembar pengecekan audit” dilaksanakan dengan cara yang tertulis di “Metode pengecekan” (Tanya jawab, cek dokumen, cek lapangan, dsb.).
・ Jika hasil pengecekan adalah “Tidak tepat”, pastikan untuk menuliskan kontennya di kolom “Alasan”.
・ Jika hasil pengecekan adalah “Tepat”, tuliskan kontennya di kolom “Alasan” jika diperlukan, misal: terkontrol sangat baik.
・ Jika hasil penilaian sendiri adalah “Tidak sesuai”, tuliskan alasan ketidaksesuaiannya di kolom “Alasan”.
・ Match the conditions of the company with a "freebie" Content that is in audit checking "Sheet", give yourself a "check mark" or "a/V on/■" one box "Right", "improper", or "not appropriate".・ Checking Method "content checking" on the "audit checking Sheet" was implemented in a way that is written in "method of checking" (faqs, check the document, check the field, etc.).・ If the results of the checking is "not right", be sure to write the content in the "reason" column.・ If the results of the checking is the "appropriate", write the content in the "reason" field if required, e.g. controlled very well.・ If the results of the assessment itself was "not appropriate", write down the reason ketidaksesuaiannya in column "Reasons".

· Match the condition of the company with the "Content-checking" is in the "audit check sheet", give a "tick / V" or "scapegoating / ■" one box "Right", "Not right", or "not appropriate".
· Methods of checking the "Content-checking" on "The audit checks" carried out in a manner that is written in "Methods of checking" (FAQ, check the document, check the field, etc.).
· If the checking result is "not right", make sure to write down content in the column "Reason".
· If the checking result is "Right", write the contents in the column "Reason" if necessary, eg controlled very well.
· If the results of the assessment itself is "not appropriate", write the reason for incompatibility in the column "Reason ".